b'Change Prayer Practices Prayer practices establish expectations and set the tone for your group. Examine your current prayer practices and fi nd small ways to change them to embrace Lent. By modifyingBy modifying your daily prayer practices, your dailyyou signal that something different is afoot. prayerChanges can be simple but effective.practices,Begin prayer each day with a simple phrase, such you signalas, During this Lenten season, we pray, or, thatDuring Lent, we are called to turn away from sin somethingand be faithful to the Gospel, and so we pray. differentYou might also incorporate or lengthen the silence is afoot. during prayer (even if only for 30 seconds). Adding music can signifi cantly change the spirit of prayer. Using a short, sung refrain (possibly one used in the local parish during Lent) or playing a video of refl ective music brings a different dimension to prayer. A simple modifi cation to routine can help the children recognize and enter more deeply into the Lenten season. 8'