b'Lectio DivinaLectio divina is an ancient and special type of scripturalprayer. Translated from Latin, it means holy reading or spiritual reading. Here is a simplified version of the four steps of lectio divina that you can do with children.1. Lectio (Reading): Proclaim the Scripture reading to the children. Read a portion of the Scripture, or a particular phrase, a second or even a third time.Example: Read John 10:1115. Then, slowly repeat the phrase, I am the Good Shepherd, two more times.2. Meditatio (Meditation): Give the children a particular word or phrase to think about. Also, briefly explain why the chosen word or phrase is so important.Example: Explain what a shepherd is and show a picture of a shepherd. Then, ask the children to close their eyes and imagine Jesus as a good shepherd. Ask the children to silently reflect on the following question: How is Jesus like a shepherd in your life?3. Oratio (Prayer): Ask the children to silently talk to God about the Word that they have heard.Example: In the quiet of your heart, thank Jesus for being your Good Shepherd and talk to him about your family or your friends.4. Contemplatio (Contemplation): Invite the children to be silent for a minute and rest in Gods love.Example: Be still and rest in the love and protection of the Good Shepherd.28 Inspire!Winter 2020'