b'AC TI V IT YExamination of ConscienceDuring Lent, we are called to pause and focus on our relationship with God.One of the best ways to do this is in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. An examination of conscience is a good way to begin to prepare for the Sacrament. An examination of conscience is a way to think about our actions and see where we might do better. Five examples of questions that can help us refl ect on our actions are below. Create fi ve additional questions for refl ection. On the back of this page or another piece of paper, write down some things you might need to talk about the next time you receive the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.1. Do I pray every day?2. Am I generous to others, especially the poor?3. Do I ask the Holy Spirit for help in times of trouble?4. Do I forgive other people?5. Am I respectful to everyone? activity is adapted from Chapter 13 of the Grade 5 Activity Booklet in the Discover! Finding Faith in Life program.TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DISCOVER!visit smp.org/discoverparish or smp.org/discoverschoolSubscribe today!smp.org/inspire 13'