b's winter lengthens, the days canmost importantly, this phrase provides become more challenging.an intentional moment to recognize the Our students have become a bit tooOne who has given us all that we have.comfortable in the classroom and areThe Lenten season affords us with the likely feeling and acting on the mentalopportunity to develop new habits and wear and tear of the long winter days.refocus ourselves. We are challenged We ourselves may be starting to feelto do what the Lasallian worn down. The energy of the first few days of theLet uscall to prayer invites us to year has been replaceddo: pause and reflect, be filled with gratitude, and with concerns aboutremember thatrebalance our perspective. too much to do and not enough hours to do it in.we are in theThe enthusiasm we It is easy to lose sight ofexperience at the what is truly important.holy presencebeginning of the school The Brothers of theyear will naturally wane as fall progresses to Christian Schools (De Laof God. winter, and the stresses Salle Brothers) and othersand strains of ministry, who embrace the Lasallianteaching, and everyday charism often beginlife remain. Still, by incorporating a gatherings, meetings, and classes with thesimple call to prayer in our lifewhether following call to prayer: Let us rememberat home, at school, in the car, etc.we that we are in the holy presence of God.can remind ourselves of a truth that will This simple phrase, traditionally followedcenter us in peace, and continue to be a by a moment of silence, serves as ansource of inspiration for all that we do.important reminder of the need to pause and reflect, to be filled with gratitude,Let us remember that we are in and to rebalance our perspective. And,the holy presence of God.nSubscribe today! smp.org/inspire 17'