b'AC TI V IT YHand Motions for the Our Father Prayer1. Create five groups, and3. Write the Our Father on the assign each group a partboard if the children do not of the Our Father: yet have it memorized.Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed4. Give the groups some time be they name. to decide what hand motionsThy Kingdom come; thythey will use and to practice will be done on earththese together. Walk around as it is in heaven. and help the groups come upGive us this day ourwith motions if they need help.daily bread; 5. Invite each group, in order, toand forgive us ourstand and demonstrate their trespasses as wehand motions while saying forgive those whotheir part of the prayer. After trespass against us; each group has finished, beginand lead us not intoagain, this time having the temptation, butgroup teach the hand motions deliver us from evil. to the rest of the children.2. Tell the groups that they are6. Practice as a large group to come up with hand motionsuntil all of the motions to go along with their part ofare memorized. the prayer. Explain that they need to practice this together,7. Pray the Our Father all as they will teach this to thetogether, incorporating the other groups in the room. newly learned hand motions.30 Inspire!Winter 2020'