b'8. Demonstrate the fi nger-fl ip game. to gently pull their hands apart to Have the children place theiropen the folded game in the other pointer fi ngers in the two front fl apsdirection. (Allow the children to and their thumbs in the two backget familiar with these movements fl and to be careful not to tear theaps. Direct them to move their fi paper.) After the children spell angers together to close the paper square completely. Show them howword on the top fl ap and count a to stretch their thumbs and pointernumber from the inside fl ap, askngers at the same time to open fi them to choose another number and close the folded game. Then,and lift the fl ap to reveal the activity moving their fi ngers and keeping athey will do for that week of Lent.tight hold inside the fl aps, tell them Process theActivityEncourage the children to use this game each week (or daily) during Lent as a reminder of theheir choices to live and grow in their faith.This activity is adapted from Chapter 10 of The Catholic Childrens Bible Leader Guide.TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC CHILDRENS BIBLEAND ITS COMPONENTSvisit smp.org/ccbSubscribe today!smp.org/inspire 15'