b'Leader: From Matthews Gospel: Leader: If you are Gods Son, jump off the highest part of Leader: The Holy Spirit ledthe temple and let Gods angels Jesus into the desert.catch you in their arms.There he was tempted. Voice: Tested!Voice: Tested! Chorus: Tested!Chorus: Tested!Leader: Dont test the Leader: Jesus hadnt eatenLord your God!for forty days and forty nights.Voice: Listen to God!He was very hungry. Chorus: Listen to God!Voice: Hungry?Chorus: Hungry? Leader: I will give you all this, said the voice of temptation, if Leader: If you are Gods son, tellyou bow down and worship me.these stones to turn to bread! Voice: Tested!Voice: Tested! Chorus: Tested!Chorus: Tested!Leader: The Bible says, Worship Leader: No one can live onthe Lord your God and serve bread alone. People need everyonly him.word that God has spoken. Voice: Worship God!Voice: Listen to God! Chorus: Worship God!Chorus: Listen to God!Leader: The Gospel of the Lord.Chorus: Praise to you,Lord Jesus Christ.This activity is adapted from First Sunday of Lent as found in Kids Liturgy: A Comprehensive Liturgy of the Word.TO LEARN MORE ABOUT KIDS LITURGYA COMPREHENSIVE visit liturgy.smp.orgCHILDRENS LITURGYOF THE WORDSubscribe today!smp.org/inspire 37'