b'Name:Name:Deleting DeliaDeleting DeliaDelia was typing the Lords Prayer on her computer. Her finger kept hitting the delete key. Can you help Delia was typing the Lords Prayer on her computer. Delia restore the missing words from the prayer? Her finger kept hitting the delete key. Can you help Choose from the words below the box.Delia restore the missing words from the prayer? Choose from the words below the box.Our ___________________, who art in ___________________, hallowed be thy ____________________.Our ___________________, who art in ___________________, thy kingdom come; thy ____________________ be done.hallowed be thy ____________________on ____________________ as it is in ____________________. thy kingdom come; thy ____________________ be doneGive us this day our daily ____________________;on ____________________ as it is in ____________________. and ____________________ us our trespassesGive us this day our daily ____________________;as we forgive those who trespass ____________________ us; and ____________________ us our trespassesand ____________________ us not into temptation,as we forgive those who trespass ____________________ us; but deliver us from evil. Amen. and ____________________ us not into temptation,This activity is taken from but deliver us from evil. Amen. The Catholic Childrens Bible Activity Booklet.Father forgive blessed willlead among name breadFather willagainst forgive blessedfruit heaven name earthgracelead among breadagainst Mothergrace fruit heaven earthMotherSeek and Find: Find the moon on these story pages. Is it a full moon, a half Seek and Find: Find the moon on pages 14601461 of The Catholic Childrens Bible. Is it a full moon, a half moon, or a crescent moon?moon, or a crescent moon?Seek and Find: Find the moon on these story pages. Is it a full moon, a half moon, or a crescent moon?Level 1 Activity: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray (The Catholic Childrens Bible, pages 14601461)Featured Story 18, Level 1Permission to reproduce is granted.2013 by Saint Marys Press 41Featured Story 18, Level 1Permission to reproduce is granted.2013 by Saint Marys Press 41Subscribe today! smp.org/inspire 33'