b'Pope Francis wants the church, as the People of God, to be leaven in society. He connects the People of God with other ideas about the church, many drawn from Vatican II. The Catholic Church is to be active in cultivating its faith and in bringing in new members. It is not just to evangelize others, but to evangelize also itself on every level, including the level of the papacy. It is to be in constant mission, willing to transform itself in service to others. It is to be a place of mercy that does not judge but rather loves. It is to be a bride who is decorated with multiple cultural expressions. It is to be a mother who is open to everyone.EVANGELIZATION AND INCLUSIONPope Francis makes a connection betweensynthesis can connect the message of the evangelization and the theme of inclusion.gospel with the realities of the world in which Christians need to share the joy of the gospelwe live. For Pope Francis, sharing the message with everyoneand all need to have the joy ofof the gospel and working toward a more just the gospel shared with themincluding andsociety that is inclusive of everyone are not two sometimes especially, Christians. The gospelseparate things but part of the same process.needs to be proclaimed anew to practicingIt is in this way that Pope Francis achieves his Christians, those who have fallen away, andbalance between evangelization and liberation those who do not know of Christthoughtheology. Sharing the gospel connects with Pope Francis is sensitive about respecting theliving the gospel, and living the gospel connects existing faiths of others. Evangelization involveswith social and economic inclusion. There is no both the sharing of ones personal synthesis andline to be drawn dividing faith from justice.listening to the personal synthesis of others. Inclusion, however, does not end with spoken words. Everyone who truly has a personal This article is an excerpt fromDennis Doyle is a professor in the religious The Catholic Church in a Changingstudies department at the University of World, by Dennis Doyle (2019). Dayton. He received his doctorate from Winona, MN: Anselm Academic. the Catholic University of America.Copyright 20191. For the concept of spiritual worldliness, Pope Francis cites Henri de Lubac, Mditation sur lglise (Paris: Dsclee de Brouwer, 1953), 321.Quotes from Pope Francis in Evangelii gaudium, 2013, can be found at: https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html.ARTICLE 23'