b'CL A SSROOM A PPLIC ATIONDOWNLOAD THIS: SMP.ORG/ASPIREVOL1REFLECTING ON THE IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE FOR SOCIAL CHANGEGather with other members of your department for adiscussion of this article and how it might impact your teaching.1How does the following statement affirm or challenge your views on revelation? . . . revelation is a promise about the future, experienced and anticipated in the here and now.2 What do you think the author means when he says, The modern God is a God of apathy, and the modern human is the apathetic person of success?Is there evidence in American society that this might be true? How might this observation infl uence you as a teacher? 3 How does the work of Jrgen Moltmann, as cited in this article, inform that apathy?4 How do the covenant of Israel and the cross of Christ inform our teaching?5 What images of God are common among our students? How are these images formed?6 How do we form our students in an image of God that embraces the suff ering, the marginal, or the outsider?7 As a result of this article and discussion, what is one action step you can take to benefi t your students?16 AspireVolume 1//Winter 2020 Subscribe today!smp.org/aspire'