b'the council, two of the more popular images ofXVI expressly favored the Body of Christ for the church, the Body of Christ and the Peopleits explicitly mystical and Christological focus. of God, emerged as banners for contrastingProgressive theologians, including liberation interpretations of the meaning of the council. Thetheologians, favored the People of God for Body of Christ was embraced by conservatives;its historical and inclusive connotations. the People of God became the banner of theThese images represent emphasis and direction; progressives. Popes John Paul II and Benedict they are not matters of basic Catholic Church doctrine. Virtually every pope comes to office with a distinct agenda that diff ers, at least somewhat, from that of his predecessors. This was certainly the case when John Paul II came to office in 1978 sensing a need to slow down the pace of change experienced immediately aft er Vatican II. It is indicative of Pope Franciss theological direction that in Evangelii gaudiumhe uses some form of the phrase People of God to refer to the church about twenty-fi ve times, whereas he only alludes to the church as the Body of Christ once. This is not to say that Pope Francis undervalues the Body of Christ image. If the document had been about the Eucharist rather than about evangelization, he likely would have used Body of Christ more frequently.ARTICLE 21'