b'Disaf liation NEW!Beyond Disaliation: A Process for Hope-Filled Actionwill help transform your communitys anxiety into action. is discouraging. More than 10,000 Catholic leaders across the country have participated in symposiums on the dynamic of disaf liation. Now Saint Marys Press, in partnership with Springtide Research Institute on Religion and Young People, is bringing the symposium to you and your team through our new Why is it happening? Did we do something wrong? immersive, guided video experience and re ection process guidebook. Beyond Disaf liation: A Process for What can we do about it? Hope-Filled Action employs an innovative design-thinking approach, emphasizing empathy, iteration, and action as a group.Youll hear the stories of young people, re ect on your own experiences, and learn the many facets of disaf liation. Youll move from learning to engaging, meeting with young people in your community to hear their stories, then returning for the iterative work of deeper learning andinitialideation. Youll spend time as a group determining the actions you want to take, and then executing those plans in your local community.THE VIDEO: Access the Wisdom and Energy of the Live ConferencesYoull hear from expert voices and authors like Dr. Robert McCarty, Dr. Josh Packard, Dr. Elizabeth Drescher along with the voices and stories of young people detailing their own struggles. THE PROCESS GUIDEBOOK: Deeply re ective, leading to novel and innovative responses Our highly engaging, 3-part process will encourage and guide you and your colleagues in a human-centered approach to discover new ways of ministering and relating to young people. Learn more and order at smp.org/beyond'