b'More to the point, not all churches agree thatONE WAY WE KNOW GODS REVELATION ISTHROUGH TEXTS WRITTEN BY HUMANS WHOhuman authors act as independent, autonomous writers in the process of producing texts. HAVE BEEN DIVINELY INSPIRED SO THATWHAT THEY SAY CAN LEAD US TO SALVATION.Let me give you a specific example. The Catholic Church and many Protestant denominations believe that the human authors of the biblical texts act as any human author would in producing the texts. The theological reasons for this teaching are complex but profound. To oversimplify, these Christians believe that God, who has created the world, can use that creation as a vehicle for divine revelation. Put simply, they define revelation as Gods self-disclosure to humanity. Scripture is one primary way we come to know about God; that is, it is a primary source of revelation. People also come to know something about God by observing Gods created world. Humans are part of that creation and, therefore, can reveal something about God through their own nature. Human authors who have written the biblical texts do so as products of Gods creation. As such, God does not have to somehow fix up or obliterate human nature, which was created by God, in order for Scripture to contain revelation.Some people say that the Bible is inerrant, that is, free from error. Fundamentalist ChristiansFor example, Catholics would contend that would say that everything in the Bible issalvation does not depend on how long it took inerrant; so if the Bible says that the world wasthe world to be created, but that it does depend created in seven days, they would interpret that to mean that it was created in seven calendaron knowing that God is the sole creator, that days. Catholic and much Protestant teachingthe process of creation has a purpose and is purposefully worded differently. Catholicdesign, and that what God created is good.teaching states that the Bible is inerrant in matters of salvation. This means that whenLet me summarize using the terms you the Bible communicates things that peoplehave learned here: the word revelation need to know to live a life that leads to salvation,describes Gods act of imparting true they can trust that the Bible contains no error.knowledge about the divine nature. 10 AspireVolume 1//Fall 2019 Subscribe today! smp.org/aspire'