b'N O I T C E L F E R BEINGPRESENTTO BELIEF& UNBELIEFy fi rst year at a Catholic college was abecause of my education. They made it extremely wonderful experience. I soaked in alleasy for me to explore my questions, surface of the theology courses I could and appliedmy concerns, and give voice to my doubts.my inquisitive mind to the new informationIn fact, one professora religious sisterand insights being off ered. It wasnt too long,recognized the struggle and suggested we go however, before my questions led me to afor a walk around campus. What an incredible place of real doubt. I felt many long-heldopportunity it was to walk beside her, pouring beliefs and understandings beginning toout my soul and holding nothing back. crack. Some even crumbled completely. It wasAt one point I exclaimed, I think I need to become a strange timeboth scary and exciting. Jewish. She didnt laugh or argue that I must hold Fortunately, I was surrounded by professorsfast to the Catholic faith. Instead, I looked over and who recognized the growth that was occurringsaw tears in her eyes. She explained that she was 14 AspireVolume 1//Fall 2019 Subscribe today!smp.org/aspire'