b'BY STEVEN ELLAIRmoved by my honesty, my willingness to dive into thewe can, I dare say we are addressing an essential search, and my deep desire to be authentic. Then shecomponent of truly excellent Catholic education. said, Well, I have the perfect rabbi for you to talk to.(By the way, I never did become Jewish. The simple act Its important to continually remind ourselvesof having someone present to my belief and unbelief that our students all come with very di erentpropelled me more deeply into my own Catholic faith. levels of belief and unbelief. We know that notShortly thereaft er, I changed my major to theology.)nevery student in our school is Catholic and we also know that not every student believes in God. Steven Ellair is the Director of Content Development Can we be present to all of the students noat Saint Marys Press and has worked in Catholic matter where they are on their journey? Can wepublishing for nearly 17 years. His previous create an environment where exploring questionswork includes being a teacher, youth minister, and doubts is welcomed and even encouraged? Ifand archdiocesan educational consultant.REFLECTION 15'