How Does the Culture Value Me?
A list of different roles and conditions of males and females within society.
The Circle of Faith-in-Action
The steps of awareness, analysis, action, and new awareness are explained in this handout.
Creating a Relationship Map
A relationship map provides a blueprint for justice—it reveals the conditions and relationships that are necessary to build a just situation. The following are steps to follow when creating a relationship map. To aid in understanding the steps, we will …
What is the State of Justice?
Evaluate the degree to which the seven themes of Catholic social teaching are present in a given situation. Use the scale below each theme to rank the extent to which it is present or absent, and write N/A (not applicable) …
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948, sets the international standard for human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has thirty articles. The following list paraphrases and summarizes the articles from …
Justice Resources
Brief description of organization/agency/group and the nature of its work: How does it build relationships? promote justice?
Practicing Prophecy
An activity where students are given the opportunity to imitate the prophetic model by observing the world around them and attempting to interpret injustices.
The Scriptures and Concern for Justice
A list of justice-centered biblical passages that can be used for preparing class prayers and liturgies, as a resource for assignments, and for your own reflection and prayer.
Symbol Interviews
A series of interview questions that students can ask married couples about symbols and marriage.
Jesus' Healing Presence
A worksheet that asks students to locate and answer questions about a healing story from each of the Gospels.
"The Secret Garden"
A set of questions that can be used to reflect on the movie “The Secret Garden,” a film that is an excellent example of reconciliation.
"My Life"
A set of questions that can be used to reflect on the movie “My Life” and the key themes surrounding the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Am I a Sacrament of Reconciliation?
This exercise can give students a better sense of their role as an instrument for reconciliation.
Remembering My Confirmation
A worksheet where students are asked to interview several adults about their Confirmation experiences.
That Catholic Feeling
Whether or not you have been baptized, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults outlines a process for growing in faith. Here are four statements from the introduction to the rite that describe characteristics of the process. After each statement, …
My Baptismal History
If you were an infant when you were baptized, ask the following questions of your parents to learn more about the celebration of the sacrament. If you remember your Baptism, answer the questions yourself and ask your parents for details …
Alienation and Belonging
Without thinking for too long on any one item, complete the following sentences.
A Healthy Approach to Life
It may be easy to think of church councils as having very little to do with our personal life. Yet the themes of Vatican Council II—change and renewal—are ones that we are called to live out for the rest of …
Hugh's Life, My Life
After reading the fictional story of Hugh in the textbook, use the chart below to reflect on the similarities and differences in the faith life of Hugh and you!
RCIA Interviews
People join our church each Easter. These individuals participate in the RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. This is a process that calls for much discernment, study, and prayer. It closely parallels the way early Christians entered the …
Jesus as Sacrament!
For each statement below, use your Bible to find at least three stories from the life of Jesus that support each theme. Write the citation of the stories under their respective statement, and be sure to tell which sacrament is …
Images Found in My Church
Use the questions below as you interview key people in your parish. You may want to tape record their responses, with their permission, or take notes in a small notebook. Be sure to begin each section by stating or writ-ing …
Cemetery Visit
Reflect on and answer in writing the following questions as you visit a cemetery.
Jesus, Teach Us to Pray
Read each of the following Scripture passages and explain in writing how they each give insight into Jesus’ prayer life.
Prayer Objects, Prayerful Environment
After spending some time walking around a church or chapel and observing the ways that art is used to create a prayerful, sacred space, answer the following questions reflectively.
Prayer Is...
Read the following descriptions of prayer by various authors. Choose one description that best fits how you see prayer. Or formulate your own description using a couple of these.
Favorite Childhood Prayers
Interview five adults of different ages about their favorite childhood prayers. Ask the following questions and record their responses in the space provided or on the back of their handout.
Prayerful Moments
We can learn so much from one another’s stories! Interview three adults of different ages about times when they were truly prayerful and experienced the power of prayer. Ask them the following questions and record their responses in the space …
Memory-Making Music
Interview three adults about their special music memories. Ask them the following questions and record their responses in the space provided.
Ritual Clothing
The dress and demeanor of people involved in rituals tell us much about what the activity is all about. Discuss with your group each of the situations below and write your thoughts in the space provided.
Seeing with Faith, Acting in Faith
Read the two pieces of writing below thoughtfully and carefully.
Lifelong Conversion
Conversion is an ongoing process that we engage in throughout our lives. Some people may have a dramatic conversion experience like Saint Paul in the Acts of the Apostles, but most people have smaller, less dramatic experiences that cause them …
"Field of Dreams"
The movie Field of Dreams is a modern-day parable that teaches some powerful lessons and connects with the major concepts in chapter 1 of the textbook. Ray Kinsella hears voices that tell him to build a baseball field in the …
Finding God in My Life
As your textbook states, the Catholic belief about sacraments is that “God communicates through the people, places, actions, events, and experiences that shape a person’s life.” Consider the meaning of this statement in your own life by reflecting on the …
Grace Poems
Questions related to the poems “Renascence” by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and “The World Is Too Much with Us” by William Wordsworth.
Spirituality Action Plan
It is important for us to take stock of where we are in life and put plans in place to achieve our goals. It is important to do that in our spiritual life as well. We are all spiritual people. …
Making Connections
Complete the matching exercise below, using your textbook and the Bible to help find the answers.
Images of God, Understandings of Life
The sketches below represent the different images of God and understandings of life that were held by the Jewish wisdom sages. Beneath each sketch, list the wisdom books that correspond to that image.
Empires of the Ancient Near East
On this map draw in the boundaries of the following ancient empires. Then label the empires, using a different color of pencil for each.
Which Marriage Is More Promising?
Imagine that you know two engaged couples and that each couple has decided to write down the terms of their marriage agreement. The couples show you their “covenants,” which are offered below. As you read, consider the pluses and minuses …
True Prophet Versus a False Prophet
The two lists below contrast the characteristics of a true prophet and a false prophet. Examine the lists.
Exile and Redemption
Discuss the following questions in your group. Have one person take notes in order to report your responses to the class later.
What You Offer the World
Look over the following lists of skills and traits. Circle the skills and traits that you have been gifted with.
"O Lord, You Have Searched Me and Known Me"
Spend a few moments quietly asking God to help you see clearly and honestly into your heart and mind as you begin this examination of conscience. Write your responses to the questions below. No one will collect this handout.
The Near East Today
This map shows the lands of the Near East as they were known in ancient times. Using an up-to- date atlas or encyclopedia for reference, draw in (with dotted lines) the political boundaries of the countries that exist in the …
How to Find a Scriptural Reference
Instructions on how to find a Scripture reference, and practice looking up Scripture passages.
Teacher Evaluation: An Interreligious Interview
The following ratings identify your scores on a scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent).
An Interreligious Interview
Pick an interviewee, Ask for an interview, Prepare and conduct the interview, and Follow up after the interview.
"In the Beginning Was the Word"
The Incarnation, a core doctrine of Christianity, states that in Jesus Christ, God became fully human while remaining fully divine. In the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 1 through 18, we see one of the earliest expressions of that …
Images of Jesus
The chart below contains several phrases that the textbook uses to describe Jesus. Take a few minutes to study these phrases, and place a check mark to the left of the one or two that most closely match your own …
Greek and Roman Gods Today
Next to the name of each god or goddess in the chart below, jot down any person, place, object, time, program, or product with which you associate the name. You may also note titles of songs or TV programs or …
A Zoroastrian Symbol
The illustration on this handout is the Faravahar, a symbol of Zoroastrian faith. With the example of the Faravahar in mind, create, on a separate sheet of paper, a symbol that represents your own religious faith or personal understanding of …
Koans: Food for Intuition
Read the following Zen koans two or three times. Choose one and answer or explain it.
The Riddler
Working alone or with classmates, identify what is being described in each of the following riddles.
Who Is the Sage?
In each pair of situations below, one of the people described resembles the ideal of the Taoist sage, the person who lives in accord with Tao and practices the virtue wu-wei. Read each pair of situations and circle the letter …
Chinese Calligraphy
Calligraphy is one of the cultural arts that was pursued in the process of becoming a chun-tzu. Try your hand at reproducing the Chinese characters below, drawing your versions in the space provided to the right of the characters. The …
The Sikh Khalsa
The information on this handout provides further insight into the nature of the Sikh Khalsa.
The Ten Gurus of Sikhism
This list of the ten Gurus of Sikhism briefly summarizes the key contributions of each Guru.
1. Look at the statue or picture at this station. 2. This image depicts the deity Kuan-yin. Write words that describe this image.
1. Look at the picture at this station. 2. Write words that describe the actions that you see in the picture. 3. Write words that describe the relationships between people that you see in the picture.
Objects Used in Tibetan Rituals
1. At this station are several objects. Some may look familiar. Gently pick up each object and examine it. SOME OF THE OBJECTS ARE FRAGILE. PLEASE HANDLE THEM CAREFULLY. 2. Write the following information about each object.
The Fasting Siddhartha
1. Observe the statue or picture at this station. 2. Notice that it is probably different from almost any other image of the Buddha that you have seen. 3. Look closely and write down what you observe. How does this …
Right Meditation
1. Here is a Buddha statue or picture. Sit quietly and stare at it. Meditate on it. Let it be a visual focus for your medi- tation. Learn from it. 2. Write any impressions, observations, or questions you have.
Karma Marga: "The Path of Works"
For each of the following actions, write a selfish motivation and a selfless motivation. Responses have been supplied for the first action as examples.
Peer Evaluation: The Game of Samsara
In the space provided for comments, explain the reason for a mark, give praise, or suggest improvements.
Teacher Evaluation: The Game of Samsara
In the following chart, each circled number indicates your game’s score for the corresponding category.
Correlation to Curriculum Framework
Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course VI: Life in Jesus Christ from Christian Morality: Our Response to God’s Love.
Correlation to Curriculum Framework
Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course V: Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ from The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.
Correlation to Curriculum Framework
Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course III: The Mission of Jesus Christ (The Paschal Mystery) from The Paschal Mystery: Christ’s Mission of Salvation.
Correlation to Curriculum Framework
Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course II: Who Is Jesus Christ? from Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.
Correlation to Curriculum Framework
Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course IV: Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church from The Church: Christ in the World Today.
Correlation to Curriculum Framework
Correlation to Curriculum Framework Course I: The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture from The Bible: The Living Word of God.
Anointing of the Sick (Who It's For)
A short video from Busted Halo that explains the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Holy Orders (What Ordination Means)
A short video from Busted Halo that explains what Holy Orders are, what happens at an Ordination, and what it means to say yes to God.
Matrimony (Why Make it Catholic)
A short video from Busted Halo that explains the Sacrament of Marriage.
Scope and Sequence
An overview of Chapters 37-50 from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Scope and Sequence
An overview of Chapters 19-36 from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Scope and Sequence
An overview of Chapters 1-18 from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Making Good Decisions
Chapters 38 and 39 of The Catholic Connections Handbook discuss the basic teachings about Christian morality. After reading or reviewing these chapters, complete the crossword.
The Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of the Word is discussed in chapters 29 and 30 of The Catholic Connections Handbook. After reading or reviewing these chapters, complete the crossword below.
Introduction to Liturgy
After reading or reviewing chapter 27 of The Catholic Connections Handbook, which discusses the liturgy of the Church, complete the following activity. Use the clues to unscramble the words below each clue. When you are finished, write down the letters …
The Lord's Prayer
Jesus shows us how to pray by giving us the Lord’s Prayer. After reading or reviewing chapters 49 and 50 of The Catholic Connections Handbook, complete the crossword.
Baptism and Confirmation
The Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation are closely connected; they are both Sacraments of Initiation. Chapters 33 and 34 of The Catholic Connections Handbook discuss these two sacraments. After reading or reviewing these chapters, complete the crossword.
The Bible: The Gospels
Below is a summary of chapter 19 of The Catholic Connections Handbook. However, the summary is jumbled; some of the words are in the wrong places. Make the summary understandable by rearranging the words in bold capitals and putting them …
The Human Person
Below are five statements, written in code, about the human person. Each letter of the alphabet is represented by a symbol. The same symbol represents the same letter in all statements. Review chapter 7 in The Catholic Connections Handbook, then …
The Holy Trinity
The Shema is the Jewish statement of belief in one God. Jesus taught us to love only one God and, through Scripture and Tradition, we have come to understand that the one God is made up of three divine Persons—Father, …
Revelation, Sacred Scripture, and Tradition
Using the information in chapter 1 of The Catholic Connections Handbook, find the word or words described in the clues below. Fill in the blank spaces below each clue. Then, use the letters from the numbered spaces to fill in …
The Trinity - 3 in 1
A short video that uses the three forms of water (solid, liquid, gas) to explain the trinity.
Tradition – Who We Are
A brief explanation of tradition versus Tradition. A short video about how Catholic traditions that have been handed down help God reveal himself to us.
The Paschal Mystery
A personal reflection on how Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension save us from sin and death and bring us to new life in him.
Asking the Saints and Mary for Prayers
A personal reflection on why Catholics ask the saints and Mary for prayers.
Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory
An easy-to-understand explanation of what Catholics believe about Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.
Jesus’ Unconditional Love
A personal story about turning to Jesus for help and loving others unconditionally, just as Jesus loves us.
What is Catholic Social Teaching?
A personal story about living out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
Catholicism is Universal
A personal story about discovering how Catholicism is truly universal.
Confirmation (Why We're Confirmed)
A short video, from Busted Halo, that explains the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Advent in 2 Minutes
A quick, two-minute video from Busted Halo that explains why we celebrate Advent and wait to celebrate Christmas.
A Day in the Life of a Seminarian
A short video that takes a look at a typical day in the life of a seminarian.
Holy Week in Two Minutes
This two-minute video from Busted Halo describes the final week of Lent that we spend preparing for Easter.
How the Trinity is Like an Apple Tree
A wonderful analogy on how the Trinity is like an apple tree.
Parables - The Lost Sheep/Coin/Son
The parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son are told through a series of doodles.
Life Issues F Summary: Saints as Role Models
A summary and the learning objectives of Life Issues F Summary: Saints as Role Models from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Life Issues E Summary: Times of Trouble
A summary and the learning objectives of Life Issues E Summary: Times of Trouble from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Life Issues D Summary: Using Time
A summary and the learning objectives of Life Issues D Summary: Using Time from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Life Issues C Summary: Using Technology
A summary and the learning objectives of Life Issues C Summary: Using Technology from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Life Issues B Activity: Gospel Messages about Money
Develop a skit based on one of the passages above using one of the following dramatic genres.
Life Issues B Summary: Using Money
A summary and the learning objectives of Life Issues B Summary: Using Money from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Life Issues A Activity: Saint Augustine: The Reluctant Saint
Read the article on Saint Augustine on page 351 in The Catholic Connections Handbook and then, thoughtfully and reflectively, respond to the following questions.
Life Issues A Summary: The Ultimate Question: Why Am I Here?
A summary and the learning objectives of Life Issues A Summary: The Ultimate Question: Why Am I Here? from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 50 Activity: The Seven Petitions
Match each petition of the Lord’s Prayer with its meaning.
Chapter 50 Summary: The Lord’s Prayer: A Prayer for All Time
A summary and the learning objectives of Chapter 50 The Lord’s Prayer: A Prayer for all Time from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 49 Summary: The Lord’s Prayer: The Perfect Prayer
A summary and the learning objectives of Chapter 49 The Lord’s Prayer: The Perfect Prayer from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 48 Activity: A Prayer Puzzle
Unscramble each of the following words related to prayer, using the clues given for each word. Then take the letters that appear circled in boxes and unscramble them to find the name of an important Marian devotion.
Chapter 48 Summary: Tuning In to God
A summary and the learning objectives of Chapter 48: Tuning in to God from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 47 Activity: Spirit Telecom: The Universal Wireless Prayer Network
The following Scripture passages feature stories of God calling and people responding. Locate and read at least two passages and jot down a few notes about what happens in each passage.
Chapter 47 Summary: Prayer: Conversations with God
A summary of Chapter 47, Prayer: Conversations with God from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 46 Activity: A Prayer Acrostic
Despite the “busyness” of our daily lives, we must strive to pray always. Imagine that you have to create a marketing poster telling a group of young people your age why they should make prayer an important part of their …
Chapter 46 Summary: The Bible: Models of Prayer
A summary of Chapter 46, The Bible: Models of Prayer from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 45 Activity: The Two Feet of Service and Justice
Caring for others involves both acts of charity and acts of justice. Review the illustration on page 498 in the handbook, and then complete the following chart. For every person or group of people in need described in the left-hand …
Chapter 45 Summary: Working for Justice
A summary of Chapter 45, Working for Justice from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 44 Activity: Ask Annie and Andy
Students are asked to answer a series of “Dear Abby” style questions that deal with Internet safety.
Chapter 44 Summary: Respecting Sexuality
A nice summary of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, and how God wants us to conduct ourselves in sexual matters.
Chapter 43 Activity: Keeping the Seventh, Eighth, and Tenth Commandments
Students are asked to list 10 practical ways to keep the 7th, 8th, and 10th Commandments.
Chapter 43 Summary: Respecting Truth and Property
A summary of Chapter 43, Respecting Truth and Property from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 42 Activity: Ways to Respect Life
Every day you have numerous opportunities to show respect for God’s work of creation in yourself and in other people. Respecting life means protecting oneself and others from harm, but it also means valuing life in everyday ways. The following …
Chapter 42 Summary: Respecting Life
A summary of Chapter 42, Respecting Life from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 41 Activity: Parents: Making Rules
Answer the following questions as if you were a parent.
Chapter 41 Summary: Honoring Family
A summary of Chapter 41, Honoring Family from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 40 Activity: First Three Commandments Crossword
Complete the following crossword puzzle to review what you have learned.
Chapter 40 Summary: Honoring God
A summary of Chapter 40, Honoring God from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 39 Activity: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide
It’s not always easy to choose to do what is right, but if you listen to your conscience, you will usually know what choice you should make. For each of the following items, describe the choice you should make. Include …
Chapter 39 Summary: Moral Decision Making
A summary of Chapter 39, Moral Decision Making from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 38 Activity: How Do I Make Moral Decisions?
When you have a difficult moral decision to make, how do you go about figuring out what you should do? Do you talk with your friends or a parent or other adult, or do you pray about it? For some …
Chapter 38 Summary: Living the Moral Life
A summary of Chapter 38, Living the Moral Life from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 37 Activity: Living the Beatitudes
For each beatitude, write down how you live it in your own life.
Chapter 37 Summary: The Bible: The Old Law and the New Law
A summary of Chapter 37, The Old Law and the New Law from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Life Issues B Activity: Meeting Jesus: A Guided Meditation
A guided meditation that uses the imagination to spend time with Jesus and understand how he wants us to live.
Life Issues B Summary: God, Where Are You?
A nice summary of the ways God promises to be with us always.
Life Issues A Summary: Dealing with Peer Pressure
A good summary on dealing with peer pressure.
Chapter 36 Activity: The Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Matrimony is a vocation for married people to serve their families. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is a vocation for bishops, priests, and deacons to serve the People of God. Use the clues to unscramble the words …
Chapter 36 Summary: The Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders
A summary of Chapter 36, The Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 35 Activity: Ten Steps to Celebrate Reconciliation
The ten steps to celebrate reconciliation.
Chapter 35 Summary: The Sacraments of Healing
A summary of Chapter 35, The Sacrament of Healing from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 34 Activity: It’s a Match!
Match the phrases in column A with the terms in column B by writing the correct letter in the space provided.
Chapter 34 Summary: The Sacrament of Confirmation
A summary of Chapter 34, The Sacrament of Confirmation from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 33 Activity: The Rite of Baptism
Even though not everything about the way the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated has stayed the same over the centuries, some elements have not changed. Tell what these are. Explain why these essential elements must remain unchanging. You may refer …
Chapter 33 Summary: The Sacrament of Baptism
A summary of Chapter 33, The Sacrament of Baptism from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 32 Activity: Elements from the Mass
Complete this multiple-step activity on the parts of the Mass that have to do with Communion and sending forth. First, unscramble the word or words in the boxes. Then match the statements in the list below to the words in …
Chapter 32 Summary: The Eucharist: Communion and Sending Forth
A summary of Chapter 31, The Eucharist: Communion and Sending Forth from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 31 Activity: The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Below are parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist; however, they are out of order. Review chapter 31 in the handbook, and put the statements below in the correct order by numbering the parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist …
Chapter 31 Summary: The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Eucharist
A summary of Chapter 31, The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Eucharist from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 30 Activity: Scriptural Charades
Miming different scripture passages or other actions and emotions.
Chapter 30 Summary: The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Word
A summary of Chapter 30, The Eucharist: The Liturgy of the Word from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 29 Activity: Source and Summit
As Catholics we recognize the Eucharist as the “source and summit” of Christian life. In the space below, create an illustration that shows how the Eucharist is at the heart of our faith and is the source of all our …
Chapter 29 Summary: The Eucharist: The Heart of All Liturgy
A summary of Chapter 29, The Eucharist: The Heart of All Liturgy from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 28 Activity: Super Sleuth Detective Agency
Matching Scripture passages with the Sacraments they are associated with.
Chapter 28 Summary: Sacraments: Celebrating Christ’s Presence
A summary of Chapter 28, Sacraments: Celebrating Christ’s Presence from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 27 Activity: A Liturgy and Sacraments Crossword
Review what you know about the liturgy and Sacraments by completing the following crossword puzzle.
Chapter 27 Summary: Introduction to Liturgy
A summary of Chapter 27, Introduction to Liturgy from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 26 Activity: When Do You Pray?
As a Catholic, you probably learned from a young age some of the traditional prayers of the Church, such as the Sign of the Cross, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Hail Mary. You probably also learned about the Mass and …
Chapter 26 Summary: The Bible: Worshipping God
A summary of Chapter 26, The Bible: Worshipping God from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 25 Activity: People of Faith
Use some or all of these people for the “People of Faith” activity, making sure to include a mix from different time periods. Instruct the participants to research their person of faith by referring to the page numbers in The …
Chapter 25 Summary: Mary and the Saints
A summary of Chapter 25, Mary and the Saints from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 24 Activity: Choosing Heaven Scenarios
How to respond in various life issues situations.
Chapter 24 Summary: End Things: Heaven and Hell
A summary of Chapter 24, End Things: Heaven and Hell from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.
Chapter 23 Activity: How Much Do You Know about the Church?
The descriptions below relate to the Church, present and past. Write the word or name from the box that matches each description. Some words will be used more than once.
Chapter 23 Summary: The Structure of the Church
A summary of Chapter 23, The Structure of the Church from the Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers, Second Edition.