17 SMP.ORG • 800-533-8095 6.  ThePassover Lamb 7.  Jesus Gives His Life for Us UNIT 2: JESUS IS THE NEW COVENANT 8.  The Great Commandment 9.  Our Covenant Includes Others 10.  Jesus Is Our King Believe Saint Agnes Saint Óscar Romero Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Mary, Queen of Heaven Chapter Lesson Goals Scripture Key Words* Catechism Pillar Catechism References People of Faith 517, 608 1094, 1329 1340, 1363 Passover,sprig,hyssop, Lamb of God counselor,eternal,successor, determined, triumphed Temple,HolyCity, Paschal Mystery, redemption humble,tolerant, preserve,unity, dignity • to explain that the Israelites were spared from death because their doorways were marked with the blood of a lamb • to identify Jesus as “the Lamb of God” who saved us from sin and death • to state that we receive the Lamb of God at Mass in the Body and Blood of Christ • to recognize that Jesus, the Son of God, died on the cross for us • to state that through his death and Resurrection, Jesus brought us back to God • to identify the Mass as a celebration of Jesus’ death and Resurrection • to summarize the Great Commandment as the commandment to love God and others • to identify that Jesus taught the Great Commandment as part of the New Covenant • to explain that if we love God and others, we will be keeping all the other commandments as well • to identify that keeping the covenant includes treating others with kindness and respect • to indicate that we care for others because we are all children of God with equal dignity • to recall that the last seven commandments are about loving others • to identify Jesus as the royal son foretold by Isaiah • to describe the meaning of some of the titles of the special king • to summarize the meaning of “Jesus the King” as the one who cares for us always 601 611–613 616 1356–1369 1822–1829 1970 1972–1974 2055 1691, 1698 1700–1702 786, 908, 2305 Celebrate Live Pray Live: Catholic Social Teaching Exodus 12:21–23 (p. 116) Matthew 27:50–54 (p. 1516) Mark 12:28–31 (p. 1556) Ephesians 4:1–6 (p. 1846) Isaiah 9:6–7 (p. 1102)