It is said that people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, and 90% of what they do. While these exact numbers may be disputed, they developed out of an interpretation of Dale’s Cone of Experience (Edgar Dale, 1969). Dale showed that the more our five senses are involved in learning, the better the learning will be. A large body of research on the different learning styles of individual learners indicates that when multiple learning styles are employed, more individuals walk away with increased learning. Think of this in practical terms. If the children you teach include visual (learn best by seeing), auditory (learn best by hearing), and tactile-kinesthetic (learn best by moving/ doing) learners and you only utilize the skill of reading in your sessions, you are only addressing visual and some auditory learners. However, if you create a meaningful activity that gets children out of their seats and moving, you have suddenly created a learning experience that fully addresses all three learning styles. 1. ENGAGED LEARNING ADDRESSES MULTIPLE LEARNING STYLES 'WHEN MULTIPLE LEARNING STYLES ARE EMPLOYED, MORE INDIVIDUALS WILL WALK AWAY WITH INCREASED LEARNING.' 8 Inspire! Volume 1 / / Spring 2019