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The Servant Leader

January 13, 2014

You Will Not Always Have Me

by Joanna Dailey Happy New Year! We have already walked through the open door of 2014, and before we begin filling its days with our joys and sorrows, griefs and anxieties, we might pause a moment to consider the importance of what has been called "the sacrament of the present … Read more...

December 16, 2013

I'll Be Home for Christmas

by Joanna Dailey One of the nicest things about being Catholic is having a Christmas crib in church. (Thank you, Saint Francis of Assisi!) I still remember the Christmas crib from the parish of my childhood. It completely took over one of the side altars in our church. It was … Read more...

December 2, 2013

In the Afterglow

by Joanna Dailey As I write this, I am living in the afterglow of the National Catholic Youth Conference held this past weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana. What a conference! This was the first opportunity I’ve ever had to attend, and I thank Saint Mary’s Press for sending me! As I … Read more...

November 18, 2013

The Advent of Advent: COMING SOON (and a Special NCYC Feature)

by Joanna Dailey Advent is coming! Now is the time to hunt down those Advent wreaths, Advent candles, and purple tablecloths. Now is the time to order those day-by-day Advent meditation books for yourself or for your group. This year, the First Sunday of Advent is December 1. The Catholic … Read more...

November 4, 2013

Let's Get Physical

by Joanna Dailey It is common knowledge, or should be, that we are mind-body-spirit entities. We rediscover this whenever we are visited by illness, whether that be an annoying headache or something more serious. We are a three-legged stool, as it were, of mind, body, and spirit, and if one … Read more...

October 21, 2013

When the Frost Is on the Punkin by Joanna Dailey

They’s something kindo’ harty-like about the atmusfere When the heat of summer’s over and the coolin’ fall is here— Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossoms on the trees, And the mumble of the hummin’-birds and buzzin’ of the bees; But the air’s so appetizin’; and the landscape … Read more...

October 7, 2013

Life Is a Journey

by, Joanna Dailey Life is a journey, and getting there is not always, as the saying goes, "half the fun." This is proven to me several times a year as I make trips to various places for various reasons. My most consistent destination is Winona, Minnesota—the headquarters of Saint Mary’s … Read more...

September 23, 2013

"Singin' the Blues" by Joanna Dailey

My town (Terre Haute, Indiana) holds an annual blues festival called "Blues at the Crossroads." The intersection of U.S. 40 and U.S. 41 is called "the Crossroads of America" because this is where the National Road heading west (commissioned by Thomas Jefferson and now known as U.S. 40) crossed the … Read more...

September 9, 2013

"Garbage In, Garbage Out" by Joanna Dailey

At some point in the last few decades, the philosophy of "I’m okay, you’re okay" seeped into our cultural milieu. No longer were we to wallow in guilt over our shortcomings and think of ourselves as "less than." No, we were to declare, "I’m okay!" and then accept others as … Read more...

August 19, 2013

Why Am I Here?

Can it be August already? The days of summer are, as Simon and Garfunkel used to sing, "slip slidin’ away." In my youth, August used to be longer. It was the last month before school opened, and there seemed to be plenty of time to meander in the neighborhood branch … Read more...

July 8, 2013

God Made Us to Love and to Be Loved

What do editors do in the summer? In my case, they check page references for Saint Mary’s Press books coming out in the fall and spring. In the course of publishing a book, page references (to glossary pages, or to other pages in the book, or to pages in an … Read more...

June 17, 2013

If there ever was a Scripture verse for summertime, this is it: "Come to me, all you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:27–29 GNT). Childhood memories of the "lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer" have imprinted our psyches, so even those … Read more...

May 20, 2013

Wasting Time with the Lord

I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay Watchin’ the tide roll away I’m just sittin’ on the dock of the bay Wastin’ time . . . . Has anyone heard prayer defined as "wasting time with the Lord"? It seems that Otis Redding (writer and singer of the above … Read more...

May 6, 2013

Blessed and Beautiful Days

’Tis the month of our Mother, Those blessed and beautiful days When our lips and our spirits Are glowing with love and with praise. Does anyone remember May processions? (Some parishes still have them, so maybe some of you need not remember that far back.) In the days of long … Read more...

April 22, 2013

App-y Easter!

Christ is risen! Indeed he is risen! And we are celebrating Easter in this Servant Leader by including news about a special app! (Yes, the title of this column is an Easter pun.) Our founding editor, Steven McGlaun, sent this column as a special gift for us this Eastertide. As … Read more...

April 3, 2013

From Alleluia to Zoom

"When I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep." (From a song lyric by Irving Berlin, written for the movie White Christmas.) What I do, actually, is alphabetize my blessings. (That’s so typical for a word person, don’t you think?) I assign myself a topic … Read more...

March 14, 2013

Easter: Heavenly Days!

Holy Week (or Great Week, as it is known in the Eastern Churches) and Easter are the ultimate paradigm for human life: first suffering and death, then Resurrection. This paradigm is played out over and over in our lives—in small ways and in large. Somehow, despite upsets and setbacks, we … Read more...

March 4, 2013

The Papal Election

Ever since Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation on February 11, 2013, the Catholic world has been preoccupied with the election of a new pope. Because Pope Emeritus Benedict has resigned rather than died, we are spared the sorrow of a papal funeral and the nine-day period of mourning which … Read more...

February 15, 2013

Getting to Yes in Lent

Ah, Lent. Let us join together for a short excursion into my childhood’s Lenten "Land of No." On a personal level, no candy. On a family level, no ice cream for dessert. (We all got a reprieve on my birthday, which usually landed in the middle of Lent and was … Read more...

February 1, 2013

Conversation Hearts

We are all familiar with those candy hearts with sayings on them that appear everywhere around and on Saint Valentine’s Day. In days of yore, their messages pleaded CALL ME or BE MINE. Today, because the Necco Company keeps up with these things, we could probably find a heart that … Read more...

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