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The Servant Leader

November 14, 2011

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 20, 2011 Matthew 25:31-46 Opening Prayer Jesus, at this time in history, so many people lack the basics. With the help of your grace, make me ever mindful of people's needs, especially those affected by natural disasters and poverty. Give me … Read more...

November 7, 2011

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 13, 2011 Matthew 25:14-30 Opening Prayer Jesus, we hear you calling us to boldly live our faith by sharing it with others. Fill us with your grace so we can overcome our fear to risk and our inclination to bury that precious gift of … Read more...

October 31, 2011

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2011 Matthew 25:1-13 Opening Prayer Jesus, give us the spiritual discipline to be ready for you at all times, whether you come at an ordinary moment in the day or at the end of time in glory. Amen. Context Connection This Sunday's Gospel … Read more...

October 24, 2011

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2011 Matthew 23:1-12 Opening Prayer Jesus, help us to live the truth of the Gospel in all we say and do. Continue to bless us with your grace so that we become useful servants in the world today. Amen. Context Connection In this … Read more...

October 17, 2011

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2011 Matthew 22:34-40 Opening Prayer Jesus, in giving us the greatest commandment, you reveal the very nature of your relationship with God the Father. Love is the dynamic in which you dwell together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Help us to … Read more...

October 10, 2011

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2011 Matthew 22:15-21 Opening Prayer Jesus, remind us to put God first in our lives. Keep our focus on loving God above all else. Other things will follow and have true value if we just put our attention on what matters most. Amen. … Read more...

October 3, 2011

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2011 Matthew 22:1-14 Opening Prayer Jesus, thank you for extending to us an invitation to the banquet in the Kingdom of heaven. Sharing the Eucharist with our community is a glimpse of that heavenly banquet you have prepared for us. May our lives … Read more...

September 26, 2011

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2011 Matthew 21:33-43 Opening Prayer Jesus, as laborers in your Kingdom, may our lives always be examples of Christian virtue. Through your grace, strengthen within us the virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Amen. Context Connection In this Sunday's Gospel Jesus shares … Read more...

September 19, 2011

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2011 Matthew 21:28-32 Opening Prayer Loving and merciful God, we thank you for second chances as we grow in our faith. Through the Holy Spirit, shower us with your grace and guide us to do your will here on earth. Give us the … Read more...

September 12, 2011

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, 2011 Matthew 20:1-16a Opening Prayer Jesus, we pray with a grateful heart for the outpouring of God's love and mercy in our lives. May we embrace this generous gift and show the same love and mercy toward all the people we meet. Amen. … Read more...

September 6, 2011

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2011 Matthew 20:1-16a Opening Prayer Jesus, we pray with a grateful heart for the outpouring of God's love and mercy in our lives. May we embrace this generous gift and show the same love and mercy toward all the people we meet. Amen. … Read more...

August 29, 2011

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2011 Matthew 18:15-20 Opening Prayer Jesus, help me to stay focused on your great commandment--to love God fully and to love my neighbor as myself. Give me your grace so that I will respond in loving ways when others hurt me. Help me … Read more...

August 22, 2011

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2011 Matthew 16:21-27 Opening Prayer Jesus, you are the Messiah, the anointed one sent by God to bring about the redemption of humankind through your death and Resurrection. We are grateful for your selfless act of love in dying on the cross. Bring … Read more...

August 15, 2011

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 21, 2011 Matthew 16:13-20 Opening Prayer Jesus, we believe that you are the Messiah, the anointed one, sent by God the Father to restore humankind's relationship with God. May our actions and deeds give witness to this belief. Amen. Context Connection The setting for … Read more...

July 11, 2011

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 17, 2011 Matthew 13:24-33 Opening Prayer Jesus, you have sown the good seed of the word of God among us. Help us to draw from this source of goodness and to be a positive influence in the world. Perhaps we will never understand why … Read more...

June 13, 2011

the solemnity of the most holy trinity

June 19, 2011John 3:16-18 Opening Prayer Jesus, you revealed to us the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. As we journey deeper into the heart of the Triune God, help us to grow in our understanding of this sacred mystery. Encourage us to never lose sight of and to always … Read more...

May 31, 2011

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord

June 5, 2011Matthew 28:16-20Opening PrayerJesus, on a mountaintop in Galilee you promised your disciples that you would be with your Church always. Give us the eyes of faith to see your presence in our world each and every day of our lives. Amen.Context ConnectionThis Sunday's Gospel, in observance of the … Read more...

May 23, 2011

Sixth Sunday of EasterMay 29, 2011John 14:15-21 Opening PrayerJesus, we thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who lives among us. Through the power of your Spirit, continue to pour your grace upon us. Give us the strength to keep your Commandments. Amen.Context ConnectionThis Sunday's Gospel is a … Read more...

May 16, 2011

Fifth Sunday of EasterMay 22, 2011John 14:1-12 Opening PrayerJesus, as you prepared to return to your Father in heaven you assured us that we would also live with you in communion with the Father. By continuing your mission of good works, we have a road map to the place where … Read more...

May 9, 2011

Fourth Sunday of EasterMay 15, 2011John 10:1-10 Opening PrayerJesus, as the good shepherd you continue to guide us to restful waters and to feed us through the Eucharist. May we take your example of caring for others deeply and integrate it into our way of living. May we follow your … Read more...

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