Faith Works Series
Scripture- and Tradition-Based Sessions for Faith Formation
Making faith work for young people is a constant challenge. This series offers fresh and lively activities and strategies that make faith come alive for Catholic youth.
Each book contains 12 one-hour sessions that put young people in touch with important faith topics. These sessions contain attention-grabbers, learning experiences, service projects, prayer services, and suggested snacks that relate to the topics. Reproducible handouts are designed to enhance understanding of major concepts, and a handy index of the session activities makes each activity easy to use in a variety of youth ministry settings.
Click on any cover or title for more information.
Making faith work for young people is a constant challenge. The 12 sessions in Faith Works for Senior High offer fresh and lively activities and strategies that make faith work for senior-high young people. The one-hour sessions put young people in touch with topics such as scriptural wisdom, prophecy, the Good News, discipleship, Paul and the early Church, Christmas in the Scriptures, the spirituality of medieval saints, the reality of reform in the Church, the Second Vatican Council, and the meaning of the Paschal Mystery in human life.
Making faith work for young people is a constant challenge. The 12 sessions in Faith Works for Junior High offer fresh and lively activities and strategies that make faith work for junior high young people. The one-hour sessions put young people in touch with topics such as God's word from the Old Testament, the person of Jesus, apostles then and now, the mystery of the Trinity, the importance of family, the meaning and importance of the Mass, friendship, the meanings of the liturgical seasons, justice and peace, the wonder and mystery of one's self, and careers and vocations.