10 results

Lesson Plan for Lesson 16
A lesson plan for lesson 16 in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth: Catechist Guide. In this lesson students explore how the Holy Trinity is revealed through liturgy.

Preparing for Mass
This document begins by explaining the importance of involving youth in preparing for Mass. It then goes into an in-depth discussion of the principles for preparing Mass, forming preparation teams, preparing yourself as team leader, and explaining the preparation process.

Preparing the Elements of the Mass
This document helps in the planning of the Mass. It provides a handy checklist for readings and prayer tasks, music and song tasks, and rituals and environment tasks.

Preparing the Prayer of the Faithful
This document is very helpful when planning a Mass. It includes a description of what the Prayer of the Faithful is, tips for writing the petitions, the suggested order of the petitions, and examples of typical responses to the petitions. …

Mass Preparation Form
This document is a helpful tool when getting ready for a Mass. The Mass Preparation Form is a handy outline that includes blank lines for you to fill in the specific readings, prayers, songs, and participants for the Mass you …

Ministries Small Group Liturgy Preparation
This article is from the Living in Christ Series. Teachers may use this resource to organize students into group to plan and reflect on various parts of the liturgy of the Mass.

Liturgy Reflection
This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers reflection questions for students to use as prompts when writing papers on the Liturgy.

Research Component - Liturgy Writing Assignment
This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It outlines the guidelines for a research writing assignment in which students reflect on various liturgical seasons.

Project Overview
This assignment is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers ideas for reflection papers regarding three different liturgical celebrations.

Semester Long Project
This project idea is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students compile a portolio of written assignments, making observations and reflecting on the Paschal Mystery through the Sacraments.