9 results

Where East Meets West
This worksheet guides students to make connections between Confirmation in the Eastern and Western Churches.

Waters of Salvation
On this worksheet, students identify the Scripture passages associated with the various parts of the Blessing of the Water used at the Easter Vigil.

A Sacred Family Meal
This worksheet guides students to make connections between the Mass and a special meal or tradition in their family.

My Birthday Readings
Students identify the liturgical season in which their birthday falls. This worksheet then guides them to identify and summarize the readings for that day.

Unlocking the Codes
This handout provides several short activities for students to complete as they learn about the symbolism of the Book of Revelation.

Passover Parallels
This partner worksheet helps students draw connections between Old Testament passage about the Passover and New Testament passages about the Mass.

Which Way Shall We Go?
This handout provides a chart for students to list activities that are best to do on Sunday and those that should be saved for other days of the week.

Handout: Thoughts on the Mass
Complete the following sentences in the spaces provided. Feel free to be totally open and honest in your answers; you will not be asked to share them with anyone.

Ritual Postures and Gestures
The different postures and gestures that take place during Mass.