
Making Discernment a Way of Life

Use these suggestions to integrate discernment into your life. These ideas challenge the common misperception that vocation discernment is a one-time event. Explore and be open to options. Think, "My way may not be the only way." Be aware that …


Disciple's Prayer

Scripture Reading: John 1:1-5 Presider: God of love, you provide us with light: from the moon and stars at night and the sun by day. By night and by day, your light brings life and makes things grow. It keeps the …


Family Relationships

Scripture Passage Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"-- this is the first commandment with a promise: "so that it may be well with you and you may live long on …


Assumption of Mary - Mary as a Disciple

  Begin an exploration of Mary as the first disciple by explaining the word disciple, which means "follower, or one who believes in the teachings of a leader."   Invite the students to examine the ways that Mary was a …


For Love Is Stronger than Death

(20 minutes) Before the session have the all participants (including the facilitator) bring to the session a personal symbol. This symbol should be an object from among the participant's personal belongings that acts as a reminder of a much loved …


Handout 1: The Walk to Emmaus

Characters: narrator, Jesus, Cleopas, second disciple Narrator: That very same day, two of the disciples were on their way to a village called Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking over all that had happened. Now as they …


Resources for Parents Who Want to View The Passion of the Christ with Their Teenage Children

Things to Remember Film is an art form, and many genres and subgenres exist within film. Comedy is a genre. Within that genre one could name romantic comedies, slapstick comedies, and dark comedies as subgenres. Before reading a piece of …


Prayers for Reflecting on Christ's Passion

Before the Movie: Loving God, You sent your only Son to show us the way. As we recall and meditate on his crucifixion, help us to recognize the gift you place before us. On the cross Christ washed clean our …


Praying with John Baptist de la Salle

In reaction to Martin Luther's emphasis on personal reading of the Bible, the Council of Trent discouraged laypeople from meditating on the word of God. Catholics were told to listen to the preaching of their priests, who would explain the …


Artist Appreciation Month: Graphic Images of Christ's Passion in Art

Mel Gibson is not the first person to shock the public with a graphically violent portrayal of the Passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In 1515, Matthias Grunewald revealed an artwork called The Isenheim Altarpiece to the monks and churchgoers …


Survival in Youth Ministry

In 1994 Saint Mary's Press published a book called Survival in Youth Ministry, by Robert J. McCarty, executive director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. As youth ministry continues to mature in the United States, we would like …


Gethsemane - Prayer Service

(15 minutes) Before the session have your students do the Reflection Exercise: My Least Answerable Questions. If you do not plan on reading the Scripture passage (Mark 14:32-42) yourself, use the break time to ask a young person to read …


Reflection Exercise: My Least Answerable Questions

(5 minutes) 1. Introduce this exercise by reiterating the idea that death is mystery and that since the beginning of time, people of all ages, cultures, and races have asked tough questions about death. Jesus himself struggled with such questions. …



  OVERVIEW Praying for forgiveness sets us free. In this prayer the young people experience this message through a ritual of reconciliation. This strategy, which is ideal for a retreat or as a conclusion to a session on forgiveness, allows …


The Power of Song

(25-35 minutes) Preparation Bring in a recording of an African American sacred song, or invite a local gospel choir or your school or parish choir to come in and perform such a song. A good resource for music is Lead …


Lenten Nails: A Reflection Exercise for Lent

OVERVIEW This two-part reflection exercise allows the young teens to evaluate their behaviors and attitudes and admit their faults, throughout Lent. The exercise is introduced at the beginning of Lent and concludes before Easter. Suggested Time: Approximately 10 minutes for …


Ashes to Reconciliation: A Reconciliation Prayer for Lent

OVERVIEW This prayer can be used during the first week of Lent or any time the sacrament of Reconciliation (also called the sacrament of Penance) is discussed or celebrated. Suggested Time: 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of …


Presidents' Day

I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. (Genesis 12:2) These words from Genesis are the words spoken by God to Abraham, a …


February 14: Saint Valentine's Day

We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19) We celebrate loving and being loved on this special day. Of course most of us find it easier to love someone who loves us first, and that's what this verse …


February 12: Abraham Lincoln's Birthday

Above all, my beloved, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your "Yes" be yes and your "No" be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation. (James 5:12) We …


January 22: Reflection on Roe vs. Wade

I walked with George the other day, And this is what he had to say: "If this is what its come to, then I'm glad that I've passed on. For the foundation laid so long ago apparently is gone. What …


Epiphany: Following the Star

Scripture Isaiah 60:1-6. Camels bringing gold and frankincense will follow the light. Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6. The Gentiles are heirs with the Jews. Matthew 2:1-12. Astrologers followed the star, found Jesus, and brought him gifts. Theme Isaiah foretold that nations would gather …


Artist Appreciate Month: Finding Christian Art Resources on the Web

Teachers and catechists with the capacity for projecting computer images on a screen can find an enormous amount of Christian art on the World Wide Web. Educators are encouraged to be aware of fair use and other copyright laws, respect …


Advent: Saint Joseph and Jesus

This can be easily adapted to a video call.  1. Gather the group in a circle for a moment of silence. Light the candle and read these passages about Joseph in the Gospel of Matthew (1:18-21 and 2:13-15). Ask the …


Month of the Rosary: Our Lady of Perpetual Help

One of the most enduring Marian images is that of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This familiar painting appears to be a single frame taken from a larger action. The image has the child Jesus in the arms of Mary; …


December 12: The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8–9) In December 1531 Mary appeared to …


Instruments of God's Grace

May this selection, from Let Us Remember: Stories of the Holy Presence of God encourage and inspire you in your good work!


The Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher

THE TWELVE VIRTUES OF A GOOD TEACHER In 1706, John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, listed twelve virtues of a good teacher in his Conduct of the Christian Schools. In 1785, Brother Agathon, the fifth superior general …


Prayer Service in Memory of Pope Saint John Paul II

Preparation For this prayer service you will need four candles, a presider, and two readers. The Summons to Prayer Presider: At the seventeenth World Youth Day, Pope John Paul II said to the young people: "When the light fades or …


Mass to Commemorate and Celebrate the Life of Pope Saint John Paul II

In light of the Pope's passing, this Mass script offers an order of service with prayers, music suggestions, intercessions, and other materials that will make planning a meaningful celebration as simple as possible when time is limited. This Mass can …


Back to School: Intentions for the Start of the School Year

Please respond "Lord hear our prayer" Let us pray for all Believers around the world and those who seek Christ, that they may receive blessings and open their hearts to God's word… We pray to the Lord For all experiencing …


Back to School: Prayer for the Start of the School Year

Loving God, Our creator, our savior, our companion, bless this journey of a new school year that we undertake today. Refresh our souls and renew our spirits as we embrace the beautiful ministry you have called us to. We welcome …


Back to School: Latin 101

Invite your class or each student to create a motto for the year in terms of positive faith growth over the course of the year. Your students are most likely familiar with the tradition of mottos or creeds in Latin. …


God's Work or My Work? What is Ministry to Teens?

It had been a very successful year for the youth ministry program in the parish. Young people where involved everywhere in the church, adult volunteers were both plentiful and dedicated, and young people were being transformed. But I was perplexed. …


Contemporary Music, Ageless Wisdom: Using the Language of Teens to Speak the Gospel

It is no secret that teens are absolutely immersed in music. The question for those ministering to youth is, "Should we make a stance against the kinds of music kids are listening to or should we use their music to …


Month of the Rosary: Share the Rosary

For a class or group project make rosaries for a group of elementary students preparing to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. Rosaries can be made from beads found at craft stores or by tying knots …


Sub Tuum Praesidium: The Most Ancient Marian Prayer

The oldest known prayer to Mary is the Sub Tuum Praesidium. It was discovered in Egypt on a fragment of papyrus. It is believed the prayer dates back to mid-late 200's A.D. The prayer follows: We fly to your patronage, …


Month of the Rosary: Queen of the Rosary Prayer Service

Leader +In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All Amen Opening Song Leader Join us, Queen of the Rosary, as we offer praise to our Father All Join us, Queen of the …


Month of the Rosary: Scriptural Rosary

With the monumental addition of the Luminous Mysteries, there are now twenty mysteries in the Rosary. For the month of October - the month of the Rosary-- one can now take one day with each mystery. While the following format …


Lectio Divina: Praying with the Scriptures

The Scriptures is one of the greatest riches possessed by Christians. Often attributed to Saint Jerome, there is the saying that "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of God". However, Catholics are often less comfortable and deft with Scripture than Protestant …


Right Here, Right Now

Holiness is an easy endeavor. At least the spiritual writer, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, believes that is the case. In his book Abandonment to Divine Providence, de Caussade urges his readers to live in the moment and do what is right. …


Youth Prayer Habits

Through a grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc., the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill has established the National Study of Youth & Religion at the Odum Institute for Research and the Social Sciences. In there preliminary findings of existing …


To Youth: Be Peacemakers, Be Builders of a Better World

VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father arrived at Eurasia University in Astana at 6:30 p.m. today and, following a tour of the campus, held a meeting with young people in the university’s Great Hall. About 8,500 …


Papal Plea: Never Use Religion as a Reason for Conflict

VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2001 (VIS) - John Paul II traveled this morning from Astana’s apostolic nunciature to the Square of the Motherland, where at 10:30 a.m. he celebrated Mass with the ordinaries of Kazakhstan, guest bishops and priests working …


Saint John Paul II: Statement on the Tragedy, 12 September 2001

I cannot begin this audience without expressing my profound sorrow at the terrorist attacks which yesterday brought death and destruction to America, causing thousands of victims and injuring countless people. To the President of the United States and to all …


A Letter to Young People from the President of Saint Mary’s Press

Dear young friends, The recent, tragic events continue to leave us all shocked, confused, scared, and sorrowful. At this time, nothing is more important than to turn our hearts to Jesus. Perhaps, we can find comfort in the words of …


Why Is the World the Way It Is?

Why is the world the way it is? Why is it full of wrong? Why are her eyes so big? Why is his neck so long? Why is she so dark? Why am I so light? Why is she called …


My Heaven

As I lay awake And watch the time go by, I wonder as I shed another tear: If only there were no hatred, No violence, no war . . . And all that was left was Love and happiness . …


Hear the Cries of the Victims of Violence

Almighty God, Hear the cries of the victims of violence. Find a place of peace for those who are troubled and in harm's way. Let those whose violence has roots in addiction to harmful substances seek help before they hurt …


Save Me, O God

Save me, O God, . . . I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. (Psalm 69:1-2) God, so many pressures seem too difficult to deal with. From parents to school to just growing up, I …


Every Day Things Occur in This World That Shake My Faith

Every day things occur in this world that shake my faith and test my beliefs. I see things happening like famine and civil wars, and things that hit close to home like cancer and AIDS. I find myself constantly questioning …


Worldwide Prayer

Overview This outdoor prayer exercise is based on the belief that prayer is effective and blessings can travel like ripples all the way around the world. The young people form four small groups as part of a wider circle that …


When Tragedy Challenges Faith

When a Natural Disaster Strikes Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, and floods can challenge our trust and belief in God. We may ask: How could a loving God let bad things happen? How could God let us down …


September 11: Prayer Service for Families Coping with the Tragedy

Gathering Come together as a family. Set aside time for reflection and discussion. Turn off the news for a few moments. Gather together in a circle. Join hands if you wish. Take a moment of silence. Someone may want to …


Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops

This is a day of national tragedy. Though we do not yet know its full extent, we mourn those who have lost their lives and pray for their eternal rest and for the consolation of their families. We pray for …


Our Hands, God's Hands

In this prayer service, students consider the power of our own hands as the hands God uses, as well as the work of God's hands. 1. To prepare for this prayer experience, place some oil in a bowl. Cover a …


I Say to You, Love Your Enemies

I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends …


Love is not for the lovely alone

Love is not for the lovely alone; love is for those who need it; those who have heard the Master's call, yet, somehow, failed to heed it. They are the envious, they are the cruel, the vindictive, and the greedy; …


Help Me

Oh God, please help me with this anger. Every time it happens it is something new. It's an ocean unexplored that Cannot be tamed or touched by anyone. Please help me in rough times, for I know you will. I …


September 11: In Memory and In Hope: A Prayer Gathering

Materials Needed newsprint masking tape markers reflective music candles Preparation Prior to the beginning of the prayer service, set up several areas for small groups of five to seven people to cluster around. Each area should have a piece newsprint …


September 11: In Memory and In Hope: A Liturgical Gathering

Materials Needed incense charcoal brazier or some type of container to hold burning incense candles Music Suggestions "Be Not Afraid," Bob Dufford, Gather Comprehensive (Chicago: GIA Publications, 1994), no. 608. "Grant Us Peace, Lord," Tony Alonso, Fresh As The Morning …


A Prayer Invoking Peace

(For use before a meeting or gathering of youth workers.) Song "Give Us Your Peace," by Michael Mahler, Give Your Gifts: The New Songs (Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001). Leader: As we begin this meeting, let us begin with peace. Please …


The attacks of September 11 were a horrible tragedy . . .

The attacks of September 11 were a horrible tragedy that hit the United States out of nowhere. My prayers and the prayers of people all over the world go out to not only the ones directly affected but to America …


Innocence was bliss . . .

Innocence was bliss But it's so different after this I know we're not untouchable But we'll prove to be unbeatable So put back on your smiles and say, "Tomorrow will be a wonderful day."


For the innocent, that they may gain their angel wings . . . .

For the innocent, that they may gain their angel wings. For the unbreakable souls, that they will always persevere. For the ones left behind, may they find comfort in God, and know those lost are always with them. Also that …


Holy Father, We sincerely pray . . .

Holy Father, We sincerely pray for all the innocent victims of the US tragedy. For those families whose loved ones have been lost, may they find consolation and happiness in you. Give them strength and fill them with your Holy …


Lord, help us not to blame . . .

Lord, help us not to blame those because of their misguided heritage. But to learn to lead them toward their own salvation. Let us not think of this as a tragedy, but as a chance to overcome and conquer fear. …


As we stand at judgment's door . . .

As we stand at judgment’s door, lead us down the path that is straight. Follow our dreams and ambitions. Help us to realize our fate. Here O Lord is where you are needed. Allow the good memories to live on. …


Lord and lover of this world . . .

Lord and lover of this world: Help us to remember that we are people of faith, hope, and love. We are people of faith, there is no need to fear; We are people of hope, there is no need to …


We pray for peace in our hearts . . .

We pray for peace in our hearts as we begin this new day. We remember all those who have died, their families and friends, in this tragedy beyond comprehension. Give us the courage and the strength to reach out to …


We all have crosses to bear . . . .

Inspired by Psalm 6 We all have crosses to bear. Some crosses are heavier than others, and like the psalmist, we ask God to deliver us from them. Lord, deliver me from fear, the fear that comes from within. Protect …


God, I would like to pray that joy can overcome sadness . . . .

God, I would like to pray that joy can overcome sadness. I would like to pray that comfort can eliminate fear. I would like to pray that love can overpower the anger and hatred residing in our hearts. I would …


May the Lord have mercy on all our souls . . .

May the Lord have mercy on all our souls and help us to find the strength to forgive the terrorists who have hurt us all deeply. May the Lord also forgive us, for we aren't perfect and never will be. …


Dear God... Prayer after 9-11

Dear God, I want to pray for all those people who were touched by the tragedy on September 11. I hear all the stories that are being told by the families of the victims. They are so sad. I am …


The tragic events that took place on September 11 . . .

The tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001, have shaken our world and turned people's lives upside down. No one understands how or why this has happened to us. Lord, I am scared for our country, our people, …


Dear Lord... Prayer of Gratitude

Dear Lord, Thank you for being with us this day as we continue to rebuild our lives. Please remind us that we always need you in our lives in order for us to love more openly, to forgive more freely, …


September 11: Dear God, Please comfort our nation . . .

Dear God, Please comfort our nation in this time of sorrow. Please be with the families who have lost a loved one, our leaders that they may make the right decisions, and all Americans that we may come together and …


September 11: This Is How I Want to Remember the Twin Towers.

My God; My God, So much hate displayed in this moment's act, It was hard for me to bear. But then you sent your Son, Jesus, to cry with me, How calming was the feeling. Dear Jesus, teach me to …



Life's seamless robe Rent with cavernous holes Of hate and fear; Torn by bombs That turn to rubble The warp and woof Of lives; Ripped by whispers that shred With caustic tears The threads that love once wove And leave …


September 11: Aftermath

Horror haunts my heart, And tears and fears crawl daily Through the streets that are my life. The fumes of fear seep slowly through my pores. I choke And cry And strangle On images of fire and of hate, Exploding, …


September 11: Bring Peace to the World and Honor Heroes

As we remember the attacks of September 11, 2001, we remember that our world is both troubled and filled with heroes. We offer the following suggestions to bring peace to the world and to honor heroes. Suggestions for the individual …


A Listening Session for Teens on the Mishandling of Sexual Abuse by Clergy

Materials Needed * a 3-by-5-inch index card for each young person * a pencil for each young person * prayer materials (Select one of the "Options for Ritual Actions" below.) * 3 readers for the closing prayer                                                                                                                 * handouts …


Be Reconciled

Call to presence• Let us remember that the Prince of Peace dwells among us at this moment. • God, source of forgiveness and reconciliation, be with us now as we pray. • Forgiving God, be with us now. Prayers 2 …


Burdened with Sin

Adapted from Psalm 65:2-3All of us sin. Virtue eludes us. As the psalmist says: "All flesh comes to God burdened with sin, overwhelmed with failings. Even so, God pardons human shortcomings." God, we do wrong in a million ways, some …


Do Not Judge

Luke 6:37 Jesus warned his followers: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Merciful God, we find it easy to pass judgment on …


Moral Decision Making and Real-Life Applications

If you have used the Saint Mary's Press textbook Growing in Christian Morality, then you're familiar with the LISTEN process for making moral decisions. The process is introduced in the textbook and is used throughout the companion student casebook. LISTEN …


Wrestling with Diversity

How do we welcome non-Christians into our schools and our religion classrooms, and at the same time give witness to our own Christ-centered faith? How do we invite students to learn from and respect other faith traditions without sending the …


The Meal Ministry of Jesus

Ask the students to recall their favorite meal celebration. What made it so special? What was the occasion? Where were they? Who was present? What did they eat? What else happened there? Invite them to share with the class the …


Waiting for God

One day last week, I was sitting at breakfast with the three sisters I live with in Seattle. They are members of the Congregation of Saint Joseph of Peace. It was an ordinary morning at breakfast. Nothing unusual happened. I …


Peaceful and Loving Advice

Peace to this household of God. This is one of the directives in Luke 10:1-20. Stay in a house that offers peace; it is good to be in this house of God. I had surgery back in May for the …


What Time Is It?

What Time Is It? I have a feeling that the disciples asked Jesus, "What time is it?" quite a bit in the Gospels. What time is it? How can we tell God's time here on earth? Those are simple questions …


You Were Called

The shadows are falling, and they are lush. The curtains are closing, the audiences hush. Your life's dawning was so long ago. All experiences mesh with vast undertow. You were called, but the voice was faint. No one called you …


Pentecost Reflection

There is a vocal exercise I do with my choir every time we gather for rehearsal. It's very simple. I ask them to take in a deep breath and sigh. Take a moment to breathe deeply and sigh. This warm-up …


My God Is Still Working

My God is working still, and I am working. God's mercy and promise can be found in the Book of Isaiah. These images of God's goodness are breathtaking, especially as we await spring weather. We are assured of God's mercy. …


Maturing in Faith

Have you ever heard a parent say something like,"People should decide for themselves how to express their faith and what church to belong to. So we don't make our kids go to Mass on Sunday. When they get old enough, …


Leadership and Service

Back in July, all the conditions seemed ideal for my first attempt at climbing Mount Rainier. I was in the best physical shape possible. I was emotionally and spiritually ready to climb Tahoma, the "Mountain of God." The weather that …


Excerpts from Listen for a Whisper: Prayers, Poems, and Reflections by Girls

God is with her. God works for her. God fills her. God chooses her. God accepts her. God praises her. God listens to her. God cries with her. God knows her. God loves her. We are her. Quotes taken from …


Listening to the Voices of Girls

God is with her. God works for her. God fills her. God chooses her. God accepts her. God praises her. God listens to her. God cries with her. God knows her. God loves her. We are her. In eleven short …


The Color Purple

A CAUTIONARY NOTE: One of the criticisms of The Color Purple is that it depicts the men in the story as primarily abusive. Also, this movie is PG-13, mostly because of the violence and strong language. We recommend the movie …


The Sacred Ground of the Mountains

I came to know the mountains of Washington long before I moved here a couple of years ago. I first fell in love with this area back in 1984 when I came to visit my sister and brother-in-law right after …


Let the Church Say Amen

Amen is a cry of complete reliance, of heartfelt abandonment to something or someone that is true and trustworthy. THE TWO-SYLLABLE WORD COULD BE HEARD by all in the front quarter of the sizeable church. It was said by a …


Don't Cancel that Guilt Trip

A few weeks ago it was brought home to me how strongly our society has rejected the idea of struggling with one's conscience as necessary or beneficial. I was teaching Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple (Harbrace, 1982), and the …


Young People's Beginning Experience

By now, divorce has touched the lives of many people in the United States--either directly or through a friend or relative. For a child or teenager, divorce can rip apart a comfortable home, leaving behind guilt, anger and depression. Today, …


Jesus Always Liked You Best

Martha, Martha, you are anxious about many things . . ." Okay, I admit it up front. I am a recovering Martha. I like to think I'm on the road to Mary who has chosen the better part, but I …


Who's Sorry Now?

For those of us old enough to remember, the phrase, "Love means never having to say you're sorry," produces a wry smile. It takes but a moment of reflection to realize the profound untruth of this statement. Life without "I'm …


Thinking Catholic

Thinking Catholic is a mind-set, an attitude of the heart, a bundle of insights and presumptions and priorities that are derived from faith. In our American society people used to agree that abortion was criminal, that divorce was bad, that …


Finding God in Silence

If you are feeling unfulfilled in your prayer life, take heart. This author says sometimes all it takes to is to be silent and listen. IS YOUR PRAYER LIFE IN A RUT? Are there days when you feel like quitting …


Everyday Works of Mercy

Are you more Christian than you give yourself credit for being? My belief is that there are many like that--that many dedicated Christian people have compartmentalized their lives and have excluded important and central areas of their lives from what …


What's God Like?

God's creatures draw upon images and symbols, concepts and narratives--all to know their Creator better. I was 8 years old that day I nervously tiptoed into our living room. My mother was opening the drapes, flooding the room with light. …


Five prayers Catholics can take to heart

The issue of prayer is not prayer; the issue of prayer is God. One cannot pray unless he has faith in his own ability to accost the infinite, merciful, eternal God. --Jewish Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Man's Quest for God …


O Lord, Hear My Cry

"I'm going for a walk," I declared, not caring if my husband actually heard me or not. I slammed the front door behind me and marched angrily out of our home, strutting down the walkway and into the street, oblivious …


A Note on Kneeling

IT WASN'T UNTIL I COULD NO LONGER kneel that I began to savor the lovely simplicity of this ancient act, and guess at its provenance, and savor its humility, and notice it not only in Mass but in many other …


Letting Go and Letting God

*last name has been changed for this article Bernie Fenton* never minded that his office overlooked a cemetery. In fact, he kind of liked it. He'd glance up from his desk now and then catching glimpses of friends and family …


Meeting the Rhinoceros

Thomas Merton makes a valuable role model for the spiritual journey of the adolescent rhinoceros. At times even the most optimistic teacher may despair of the possibility of ever communicating meaningfully with adolescents. The significant number of developmental tasks facing …


The Spirituality of Work

Teachers who structure justice into their workday lives model a moral vision for their students. I requested a review copy of all religion textbooks used in Catholic high schools some years ago and scoured over 30 books looking for references …


Thomas Merton: Something of a Rebel

One of the world’s leading Merton experts takes another look at the monk who changed the course of American spirituality from his monastery cell. ON A RECENT VISIT to a secondhand bookstore in a Midwestern city, I found an exceptionally …


Give Penance a Chance

Think back to the last time you did something that hurt someone, even if it wasn't intentional. How did you make amends? Did you apologize? Did you offer to make it up to them in some way? If so, then …


Columbine High's Selfless Heroes

The stories of Columbine's heroes rise like a "tide of inspiration" for this Denver mother. Starting the third laundry load, I pause, puzzled by a pin on my daughter's t-shirt. At 14, she tosses shirts into the hamper with glad …


Dance: An Awakening

Ms. Sawaya Lamb teaches dance at Judge Memorial Catholic High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Wagoner, a former technical director at Judge Memorial Catholic High School, is now assistant principal at Saint Vincent School in Salt Lake City. …


Our Father, Our Mother

Our Father, Our Mother, so wholly in heaven, so on-the-way, so be-coming in every him-her-you-me that ever on earth was, is, will-be, knead us every this-day into one bread.


Litany of Forgiveness

Before the session, cut out each of the eight prayers and accompanying Scripture passages. Place each slip of paper in a separate small envelope and seal it. There are times at school, at home, at work, or in a group …


Litany for the Ordinary

Mary, queen of the ordinary-- queen of spinning wheel and loom who wove from ordinary stuff the flawless fabric of God's humanness; queen whose pregnancy put Joseph's other plans aside and sent his saw singing into cradlewood; queen of water …



Focusing Scripture I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands. (Isaiah 49:15–16) Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me, "Now I have …


Glorious Nature

Theme: Francis proclaimed, "We are sister and brother to animals and plants, water and soil, earth and sky." Just as we meet the dancer in her dance, the painter in his art, and the poet in her finely crafted words, so …


From Isolation to Liberation

At the age of ten, I was diagnosed with pre-leukemia. Before being diagnosed I had to undergo numerous blood tests and very painful bone marrow tests. These tests continued after the diagnosis. I had to miss the last part of …


Ideas for Teaching Feminine Spirituality

In 1994, I started teaching a course on women's spirituality for seniors at Holy Names High School, an all-girls school in Oakland, California. Finding materials for such a class was a challenge. No textbooks or other resources existed that were …


Using Literature in Theology Classes

Editor's note: The author of our feature article, Kathleen Hodapp, was one of the participants in last summer's workshop "The Catholic High School As Faith Community," held here in Winona, Minnesota, as well as on the East Coast and the …


The Harvest Is Abundant: Reflections on a Spirituality of Service

Service is a golden word these days. Everybody's doing it: governmental bodies, schools, churches, even neighborhoods and families. Court sentencing frequently includes community service, the federal government holds service up as a value in programs such as Americorps, and state …


Leading Students to Hermitage:

Editor's note: A few months ago I met (by mail and phone) Sr. Mary Farrell, SC, who has taught at Saint Peter's High School in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for thirty-six years. Much of that time, she taught French and …


Forms for the Hermitage Experience

For more information see Leading Students to Hermitage. Preparation for Hermitage Dear __________________________, Your day for hermitage is _____________________ in the MORNING at 8:00 a.m. or AFTERNOON at 1:40 p.m. To come to hermitage, you must do the following things: …


Helping Students Get the Most Out of Stories

For the past six years I have been researching the power of stories for communicating Catholic religious and moral values. At the same time, I have been experimenting with stories in my high school classroom (tenth- and twelfth-grade classes in …


Building Faith Community in the High School

In a workshop entitled "The Catholic High School as Faith Community," religion teachers, campus ministers, and school administrators discussed, among many things, the obstacles they face in trying to build faith community in their school. One obstacle they addressed was …


Growing as a Faith Community

Over the past nine years as a campus minister and theology teacher at Saint John's Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio, I have witnessed and been part of the growth of our school toward the ideal of being a Christian …


Schoolwide Prayer in the Words of "Me"

What distinguishes a Catholic school from a public school? The obvious answer is that, at least potentially, a Catholic school is a faith community. Whether it is truly a faith community depends on more than the offering of religion courses, …


Stations of the Cross by Students: New Light on an Old Tradition

A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place, undertaken for a spiritual purpose. A pilgrimage in our modern age could take many forms. For the season of Lent last year, I invited my junior ethics classes to make a …


Questions for God

In a course on faith that he teaches at De La Salle Academy in New York City, David Detje, FSC, uses the film Oh, God! to shake up the students' notions of what God is like. He has gotten some …


All Is Beautiful Before Me

The following prayer service, sent to us by Cheryl Erb, RSM, author of our feature article in this issue, was prepared by the Racism Committee of the Sisters of Mercy of Cincinnati as a way of commemorating the quincentenary. For …


Expect Much, Praise Much, Be Present to Them

Course materials, such as the high school religion textbooks and teacher's manuals published by Saint Mary's Press, are a significant ingredient in the education of our young people. But we all know that the most important factor in a student's …


August 15: Assumption of Mary - Mary Poem

No milk-faced maiden in a soft robe for a desert god, No You needed someone more Your size who cared about Your chosen ones as much as You who constantly insisted that You listen to their cries And, once the …


We Come to the Feast

Recently I have been paying attention to where and with whom I have shared meals over the past several weeks. Now I must confess that for the most part my dining habits have consisted of special meals on a tray …


A New Look at the Sower and the Seeds

This is the text of a reflection given at the opening prayer service of the school year. The concept is interesting and could work well in a classroom or retreat setting. Scattered them wildly about (see Matt. 13:1-53; Mark 4:1-34; …


Praying the Psalms

Remember the television show from the late 80's called "Doogie Howser, M.D.?" At the end of every show, Doogie would sit down at his computer and write a 2 or 3 sentence "blurb" that perfectly summed up his day and …


Color the Moment

Well, here we are at the end of an incredible school year. It seems like everyone I've been talking with this week remarks on how quickly the year has gone. "It seems like only yesterday that we were walking in …


Catholic Identity

For a couple of years, Saint Mary's Press sponsored a listserv discussion group online. Discussions on a variety of topics were pursued via e-mail. In this article I hope to summarize some of the highlights from postings on the timely …