We will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21.

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The New American Bible (NAB)


This website, run by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is the official and only online source for the New American Bible translation. It does not have a good search (concordance) feature but it does have podcasts and videos.

Debra Dean Jean Reads the Declaration of Independence


A free MP3 download of a reading of the Declaration of Independence, approximately 10 minutes long.



This link goes to an article hosted at CatholicCulture.org: “Daily Life in Ancient Israel,” written by Ernest Lussier, SSS. The article was originally published in the American Ecclesiastical Review. It is clearly written and touches on a variety of topics: diet, bread, wine, clothing, and games. Although the article’s topic is ancient Israel, Lussier frequently refers to the time of Christ and to Christ himself in this article, thus giving an overview of a broad timespan.

New American Bible Readings and Psalms


This Web site of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is the official online source for the Catholic Lectionary. Users access readings via calendar date.

A Jubilee Call for Debt Forgiveness


In this statement from the USCCB Pope John Paul II’s call for international debt relief in the Jubilee is highlighted.

A Papal Succession Outline


An outline explaining how a new pope is selected.

National Catholic Evangelization Programs


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have a committee dedicated to evangelization and catechesis. This contains extensive information from the USCCB concerning evangelization.

What is Catholic Evangelization


The Diocese of Cleveland provides a wonderful summary of Catholic evangelization in this resource.

End of Life Issues/Euthanasia


This is a resource from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops addressing the issue of euthanasia.

Catholic Teaching on Economic Life


This is a resource from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops addressing the issue of economic life.

Global Poverty


This is a resource from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops addressing the issue of global poverty.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry


This is a resource from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops addressing the issue of youth and young adult ministry.



This is a resource from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops addressing the issue of evangelization.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development


Step 9 calls for students to research the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This link will take you to their homepage.

USCCB Resources on Contemporary Issues


This site from the USCCB provides an extensive collection of Church documents, bishop statements and letters addressing a wide variety of contemporary issues.

Respect for Unborn Human Life: The Church’s Constant Teaching


This is a fact sheet from the USCCB explaining the Church teaching on abortion.

Declaration on Euthanasia


This is a document prepared by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith addressing euthanasia.

Charter of the Rights of the Family


This charter from the Holy See is directed to the governments of the world, organizations working with families, economic powers and families outlining the rights that are inherent to and should be afforded to all families.

Social Justice


This site from the USCCB provides an extensive collection of Church documents, bishop statements and letters addressing social justice issues.

Catholics in Political Life


This statement from the USCCB asserts and affirms their responsibility and commitment to teach the truths of Jesus and the need to actively promote political activity and policy that is in accord with the teachings of the Church.