Fingerprints of God and download an MP3 version of the Stephen Curtis Chapman song “Fingerprints of God.”
Art Index: Images of the Ascension art index from The Text This Week’s Web site offers links to artists’ portrayals of the Ascension. You may wish to show some of these images to students, either before the activity or afterward, as an adjunct to your discussion of the students’ own interpretations of this event.
Art Index: Images of the Pentecost art index from The Text This Week’s Web site offers links to artists’ portrayals of the Pentecost. You may wish to show some of these images to students, either before the activity or afterward, as an adjunct to your discussion of the students’ own interpretations of this event.
The Acts of the Apostles - Scholarly Articles Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the Acts of the Apostles and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background.
Sacred Space - Internet Prayer Page online prayer space sponsored by the Irish Jesuits. A Gospel meditation is offered each day, and on the feedback page, those who pray with the site are invited to respond. This feedback page offers some examples of what a person who prays regularly and who is in a relationship with Jesus might be like.
Rubistar - Online Rubric Building Site hands-on tool to help educators create rubrics for learning activities. The tool allows users to select wording, or submit their own, before downloading or printing. Rubrics may be saved online, with the work of other teachers available for use. The site encourages registration and is financed by advertising. site provides concise biographies of some of the better-known “modern-day martyrs” included in the activity.
Covenant and Mission by Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ article from America Magazine was authored by Cardinal Dulles and explores the controversy and confusion that arose around the document Reflections on Covenant and Mission released jointly by the Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the National Council of Synagogues.
The Tidings - Online Catholic Weekly link will take you The Tidings, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Online Parish Directory search engine can locate parishes from around the country from which you can request a copy of their bulletin.