catholic encyclopedia
The Incarnation (Catholic Encyclopedia) New Advent Web site hosts the Catholic Encyclopedia, which includes an article on the Incarnation. Below the table of contents, you will find an entire paragraph devoted to the meaning of the word “incarnation,” its use by the Fathers of the Church and Church councils, and its roots in Scripture. Other Greek words found in Scripture that reflect the mystery of the Incarnation are also defined, the most familiar being kenosis in Philippians 2:7. This is the 1917 edition of the encyclopedia, so contemporary thought and theology will not be found here.
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Mary Magdalen article from the Catholic Encyclopedia attempts to sort out the identities of Mary Magdalen; Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; and “the sinner” of Luke 7:36–50. It also recounts the legend of her move to and death in France, along with a contrary claim that she lived in Ephesus and died there. Both legends are undocumented.
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Joseph of Arimathea article in the Catholic Encyclopedia dismisses the legend of Joseph of Arimathea’s travel to England as “fabulous” (i.e., being a fable, or untrue). It gives more reliable information about Joseph’s probable standing and influence in the Sanhedrin.
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on the Immaculate Conception article provides extensive information on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, including scriptural background, proof from Tradition, patristic writings, liturgical celebration, and historical celebration.
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on the Feast of the Assumption article in the Catholic Encyclopedia recounts the history of the belief and feast celebrating the Assumption. Note that some of the liturgical information is no longer accurate, as this encyclopedia was copyrighted in 1909. A note at the bottom adds the date (1950) of the papal bull declaring the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be a dogma of the Church.
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Litany of Loreto exhaustive article in the Catholic Encyclopedia presents the historical background on Marian litanies in general and the Litany of Loreto in particular.
The Sermon on the Mount—Commentary by Saint Augustine article from the Catholic Encyclopedia (hosted at provides a commentary from Saint Augustine, one of the Church Fathers. In a general sense, Saint Augustine presents the Sermon on the Mount as the standard for moral living. He also provides a brief commentary on each beatitude, as well as reflections on the rest of the sermon.
Disciple article from the Catholic Encyclopedia at examines the meaning of discipleship. The brief article also focuses on how the term “disciple” appears in the four Gospels.
Pentecost link provides a brief description of Pentecost (Whitsunday)
Unity as a Mark of the Church website explaining Unity as a mark of the Church. Included is a treatment of some false notions about unity as well as through exploration of why the true Church of Christ is one.
The List of Popes full list of all of the Popes with links to information about each Pope.