blessed virgin mary
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on the Immaculate Conception article provides extensive information on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, including scriptural background, proof from Tradition, patristic writings, liturgical celebration, and historical celebration.
Mary’s Immaculate Conception article by Fr. William G. Most is a shorter article than the one in Catholic Encyclopedia, but it also covers the history of the doctrine as well as a discussion of the meaning of “full of grace” from the original Greek.
Immaculate Conception Article article titled "All About the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: Immaculate Conception History, Information, Prayers, Resources, Traditions & More”. The site also includes FAQs and is very readable.
Catholic Online Article: “Immaculate Conception and Assumption” article examines both the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption from the point of view of fundamentalist Protestant objections. The article carries a nihil obstat, as well as an imprimatur from Bishop Robert Brom of San Diego.
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on the Feast of the Assumption article in the Catholic Encyclopedia recounts the history of the belief and feast celebrating the Assumption. Note that some of the liturgical information is no longer accurate, as this encyclopedia was copyrighted in 1909. A note at the bottom adds the date (1950) of the papal bull declaring the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be a dogma of the Church.
Assumption of Mary article provides a short, more contemporary history of the feast and the dogma. A list of related resources is also given, with direct links. One of these links asks, “Is Assumption a Holy Day of Obligation?” (Answer: In the United States, not if it falls on a Saturday or a Monday.)
Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Litany of Loreto exhaustive article in the Catholic Encyclopedia presents the historical background on Marian litanies in general and the Litany of Loreto in particular.
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), The Second Vatican Council Vatican Website provides the text of this document from the Second Vatican Council.