We will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21.


Catholic News Service


This is the official place to go for the latest news related to the Catholic Church. This news service is a division of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Sermon on the Mount - Scholarly Articles


This page contains dozens of links to scholarly articles on the Sermon on the Mount, including two exclusively devoted to the Beatitudes.

The Acts of the Apostles - Scholarly Articles


The Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the Acts of the Apostles and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background.

The New Testament Letters - Scholarly Articles


The Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the New Testament letters and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background. Note that the New Testament letters page contains a menu in the left-hand column with links to individual letters.

General Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass


This post-conciliar document by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship details the principles for the use of Scripture in the liturgy, as explained in the documents of Vatican II. The first part of the document explains the Church’s view of Holy Scripture.



This site provides concise biographies of some of the better-known “modern-day martyrs” included in the activity.

Catholic Answers


According to the information posted on the site, “Catholic Answers is one of the nation’s largest lay-run apostolates of Catholic apologetics and evangelization.” Some articles are collections of quotes from Church fathers, providing a historical context for the topic at hand. Many articles carry an Imprimatur, and others provide extensive bibliographical citation.

Service Learning


This site includes a brief introduction to service learning and a links to helpful resources.

A Blessing to One Another: Pope John Paul II and the Jewish People


“A Blessing to One Another” is an interactive museum exhibit tracing the life of Pope John Paul II.

U.S. Catholic - Homepage


Some research might require the use of articles from U.S. Catholic, this link will take you to the publications home page.

The Domestic Church - Website


This website provides resources addressing the family as domestic church.

The Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue


The Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue provides numerous messages, documents and reflections related to their inter-religious efforts.

The Narrow Path


The Narrow Path is a documentary about Fr. John Dear (2007, 108 minutes, not rated) that can be ordered at this link.