Vatican Web Site is the gateway to the English language section of the Vatican web site.
Summary of Dei Verbum link is to a PDF document that summarizes the key points of the chapter in Dei Verbum (The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation). This could be a helpful background and summary resource for either teachers or students.
The Vatican Website Vatican Web site is a source for information (see Updates on the home page) not only on the Pope’s writings and addresses, but on the various activities sponsored or participated in by the many pontifical councils. Among these are the Pontifical Council on the Laity, on Promoting Christian Unity, and on the Family. A search for the Pontifical Council on Interreligious Dialogue yields recent writings and events related to the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu religions.
Deus Caritas Est encyclical is available online at the Vatican Web site.
Salvation Outside of the Church article—a 1964 sermon from then Archbishop Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI—examines whether there is the possibility for salvation for one who is outside of the Church. The central question is not how someone outside the Church can be saved, but rather why—if salvation is indeed possible for a non-Christian—the Church should continue its ministry of evangelization.
Saint Mary’s Press Resource Center site provides a variety of religious education resources provided by Saint Mary’s Press, a leading Catholic resource provider. You can easily search for written and video presentations on a variety of topics—including the individual Sacraments.
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium), The Second Vatican Council Vatican Website provides the text of this document from the Second Vatican Council.
Scriptural Supports for the Four Marks of the Church Scriptural connections are provided for the Four Marks of the Church.
The Church is Apostolic site explains key ideas from the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a simplified manner. This link leads directly to the explanation of the Apostolic nature of the Catholic Church.