United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the official web site of the United States Catholic Bishops.
Gregory of Nyssa, Life of Moses—Christian Spirituality seminarian James Lannan reflects on Gregory of Nyssa’s famous spiritual work, Life of Moses, which uses the story of Moses’ life as a revelation of the stages of the spiritual life. Lannan’s reflection offers a unique perspective for teachers, and may be an appropriate text for use with advanced students.
Resources for the Pauline Year extensive collection of resources about Saint Paul for teens: articles, activities, maps, worksheets, links, and more.
The Vatican Website Vatican Web site is a source for information (see Updates on the home page) not only on the Pope’s writings and addresses, but on the various activities sponsored or participated in by the many pontifical councils. Among these are the Pontifical Council on the Laity, on Promoting Christian Unity, and on the Family. A search for the Pontifical Council on Interreligious Dialogue yields recent writings and events related to the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu religions.
Sacred Space - Internet Prayer Page online prayer space sponsored by the Irish Jesuits. A Gospel meditation is offered each day, and on the feedback page, those who pray with the site are invited to respond. This feedback page offers some examples of what a person who prays regularly and who is in a relationship with Jesus might be like.
Saint Joseph: Foster Father of Jesus article is a short synopsis of information about Saint Joseph, and it provides a link to Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada.
Mary Magdalene: First Witness of the Resurrection article, expanding on Mary Magdalen as portrayed in the Episcopalian lectionary, tries to distinguish between four different women in the Gospels, all of whom have been identified with Mary Magdalene at various times. The article includes a quotation from the Penguin Dictionary of Saints to bring historical clarity to this question.
Assumption of Mary article provides a short, more contemporary history of the feast and the dogma. A list of related resources is also given, with direct links. One of these links asks, “Is Assumption a Holy Day of Obligation?” (Answer: In the United States, not if it falls on a Saturday or a Monday.)
Saint Vincent Ferrer: On Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving article presents a sermon on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, written by Saint Vincent Ferrer, OP, a fourteenth-century saint. The sermon looks at acts of penitence as acts of justice, for in doing penance one does justice to oneself. The sermon categorizes these acts into forms of penance for the material, the rational, and the temporal good.
Toby Mac Comments on “Made to Love” this YouTube video, Toby Mac, the singer-songwriter of “Made to Love,” comments on his inspiration for the song and provides personal insight into the meaning of the lyrics.
Lesson One: How a Catholic Starts to Read the Bible lesson offers background on how to read and understand the Bible in a way that is consistent with the Catholic tradition. Requires registration to access lessons.
Saint Mary’s Press Resource Center site provides a variety of religious education resources provided by Saint Mary’s Press, a leading Catholic resource provider. You can easily search for written and video presentations on a variety of topics—including the individual Sacraments.
The Mass Explained App site offers information on the MassExplained app, which contains a wealth of multimedia resources, including pop-up definitions, podcasts, 3-D tours, slideshows, and maps.
Liturgy of the Hours is a well written and informative article about the Liturgy of the Hours. For anyone who is not familiar with the history and/or structure of the Liturgy of the Hours, this would prove quite useful.
An Introduction to Taizé video introduction to the story of the Taizè Community, focusing on the retreats for young adults. Approximately 11 minutes.
Preparing a Time of Prayer for Taizé prayer, including an explanation of the elements that comprise this format for prayer.
World Mission Day Statements Vatican provides the text for World Mission Days from 2006 to 2010.
Redemptoris Missio 4 calls for the use of Redemptoris Missio. This link will take you to the official Vatican text of the statement.
Catholic Library: Church Documents is an extensive collection of Church documents.
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship link is for the USCCB document Forming Conscience for Faithful Citizenship. It will take you the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops dedicated to Faithful Citizenship.