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The Vatican Website


The Vatican Web site is a source for information (see Updates on the home page) not only on the Pope’s writings and addresses, but on the various activities sponsored or participated in by the many pontifical councils. Among these are the Pontifical Council on the Laity, on Promoting Christian Unity, and on the Family. A search for the Pontifical Council on Interreligious Dialogue yields recent writings and events related to the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu religions.

Catholic-Resources.org Homepage


This web site, developed by Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD, of Loyola University in Orange, California, is very helpful for finding background articles on the Holy Trinity. Enter “Trinity” in the search box, and a list of articles that mention the Trinity will be given. Of particular interest for Step 6 is Fr. Just’s article “Trinity in the New Testament.” A list of links to the Trinity in biblical art is also given in this article.

The Paschal Mystery


This article looks at the Paschal Mystery from the point of view of the Triduum. The article presents these three holy days as the culmination of the Paschal Mystery; it goes through each of the three days and explains their role in the Paschal Mystery.

Living Out the Paschal Mystery


This article serves as a reflection on how a person could live out the Paschal Mystery in his or her life. It provides a good reflection, plus questions for the reader to continue reflecting afterward.

Index to the Lectionary


This site, compiled by Felix Just, SJ, Director of Biblical Education at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, California, provides charts and indexes helpful for finding Biblical passages in the Lectionary. The site does not include the text of the readings.

Saint Mary’s Press Resource Center


This site provides a variety of religious education resources provided by Saint Mary’s Press, a leading Catholic resource provider. You can easily search for written and video presentations on a variety of topics—including the individual Sacraments.

The Mass Explained App


This site offers information on the MassExplained app, which contains a wealth of multimedia resources, including pop-up definitions, podcasts, 3-D tours, slideshows, and maps.

The Tidings - Online Catholic Weekly


This link will take you The Tidings, the newspaper for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Origins Website - Online Church Documents


Step 9 calls for the use of articles from Origins, this link will take you to the publications home page.

The Christian Family is a Domestic Church


Written by a Catholic deacon and grounded in his personal experiences, this article explains how the Christian family is a domestic church.(article about family as domestic church)