Sermon on the Mount - Scholarly Articles
https://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/jesus_sermon.phpThis page contains dozens of links to scholarly articles on the Sermon on the Mount, including two exclusively devoted to the Beatitudes.
Commentary on John 1:1-34
http://www.crivoice.org/biblestudy/bbjohn2.htmlThis commentary on John 1:1-34, written by Roger Hahn, is an easy-to-read article interwoven with applications made to our own lives.
Catholic Understanding of Evangelization and Proselytizing
http://www.christlife.org/The ChristLife: Catholic Ministry for Evangelization is an apostolate of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. This site offers support and training in the ministry of evangelization. Short, invitational videos highlighting personal stories are appropriate for classroom use.
https://www.americamagazine.org/Teachers and students can research and read articles from America, this link will take you to the publications home page.
Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
http://www.christianunity.va/content/unitacristiani/en/settimana-di-preghiera-per-l-unita.htmlThe Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches for several years have been jointly releasing an annual resource promoting prayer for Christian unity.