Heritage: Civilization and the Jews Web site is the companion for a PBS series by the same name (also available on DVD). The first episode, “A People Is Born,” looks at Israel and its neighbors from 3800 BC to 586 BC; the accompanying section on the Web site includes interactive presentations, an interactive atlas, historical documents, and video clips. The Web site also includes a detailed timeline, links to additional resources, and lesson plans. (The Guide for Teachers referred you to the lesson plan for “A People Is Born” in Unit 1.)
Prophetic Books of the Old Testament Biblical Studies Website presents an extensive list of resources providing deep background on the prophetic books of the Bible, including many scholarly articles available online. Note that the left navigation bar also contains links to resources on specific Old Testament prophets.
Sermon on the Mount - Scholarly Articles page contains dozens of links to scholarly articles on the Sermon on the Mount, including two exclusively devoted to the Beatitudes.
The Acts of the Apostles - Scholarly Articles Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the Acts of the Apostles and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background.
Resources for the Pauline Year extensive collection of resources about Saint Paul for teens: articles, activities, maps, worksheets, links, and more.
Commentary on John 1:1-34 commentary on John 1:1-34, written by Roger Hahn, is an easy-to-read article interwoven with applications made to our own lives.
Immaculate Conception Article article titled "All About the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: Immaculate Conception History, Information, Prayers, Resources, Traditions & More”. The site also includes FAQs and is very readable.
Saint Mary’s Press Resource Center site provides a variety of religious education resources provided by Saint Mary’s Press, a leading Catholic resource provider. You can easily search for written and video presentations on a variety of topics—including the individual Sacraments.
Eucharistic Prayers (Roman Missal) site provides information on the Eucharistic Prayers and other elements of the Roman Missal.
Pray as You website is administered by the Jesuits in Britain. It has podcasts for each day which include music, questions for reflection, and insights related to the scripture reading of the day. Teachers can use these prayers at the beginning of class, and students may appreciate learning about this site for their personal use. (DH) “An Introduction to Taizé”
Service Learning site includes a brief introduction to service learning and a links to helpful resources.
Pope Francis and Ecumenism article from the USCCB, “Our Ecumenical and Interreligious Friends Congratulate Pope Francis” is a series of congratulatory messages from the leaders of churches and religious groups sent to Pope Francis upon his election. On this same page is a menu with links to videos on ecumenism, “On the Path Toward Christian Unity” and “Walking Together on the Road to Peace.”
The Domestic Church - Website website provides resources addressing the family as domestic church.
Catholic Library: Church Documents is an extensive collection of Church documents.