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Crosswalk Bible Study Tools


This site has online versions of many different Bible translations, including the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)and Good News (GNT). Also contains online commentaries, concordances, and dictionaries. But be aware, this is not a Catholic site and many of the resources will not give an authentic Catholic interpretation of Scripture.

Summary of Dei Verbum


This link is to a PDF document that summarizes the key points of the chapter in Dei Verbum (The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation). This could be a helpful background and summary resource for either teachers or students.

Adam, Eve, and Original Sin


This link offers a brief overview of Catholic teaching regarding Original Sin.

Abraham, the World’s First Jewish Radical


A short essay by Lori Palatnik, a Jewish author and educator, argues that Abraham’s journey embodies a call to radical living, undefined by fashion or cultural expectations. Short and easily accessible, this would be an appropriate text for students to analyze using the Jigsaw, Barometer, Found Read, or Take a Stand methods outlined in the methods section of this Web site.

Crash Course in Jewish History: Abraham’s Journey


Beginning with the intriguing question, “How have the Jewish people managed to survive so long and accomplish so much despite their small numbers?”, Rabbi Ken Spiro writes engagingly about how Abraham embodied the essence of what the Jewish nation was called to live out: truth telling, kindness, and a stubborn drive for righteousness. This essay is more than two thousand words long. Although it would be accessible to most high school students, it may best serve as an excellent background article for teachers.

Moses: The Emergence of a Leader


Rabbi Ari Kahn engages in a midrashic reflection on the leadership of Moses, reconciling his apparent shortcomings with his fundamental humility and integrity. This is a good background resource for teachers interested in a contemporary Jewish perspective on Moses.

Gregory of Nyssa, Life of Moses—Christian Spirituality


Catholic seminarian James Lannan reflects on Gregory of Nyssa’s famous spiritual work, Life of Moses, which uses the story of Moses’ life as a revelation of the stages of the spiritual life. Lannan’s reflection offers a unique perspective for teachers, and may be an appropriate text for use with advanced students.

King David’s Palace Is Found, Archaeologist Says


This article from The New York Times discusses the discovery of a building foundation that may date to the time of King David. The discussion of the dispute among archaeologists sparked by the find provides insight into the special considerations surrounding biblical archaeology. Also, students may be interested to read about attempts by archaeologists to verify the Deuteronomistic history with physical evidence.

What Is Biblical Prophecy?


This website page discusses what biblical prophecy is and is not. It is an interesting and helpful resource for a deeper understanding of the prophets and prophetic books of the Bible.

Prophetic Books of the Old Testament


The Biblical Studies Website presents an extensive list of resources providing deep background on the prophetic books of the Bible, including many scholarly articles available online. Note that the left navigation bar also contains links to resources on specific Old Testament prophets.

A Biblical Map of the Prophets of Israel and Judah


This website offers a small map of some of the locations associated with the Old Testament prophets; it would possibly be a useful resource for students who choose to research a prophet for their final performance task. Note that the Web site is an independent evangelical ministry.

The Prophet Elijah


The Biblical Studies Web site offers an in-depth look at Elijah, including a useful map of significant locations in the life of Elijah and a chart documenting the relationship of kings and prophets in the books of Samuel and Kings.

“Tent of Heaven” Apse Mosaic at the San Vitale Basilica


Students may find a good image of the “Tent of Heaven” apse mosaic referenced in Handout 7–A near the bottom of this Web page.

Ghent Altarpiece


This Wikipedia page contains an extensive commentary on the “Adoration of the Lamb,” by Jan van Eyck, referenced in Handout 7–A, as well as numerous detail photos from the altarpiece.

The Eight Beatitudes


This Web page contains the article on the Beatitudes referenced in the Teacher’s Guide.

Sermon on the Mount - Scholarly Articles


This page contains dozens of links to scholarly articles on the Sermon on the Mount, including two exclusively devoted to the Beatitudes.

Word as Power in the Ancient Near East


This site includes a scholarly article by Frederick L. Moriarty of Boston College on the significance of the concept of the word in the biblical world. This article will be more appropriate as background for teachers than for use by most students.

The Acts of the Apostles - Scholarly Articles


The Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the Acts of the Apostles and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background.

The New Testament Letters - Scholarly Articles


The Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the New Testament letters and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background. Note that the New Testament letters page contains a menu in the left-hand column with links to individual letters.

Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Trinity


A summary of the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, as well as the heresies surrounding this doctrine, can be found in the article “Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Trinity” by Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ. The article’s final section, “Principal Implications,” explains the Trinity as the perfect model of selfless love and the pattern of our liberty.

Saint Augustine’s Theology of the Holy Trinity


An article titled “Saint Augustine’s Theology of the Holy Trinity”—excerpted from the book I Believe in the Holy Spirit, volume 3, by Yves Congar—can be found at the Web site of the Crossroads Initiative, The article includes “A Note on Augustine’s Theology of the Trinity and the Eastern Tradition,” exploring the difficulties and differences in language and understanding that resulted in differing theologies of the Trinity in the East and West.

The Nicene Creed: Ancient Symbol of the Catholic Faith


“The Nicene Creed: Ancient Symbol of the Catholic Faith,” by David Bennett, can be found at this link The article goes through the Nicene Creed, line by line, explaining each section in a few lines. It might be interesting to copy this article, cut it into its designated lines and phrases, give each phrase at random to a class member, and see if the class can put it back together again by memory.

Book Review of “The Shack”


A book review of William P. Young’s bestseller The Shack, with observations on the theology of the Trinity, can be found at this link. Note that Christianity Today is a Christian evangelical magazine.

The Trinity (Triunity) of God


An article on “The Trinity (Triunity) of God” includes a section on the evolution of the doctrine of the Trinity. It can be found at this link. The article is by J. Hampton Keathley III. Note that this is a Christian, but not a Catholic, website.

Commentary on John 1:1-34


This commentary on John 1:1-34, written by Roger Hahn, is an easy-to-read article interwoven with applications made to our own lives.

Saint Joseph: Foster Father of Jesus


This article is a short synopsis of information about Saint Joseph, and it provides a link to Saint Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Canada.

Catholic Online Biography of Saint John the Baptist


This link goes to a brief biography of Saint John the Baptist at Catholic Online.

Famous People: Saint John the Baptist


This article on John the Baptist not only presents his biography but also lists several feast days of Saint John the Baptist celebrated by the Eastern Churches and the Eastern Orthodox Church. is the article also includes a long list of churches and other establishments named after John the Baptist.

Catholic Online Biography of Saint Mary Magdalen


This short biography of Saint Mary Magdalen, at Catholic Online, recounts the (undocumented) legend of her voyage to France, where she is said to have spent the rest of her life in prayer.

Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Mary Magdalen


This article from the Catholic Encyclopedia attempts to sort out the identities of Mary Magdalen; Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; and “the sinner” of Luke 7:36–50. It also recounts the legend of her move to and death in France, along with a contrary claim that she lived in Ephesus and died there. Both legends are undocumented.

Mary Magdalene: First Witness of the Resurrection


This article, expanding on Mary Magdalen as portrayed in the Episcopalian lectionary, tries to distinguish between four different women in the Gospels, all of whom have been identified with Mary Magdalene at various times. The article includes a quotation from the Penguin Dictionary of Saints to bring historical clarity to this question.

Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Joseph of Arimathea


This article in the Catholic Encyclopedia dismisses the legend of Joseph of Arimathea’s travel to England as “fabulous” (i.e., being a fable, or untrue). It gives more reliable information about Joseph’s probable standing and influence in the Sanhedrin.

Catholic Encyclopedia Article on the Immaculate Conception


This article provides extensive information on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, including scriptural background, proof from Tradition, patristic writings, liturgical celebration, and historical celebration.

Mary’s Immaculate Conception


This article by Fr. William G. Most is a shorter article than the one in Catholic Encyclopedia, but it also covers the history of the doctrine as well as a discussion of the meaning of “full of grace” from the original Greek.

Immaculate Conception Article


An article titled "All About the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: Immaculate Conception History, Information, Prayers, Resources, Traditions & More”. The site also includes FAQs and is very readable.

BBC Article on the Feast of the Annunciation


This article from the BBC gives a short history of the feast of the Annunciation, discusses scriptural and prayer texts based on the Annunciation, and includes a brief discussion of feminist critiques of the celebration of the Annunciation.

Catholic Online Article: “Immaculate Conception and Assumption”


This article examines both the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption from the point of view of fundamentalist Protestant objections. The article carries a nihil obstat, as well as an imprimatur from Bishop Robert Brom of San Diego.

Assumption of Mary


This article provides a short, more contemporary history of the feast and the dogma. A list of related resources is also given, with direct links. One of these links asks, “Is Assumption a Holy Day of Obligation?” (Answer: In the United States, not if it falls on a Saturday or a Monday.)

Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Litany of Loreto


This exhaustive article in the Catholic Encyclopedia presents the historical background on Marian litanies in general and the Litany of Loreto in particular.

The Sermon on the Mount—Commentary by Saint Augustine


This article from the Catholic Encyclopedia (hosted at NewAdvent.org) provides a commentary from Saint Augustine, one of the Church Fathers. In a general sense, Saint Augustine presents the Sermon on the Mount as the standard for moral living. He also provides a brief commentary on each beatitude, as well as reflections on the rest of the sermon.

Saint Vincent Ferrer: On Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving


This article presents a sermon on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, written by Saint Vincent Ferrer, OP, a fourteenth-century saint. The sermon looks at acts of penitence as acts of justice, for in doing penance one does justice to oneself. The sermon categorizes these acts into forms of penance for the material, the rational, and the temporal good.

The Greatest Commandments


This site provides the Baltimore Catechism lesson on the Two Great Commandments issued by Jesus Christ. It places them in the question-and-answer format for which the Baltimore Catechism is well known.

Miracles: Signs of God’s Presence, by Daniel J. Harrington, SJ


This article looks at the miracles of Jesus as a sign of God’s presence. It describes the components of a miracle and categorizes the miracles to further show how each category reveals God’s presence in our midst.

Saint Augustine and Free Will


This article summarizes the teachings of Saint Augustine on the notion of free will. It presents Augustine’s teachings in a way that promotes quick understanding.

Benedict XVI and the Dignity of Women


This article examines how Pope Benedict XVI continues promoting the dignity of women, as Pope John Paul II did before him. This article is presented in a question-and-answer format through an interview with Salesian Sister Marcellina Farina, a leading theologian.

The Doctrine of Particular Judgment


This is an article on the doctrine of particular judgment. Particular judgment is a part of the “last things,” and this article provides good information to understand and describe this teaching.

The Paschal Mystery


This article looks at the Paschal Mystery from the point of view of the Triduum. The article presents these three holy days as the culmination of the Paschal Mystery; it goes through each of the three days and explains their role in the Paschal Mystery.

Living Out the Paschal Mystery


This article serves as a reflection on how a person could live out the Paschal Mystery in his or her life. It provides a good reflection, plus questions for the reader to continue reflecting afterward.

Salvation Outside of the Church


This article—a 1964 sermon from then Archbishop Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI—examines whether there is the possibility for salvation for one who is outside of the Church. The central question is not how someone outside the Church can be saved, but rather why—if salvation is indeed possible for a non-Christian—the Church should continue its ministry of evangelization.

A Catholic Reflection on the Meaning of Suffering


This article presents a good understanding of the Catholic meaning of suffering. It begins with the question of how there can be suffering if there is an all–powerful and loving God. The article then goes through a logical explanation of how suffering and an all-powerful and loving God can both exist.



This article from the Catholic Encyclopedia at NewAdvent.org examines the meaning of discipleship. The brief article also focuses on how the term “disciple” appears in the four Gospels.

Lesson One: How a Catholic Starts to Read the Bible


This lesson offers background on how to read and understand the Bible in a way that is consistent with the Catholic tradition. Requires registration to access lessons.

Film Makers, Film Viewers: Their Challenges and Opportunities, by Cardinal Roger Mahoney


This pastoral letter from 1992 poses critical questions that Catholics should have in mind when seeking to evaluate a film.

Hevruta: Jewish Reading


This article offers an in-depth explanation of havruta, a method of studying texts in pairs traditionally used in Jewish educational settings to study the Torah and the Talmud. The principles of hevruta are easily adapted for use with any text, especially sacred texts whose meaning is best revealed in close, careful reading and study.

For Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven


CFH 3rd Ed Catechist Guide (2827) Chapter 9 The Message of Pope Francis for World Youth Day 2014 addresses the power of the Beatitudes at the center of Jesus’ teaching and his life. The pope emphasizes that Jesus offers us a fullness of life and happiness that the world cannot give. Jesus, “the kingdom of God in person,” shows us what it means to be truly happy.

The Passion and Death of Jesus, by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D


This essays examines what each of the four evangelists most stresses in the Passion narratives.

Origins of the Eucharist


This article explores the tradition of the celebration of the Eucharist.

The Mass Explained App


This site offers information on the MassExplained app, which contains a wealth of multimedia resources, including pop-up definitions, podcasts, 3-D tours, slideshows, and maps.



This site offers an explanation of mind mapping, including the theory behind it, how to use mind maps in the classroom, and how to create mind maps using a computer.

Bread Recipes for the Eucharist


The Archdiocese of Los Angeles provides three recipes for making Eucharistic bread.

Liturgy of the Hours


This is a well written and informative article about the Liturgy of the Hours. For anyone who is not familiar with the history and/or structure of the Liturgy of the Hours, this would prove quite useful.

Lesson One: The Master Key that Unlocks the Bible


This lesson discusses the concept of covenant and its importance for reading and interpreting the Bible. Requires registration to access lessons.

Models of the Church: Cardinal Avery Dulles, SJ


Written following the death of Cardinal Dulles in 2009, this article presents information about the life of Dulles as well as explores some of his ecclesial vision.

Covenant and Mission by Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ


This article from America Magazine was authored by Cardinal Dulles and explores the controversy and confusion that arose around the document Reflections on Covenant and Mission released jointly by the Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the National Council of Synagogues.



This link provides a brief description of Pentecost (Whitsunday)

The Council of Jerusalem


This page explaining the Council of Jerusalem is provided by the Vatican on their site dedicated to Papal Basilica Saint Paul Outside-the-Wall.

Timeline of Saint Paul’s Life


This site provides an extensive time of Paul’s life including maps of his missionary journeys.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit


This article by Fr. William Saunders provides a wonderful explanation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Four Marks of the Church


From the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) this is a concise article exploring the four marks of the Church

Scriptural Supports for the Four Marks of the Church


Several Scriptural connections are provided for the Four Marks of the Church.

The Four Marks of the Church


Originally printed in The Arlington Catholic Herald, this article by Fr. William Saunders explores and explains the four marks of the Church

The Church is Apostolic


This site explains key ideas from the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a simplified manner. This link leads directly to the explanation of the Apostolic nature of the Catholic Church.

Witnessing vs. Proselytizing


This article, by a Jewish rabbi, explores the difference between witnessing (evangelization) and proselytizing.

Catholic Understanding of Evangelization and Proselytizing


The ChristLife: Catholic Ministry for Evangelization is an apostolate of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. This site offers support and training in the ministry of evangelization. Short, invitational videos highlighting personal stories are appropriate for classroom use.

The Christian Family is a Domestic Church


Written by a Catholic deacon and grounded in his personal experiences, this article explains how the Christian family is a domestic church.(article about family as domestic church)

Brief Reflection on Euthanasia


This is a resource from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops addressing the issue of euthanasia.