We will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, January 21.


United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


This is the official web site of the United States Catholic Bishops.

Catholic Saints


This web site is a great location for finding reliable information on Catholic saints. It has one of the largest lists of saints available anywhere.

Crosswalk Bible Study Tools


This site has online versions of many different Bible translations, including the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)and Good News (GNT). Also contains online commentaries, concordances, and dictionaries. But be aware, this is not a Catholic site and many of the resources will not give an authentic Catholic interpretation of Scripture.

Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation)


This Vatican II document is the foundation for all Catholic biblical interpretation. Pay particular attention to chapter III, nos. 11-13.

Summary of Dei Verbum


This link is to a PDF document that summarizes the key points of the chapter in Dei Verbum (The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation). This could be a helpful background and summary resource for either teachers or students.

Form Criticism


This page provides a bibliography of scholarly articles on form criticism, including a link to an 11-page book excerpt introducing form criticism. Although the articles here will be too advanced for most high school students, some teachers may appreciate the additional background.

Art Index By Scripture: Old Testament


Part of an online biblical artwork concordance, with links to hundreds of images of artwork related to key passages in the Old Testament. Teachers may wish to use this resource to enhance their lectures, or refer students to this resource to find images for their research of salvation history.

What Is Biblical Prophecy?


This website page discusses what biblical prophecy is and is not. It is an interesting and helpful resource for a deeper understanding of the prophets and prophetic books of the Bible.

Prophetic Books of the Old Testament


The Biblical Studies Website presents an extensive list of resources providing deep background on the prophetic books of the Bible, including many scholarly articles available online. Note that the left navigation bar also contains links to resources on specific Old Testament prophets.

A Biblical Map of the Prophets of Israel and Judah


This website offers a small map of some of the locations associated with the Old Testament prophets; it would possibly be a useful resource for students who choose to research a prophet for their final performance task. Note that the Web site is an independent evangelical ministry.

From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians


This website accompanies the PBS Frontline television series From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians. The original series may be viewed in its entirety from the Web site, which also offers extensive supplementary material. Although the majority of the information presented on this website provides useful historical and cultural background, the views expressed by some scholars may be considered controversial.

The Eight Beatitudes


This Web page contains the article on the Beatitudes referenced in the Teacher’s Guide.

Sermon on the Mount - Scholarly Articles


This page contains dozens of links to scholarly articles on the Sermon on the Mount, including two exclusively devoted to the Beatitudes.

Word as Power in the Ancient Near East


This site includes a scholarly article by Frederick L. Moriarty of Boston College on the significance of the concept of the word in the biblical world. This article will be more appropriate as background for teachers than for use by most students.

The New Testament Letters - Scholarly Articles


The Biblical Studies Web site provides an extensive bibliography of scholarly literature on the New Testament letters and includes numerous online resources suitable for teacher background. Note that the New Testament letters page contains a menu in the left-hand column with links to individual letters.

Peter and Paul


This link to the Web site for the PBS series Peter and Paul is the starting point for a Webquest exploration.

The Vatican Website


The Vatican Web site is a source for information (see Updates on the home page) not only on the Pope’s writings and addresses, but on the various activities sponsored or participated in by the many pontifical councils. Among these are the Pontifical Council on the Laity, on Promoting Christian Unity, and on the Family. A search for the Pontifical Council on Interreligious Dialogue yields recent writings and events related to the Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu religions.

Sacred Space - Internet Prayer Page


An online prayer space sponsored by the Irish Jesuits. A Gospel meditation is offered each day, and on the feedback page, those who pray with the site are invited to respond. This feedback page offers some examples of what a person who prays regularly and who is in a relationship with Jesus might be like.

Bible Gateway Website


This Web site provides a search feature for twenty Bible translations in English (including New American Standard Bible), as well as translations in several foreign languages, including French, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Chinese. Passages can be searched by reference number (e.g., John 3:16), keyword, or topic.

Catholic-Resources.org Homepage


This web site, developed by Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD, of Loyola University in Orange, California, is very helpful for finding background articles on the Holy Trinity. Enter “Trinity” in the search box, and a list of articles that mention the Trinity will be given. Of particular interest for Step 6 is Fr. Just’s article “Trinity in the New Testament.” A list of links to the Trinity in biblical art is also given in this article.

Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Mary Magdalen


This article from the Catholic Encyclopedia attempts to sort out the identities of Mary Magdalen; Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; and “the sinner” of Luke 7:36–50. It also recounts the legend of her move to and death in France, along with a contrary claim that she lived in Ephesus and died there. Both legends are undocumented.

Catholic Encyclopedia Article on the Immaculate Conception


This article provides extensive information on the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, including scriptural background, proof from Tradition, patristic writings, liturgical celebration, and historical celebration.

Mary’s Immaculate Conception


This article by Fr. William G. Most is a shorter article than the one in Catholic Encyclopedia, but it also covers the history of the doctrine as well as a discussion of the meaning of “full of grace” from the original Greek.

BBC Article on the Feast of the Annunciation


This article from the BBC gives a short history of the feast of the Annunciation, discusses scriptural and prayer texts based on the Annunciation, and includes a brief discussion of feminist critiques of the celebration of the Annunciation.

Assumption of Mary


This article provides a short, more contemporary history of the feast and the dogma. A list of related resources is also given, with direct links. One of these links asks, “Is Assumption a Holy Day of Obligation?” (Answer: In the United States, not if it falls on a Saturday or a Monday.)

The Sermon on the Mount—Commentary by Saint Augustine


This article from the Catholic Encyclopedia (hosted at NewAdvent.org) provides a commentary from Saint Augustine, one of the Church Fathers. In a general sense, Saint Augustine presents the Sermon on the Mount as the standard for moral living. He also provides a brief commentary on each beatitude, as well as reflections on the rest of the sermon.

Saint Vincent Ferrer: On Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving


This article presents a sermon on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, written by Saint Vincent Ferrer, OP, a fourteenth-century saint. The sermon looks at acts of penitence as acts of justice, for in doing penance one does justice to oneself. The sermon categorizes these acts into forms of penance for the material, the rational, and the temporal good.

The Miracles of Jesus


This site provides a chronological listing of the miracles of Jesus across the four Gospels. Clicking any item takes you to a page with a citation to the Gospel passage and a brief summary of the miracle. It provides a good resource for students to review these miracles outside class.

The Doctrine of Particular Judgment


This is an article on the doctrine of particular judgment. Particular judgment is a part of the “last things,” and this article provides good information to understand and describe this teaching.

A Catholic Reflection on the Meaning of Suffering


This article presents a good understanding of the Catholic meaning of suffering. It begins with the question of how there can be suffering if there is an all–powerful and loving God. The article then goes through a logical explanation of how suffering and an all-powerful and loving God can both exist.



This article from the Catholic Encyclopedia at NewAdvent.org examines the meaning of discipleship. The brief article also focuses on how the term “disciple” appears in the four Gospels.

Lesson One: How a Catholic Starts to Read the Bible


This lesson offers background on how to read and understand the Bible in a way that is consistent with the Catholic tradition. Requires registration to access lessons.

Index to the Lectionary


This site, compiled by Felix Just, SJ, Director of Biblical Education at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, California, provides charts and indexes helpful for finding Biblical passages in the Lectionary. The site does not include the text of the readings.

General Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass


This post-conciliar document by the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship details the principles for the use of Scripture in the liturgy, as explained in the documents of Vatican II. The first part of the document explains the Church’s view of Holy Scripture.

Saint Mary’s Press Resource Center


This site provides a variety of religious education resources provided by Saint Mary’s Press, a leading Catholic resource provider. You can easily search for written and video presentations on a variety of topics—including the individual Sacraments.

Pray as You Go.org


This website is administered by the Jesuits in Britain. It has podcasts for each day which include music, questions for reflection, and insights related to the scripture reading of the day. Teachers can use these prayers at the beginning of class, and students may appreciate learning about this site for their personal use. (DH) “An Introduction to Taizé”



This link provides a brief description of Pentecost (Whitsunday)

Timeline of Saint Paul’s Life


This site provides an extensive time of Paul’s life including maps of his missionary journeys.

Map of Saint Paul’s Third Journey


A map of Saint Paul’s Third Journey including a listing of numerous Biblical passages related to Saint Paul.

Scriptural Supports for the Four Marks of the Church


Several Scriptural connections are provided for the Four Marks of the Church.

Unity as a Mark of the Church


A website explaining Unity as a mark of the Church. Included is a treatment of some false notions about unity as well as through exploration of why the true Church of Christ is one.

Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


The Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches for several years have been jointly releasing an annual resource promoting prayer for Christian unity.

Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions


This link will take you the Vatican website text of the Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate).