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Saint Landericus (d.661)

for June 10

Saint Landericus's deep love for God and the poor guided every action in his life. He was elected Bishop of Paris, and worked very hard to improve the lives of the poor in his diocese. He sold all of his personal possessions to raise money to help the needy, but when that total didn't suffice, he began to sell Church property as well. Landericus began to notice that the current system in place to care for the poor who were ailing was not effective. To solve this problem, be built the city's first hospital. Saint Landericus also welcomed the Benedictines into his diocese with open arms to offer spiritual guidance to his people.

Read more about Saint Landericus (d.661)

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Saint Landericus has much to say to us today. We are constantly arguing about the degree to which, if any, we are obligated to provide for the poor and disadvantaged. We sometimes forget that we follow a messiah who was willing to give not only all of his money to the needy, but also his life. Think of the debates fiercely waged in society about how to help the poor. How generous do you think we, as Christians, are called to be? What would Saint Landericus have said to someone making an argument that we should withhold money from programs and organizations that actively help the poor?


Dear Jesus, please help both myself and my society see the poor and disadvantaged as you see them.