We will be closed for Christmas break from December 23–January 3. We look forward to serving you on January 6! Merry Christmas!

Saint Blaise (d.316)

for February 3

Reliable historical sources are slim on the life of Saint Blaise. He is believed to have been a doctor who was ordained a priest and then was consecrated a bishop. The most famous legend surrounding Blaise is that he healed a boy choking on a fishbone. Blaise is honored as a martyr. The Church celebrates the feast of Saint Blaise with the blessing of throats. (Taken from "Exploring Saints and Feast Days with Young Adolescents.")

Read more about Saint Blaise (d.316)

Image via Wikipedia


Saint Blaise brought healing to a boy who was choking. Do you give the gift of care or a healing touch when you are around those you know are suffering? Ask Jesus to help you more fully share in his healing ministry, whether it be physical or emotional healing.


Holy Spirit, empower me to share in Jesus’ healing ministry. Help me to be aware of when the gift of touch can bring healing into another person’s life. Let me never misuse this great gift. (Taken from “Take Ten: Daily Bible Reflections for Teens.”)