Saint Benen (d.467)
for November 9
Saint Benen was the son of an Irish chieftain. He was baptized by Saint Patrick, and was so enraptured by him and his work that he asked the saint if he could accompany him on his travels as a missionary. Benen was celebrated for his singing voice. With his gift, he sang in the church choir and arranged liturgical music. He was called "Patrick's psalm-singer." Benen spread the Good News by evangelizing in Clare, Kerry, and Connaught. He also took on the responsibility of being the abbot of the abbey in Drumlease for 20 years. Saint Benen followed in Saint Patrick's footsteps as bishop of Ireland.
Read more about Saint Benen (d.467)

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Saint Benen knew the prayerful power of song. Ask the Lord to help you have the bravery to "sing" his praises wherever you are.
I know there are many ways to praise you, God. Thank you for all of them, but especially for music. (Taken from “Good News Day by Day: Bible Reflections for Teens.”)