Saint Godfrey (c.1066-c.1115)
for November 8
Read more about Saint Godfrey (c.1066-c.1115)

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Order and strictness when following rules are very important. If rules are broken or not enforced, then people could get hurt. However, many people do not like following strict rules, because they feel that they limit their freedoms. Saint Godfrey followed the rules of his Benedictine monastery with rigid strictness. Because of his adherence to the rules and his highly structured leadership, Godfrey was able to restore order to the Monastery of Nogent-sous-Coucy. Do you always follow the the Ten Commandments and the rules of the Church? Ask for God's help in understanding his laws and following them.
God of justice, you have established the Law and sent Jesus to fulfill it for us. Please help me to understand why laws and commandments are so important in helping to keep me free. (Taken from “Good News Day by Day: Bible Reflections for Teens.”)