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Paul: Missionary

About this article

This reflection talks about Paul's missionary vigor and his faithfulness as an Apostle of Jesus.
[Paul] had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles. (Acts of the Apostles 14:27)

Known as the apostle to the Gentiles (non-Jews), Paul was a leader in taking the Gospel message beyond Israel. With his trusted companions--Barnabas, John Mark, Timothy, Priscilla, and Aquila--Paul traveled extensively and took the Good News to the world. Paul was both welcomed and opposed, but he never wavered or grew weary in his missionary vigor. Through his letters, Paul kept in touch with the various communities he helped form--instructing, affirming, and encouraging them to live the Christian faith.

As Christians, we are called to continue the mission of bringing the Good News of Jesus to the people we meet each day. It is what we do, not what we say, that proclaims God's message most clearly. Sometimes we may be the only Gospel some people encounter. When have you been a missionary for the Gospel of Jesus?

God, do not let my fear get in the way of being your presence in the world.
  • To go deeper: Read Acts of the Apostles 14:1–28.


(This activity is taken from Day by Day with People of the Bible: Reflections for Teens. Copyright © 2008 by Saint Mary's Press. Permission is granted for this activity to be used for classroom or campus ministry purposes. This activity may not be republished in any form without written permission from Saint Mary's Press. To order this book, contact Saint Mary's Press at 800-533-8095, or visit our online catalog at www.smp.org/catalog.cfm.)

Published July 2, 2008.