The Year of the Rosary Concludes
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Spanning October 2002 through October 2003, the Holy Father declared this 12 month period to be the Year of the Rosary. In this final month of the Year, we seek greater understanding of this venerable form of prayer.
This month concludes the Year of the Rosary. However, the Holy Father named new mysteries to the rosary and the named these past twelve months as the Year of the Rosary in hopes that Catholics would discover renewed devotion to the rosary.
The Daughters of Saint Paul have excellent resources on the rosary at their Web site. You can discover a detailed history of the rosary, find more of the popes intentions for the Year of the Rosary and gain insights into mediating on the mysteries.
The Daughters of Saint Paul have excellent resources on the rosary at their Web site. You can discover a detailed history of the rosary, find more of the popes intentions for the Year of the Rosary and gain insights into mediating on the mysteries.
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