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Be Reconciled

About this article

This opening prayer reminds us that God calls us to be reconcilers and representatives of Christ.

Call to presence
•  Let us remember that the Prince of Peace dwells among us at this moment.
•  God, source of forgiveness and reconciliation, be with us now as we pray.
•  Forgiving God, be with us now.


2 Corinthians 5:18-20
Merciful God, you call us to be reconcilers. Paul told the divided people of Corinth: "God . . . has given us the ministry of reconciliation; . . . entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. So we are ambassadors for Christ."

As we gather may we take these words to heart and put them into practice. Let us be ambassadors, representatives of Christ in the way we treat one another. May we be forces of unity and peace, truth and charity with one another. Only through your grace is this possible, so guide and direct us with your power.

Nehemiah 9:17
Forgiving God, even when the people of Israel continually wandered from the ways of righteousness, you forgave them. As Nehemiah says, "You are a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and you did not forsake [sinful Israel]."

As we gather together, God of mercy, help us to forgive one another readily and gladly. May we be as courteous, gracious, and trustworthy as you have been forever. God, never abandon us to our anger and grudges and the destruction they cause. Rather, plant in our heart your forgiving, generous spirit.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, prince of peace and source of all reconciliation. Amen.


(This opening prayer is from As We Gather, As We Part: 150 New Opening and Closing Prayers by Carl Koch, published by Saint Mary's Press. Copyright © 1998 by Saint Mary's Press. Permission is granted for this prayer to be used for classroom or campus ministry purposes. This prayer may not be republished in any form without written permission from Saint Mary's Press. To order this books, contact Saint Mary's Press at 800-533-8095, or visit our online catalog at www.smp.org/catalog.cfm.)

Published April 1, 2002.