Hunchback of Notre Dame: A Movie Activity
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Disney's movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame can be the source for good discussion surrounding moral development. In this short article, a teacher in the field explains her objectives.Disney's 1996 movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame can serve as a great starting point for discussions on the following topics:
- Moral Development. One can find examples of Quasi relying on childlike, adolescent and adult morality--which makes sense for an adolescent!
- Positive Peer Pressure. The gargoyles talk Quasi into doing things that are in his best interest.
- Legalism and Justice. Frollo's conniving and deceitful ways lead to misery for others.
- Mercy and Love. Esmeralda and Quasi risk their lives for each other and for what they believe in.
These are just a few of the concepts that are present in the movie. Encourage students to make connections with the theological and moral virtues and explore more!
Published July 1, 2001.