
The Bible’s Big Picture (Part II)

A description of what a Covenant is, and discussion questions about God’s promises.


A Restless Heart

Read through the following questions and discuss your answers with your small group.


Core Beliefs Practices and Attitudes of the Catholic Faith

Each statement below is a core belief of the Catholic faith. Choose a symbol (“I get it,” “I’m unsure,” or “I don’t get it”) that best reflects your understanding of each belief. Then briefly explain what you might know about …


What Do I Know about the Catholic Faith

In the time allotted for this exercise, answer each question to the best of your knowledge. Each set of questions corresponds to the units you will study in this course and represents content you will cover in more detail in …


Inside and Outside

Everyone knows what it feels like to be on the inside and the outside of a group of people. Fill in the statements below, and then write a prayer to Jesus asking for his help when you are an outsider …


The Story of Betrayal

Read the following accounts from Sacred Scripture about Judas Iscariot: John 13:21–30, Matthew 26:14–16, 26:47–56, 27:3–10. Then number the sentences below in the order they take place in the Gospels.


Matthew's Call

Read Matthew 9:9–13. Answer the questions below.


Is This Mary or Martha?

Read each sentence, and decide if it describes Mary or Martha. Write your choice on the line that follows.


Mary Magdalene: Apostle of the Resurrection?

Write a short essay comparing Mary Magdalene to one of the Apostles. Support any comparison you make with a Gospel and verses about the Apostle.


An Interview with Mary Magdalene

Read the following Scripture passages and then answer the interview questions as if you were Mary Magdalene.


Bible Search

Fill in the blanks by referring to Luke 1:5–25,57–66.


Jesus' Arrest and Sentencing

Use the assigned passages from Scripture to fill in the answers to the following questions.


Exploring the Healing Miracles

Read one of the following accounts of healing, and then answer the questions below.


"It's All about God" Versus "It's All about Me"

Look up the Kingdom of God Scripture passage(s), and summarize the main idea in the story or saying in the “It’s All about God” column. Under the other column for that same passage, write how someone writing from an “It’s …


Jesus the Good Shepherd

Locate the following passages in the Bible. Write each verse on the lines provided.


Reflecting on the Lord's Prayer

Next to each phrase from the Lord’s Prayer, write another version of the phrase, using more current language or simply putting the words in a different way.


Jesus, the Expert on Prayer

Read the Gospel passages below, and write a summary statement or two about what Jesus tells us about prayer.


John, Chapter 17: Praying for Others

Brainstorm personal family issues that are of concern to you as well as any issues that may be troubling your friends. Using the outline below as a guide, write a personal intercessory prayer in the blank space.


Human Rights and the Life of Jesus

Match the events in Jesus’ life outlined below with the articles from the United Nations documents “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,” outlined on the handout “Human Rights” (Document #: TX003012), …


The Birth of Jesus

A fill in the blank worksheet from the birth narrative of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.


Extraordinary Blessings

Look up the following passages in the Book of Ruth and briefly explain how one person blesses another in these verses. (There may be more than one blessing going on at one time!)


The Life of Moses: A Chronology

Number the following events in the correct chronological order. After each event, note the chapter and verse from Exodus that describes the event.


Shapes of Support

Like Job we all need friends and family members to whom we can turn in our times of pain and sorrow. Fortunately our support comes in all shapes and sizes! Use these fill-in-the-blank statements to think about the people to …


The Suffering of Job

A worksheet with questions about how the book of Job applies to the students’ lives.


The Patriarch Family Tree

A fill in the blank family tree of several generations of people in the Old Testament.



Describe the kind of promises that are made in the following areas, giving several examples for each one.


Negative Speak

Fill in these blanks to create sentences that could relate to a modern-day situation—either your own or someone else’s.


Gideon and God: A Dialogue

Read each Scripture passage as stated and then fill in Gideon’s response from the passage.


Purim People: Heroes by Choice and Chance

A worksheet that has students list the qualities of a hero by using the letters from the word Purim.


Getting to Know God

A worksheet for students to list the places they go to pray to God, listen to God, talk to God, and wait for God.


Measuring Up David and Goliath

A worksheet where students fill in a chart using the story of David and Goliath as well as answering questions.


All about Aaron

A matching worksheet about items and people that relate to Aaron in the Old Testament.


Behold, I Come

A worksheet that examines Gospel passages, and after each reading the student answers the question “How does Jesus respond to his Heavenly Father’s will in this Scripture account?”


Learning to Listen to God

A survey to assess a student’s listening skills.


Divine Providence

A reflection worksheet to help students get a better sense of God’s Providence in their lives.


Where Is God Leading Me?

A discussion oriented worksheet that includes meditating on scripture passages and answering questions about the readings as well as personal questions.


Secular Institutes

A worksheet completed in groups about the history, role, and characteristics of secular institutes.


Exploring Religious Orders and Congregations

A research assignment worksheet done in pairs to find important information about different religious orders.


Inspirations and Charisms Worksheet

A partially independent and partially group completed worksheet for students to fill out about the inspirations and charisms of a particular religious congregation or order.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of Consecrated Life

A preassessment for students about their knowledge of terms associated with consecrated life.


A Conversation about the Future of Priestly Ministry

A worksheet with questions about the future of priestly ministry.


The Effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A worksheet completed in groups about the effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders from both the book and the student’s personal knowledge.


The Sacrament of Holy Orders Graphic Organizer

A worksheet completed in groups about the symbolic words and actions that take place during the Rite of Ordination, as well as their meaning and effect.


The Formation of a Priest

While watching the PowerPoint “The Formation of a Priest”, the students must fill out this worksheet by filling in the blanks.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

A preassessment about things that a student already knows, thinks that they know, and wants to know about the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


The Threefold Ministry of a Bishop

This resource is a group activity worksheet that has students list examples of the Bishop’s roles in the areas of teaching, governing, and sanctifying.


A Call to Priestly Ministry

This resource is a discussion guide and worksheet about the call to priestly ministry based on the film clip from There Be Dragons.


Understanding Christ the High Priest

A worksheet to help students understand Christ’s identity as the ultimate High Priest through examining scripture passages.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Vocation of Holy Orders

A preassessment of one’s knowledge of terms and concepts associated with the Vocation of Holy Orders.


Family Life

A worksheet with questions about the meaning of the family, the responsibilities of parents, the domestic Church, as well as the influence parents have on their children in their moral and spiritual development.


The Key to Happiness: Listening to the Teacher!

An activity where groups of young people are asked to take a look at Scripture passages showing Jesus ”re-creating” an older ethical standard according to a new standard of love.


Catholic / catholic

A worksheet that visually explores the differences between Catholic and catholic.


New Testament References to Eternal Life

A worksheet where students are asked to look at several Scripture passages and discover what each reveals about eternal life.


Ordinary Discipleship and Matthew, Chapter 25

A personal reflection on Matthew 25:31-41.


Who? What? When? Where? How? in the Local Diocese

An activity where students are asked to locate information about their local diocese.


Your Role in Evangelization

An activity where students assess their role in evangelization.


My Charisms

A worksheet where students are asked about ordinary charisms and religious charisms.


Gifts of Holy Spirit

A worksheet where students are asked to explain each of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and then compose a short essay on instances where the gifts helped them out in difficult situations.


Terms Related to the Church

A worksheet where students are asked to define several vocabulary terms related to the Church and write a short essay on which term means the most to them.


Podcasts on Prayer

A worksheet where students are asked to create a series of teen-friendly podcasts about prayer.


Good Friday Intercessions

A handout that guides students through writing their own Good Friday intercessions.


Resurrection Narratives

An activity where students are asked to work in groups to answer questions about the Resurrection narratives.


Parables of the Kingdom

An assignment that looks at what Jesus is trying to communicate about the Kingdom of God through parables.


God’s Covenants with Our Ancestors of Faith

An activity where students are asked to work in groups to locate Scripture passages that show God’s Covenants with our ancestors of faith.


The Format of the Pauline Letters

An outline of the features that the Pauline letters have in common.


Two Kinds of Writing: The Catholic Letters and the Book of Revelation

A homework assignment on the Catholic Letters and the Book of Revelation using sentence completion, true or false, and short answer questions.


Stations of the Cross: New Versions

A handout that encourages students to create new versions of the Stations of the Cross, based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.


A Gospel Cinquain

A worksheet where students are asked to write a Cinquain poem based on a Gospel story or event from any of the synoptic Gospels.


Matthew, Mark, or Luke?

A worksheet where students are asked to match a Scripture passage with the appropriate Gospel writer.


Biblical Scavenger Hunt for Events in the Life of Jesus

A biblical scavenger hunt for events or teachings from Jesus’ life, using Scripture passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


An Invitation to Faith

A worksheet where students are asked to read and respond to Gospel accounts that emphasize the necessity of faith in Jesus.


Qoheleth’s Advice

A short writing assignment on Qoheleth’s advice.


A Vision of Dry Bones

Several short-answer questions about Ezekiel’s dry bones vision.


Visualizing a Psalm

A worksheet on visualizing a psalm.


Continuity between the Old and New Testaments

A worksheet on the connection between the Old and New Testaments.


Exegesis Online Information Quest

An online information quest on exegesis.


The Word to the Page

A worksheet on the topic, facts, main point or theme, and moral or message of a chosen event.


The Exodus

An assignment on the Exodus, comprised of fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions.


Saints and Old Testament Leaders

An exercise that compares a saint with an Old Testament figure.


Effects of Original Sin Today

A group brainstorm activity on temptations to sin that young people face today, and the effects of Original Sin.


Experiencing the Old Testament Covenant

A writing exercise that invites students to experience the Old Testament Covenant.


Comparing the Gospels

A homework assignment for Section 4 Part 1 of "The Bible: The Living Word of God."


Comparing the Two Accounts of God’s Creation

An exercise that asks students to compare the Creation accounts in Genesis 1:1—2:4 and Genesis 2:4-25.


Mapping Salvation History

Create a mind map of details about salvation history.


Stewards of Creation

A reflection exercise on personal stewardship of creation.


Longing for God

An activity for Section 1 Part 1 of "The Bible: The Living Word of God."


Living the Call of Vatican Council II

A worksheet that looks at the dignity of the human person, the necessity of community, and human beings’ relationship to the universe.


A Call to Love

A set of reflection questions, based on the four objects of love.


Understanding the Lord's Prayer

An activity to help students understand the Lord's Prayer from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Communal Prayer

A worksheet to help in preparing for a celebration of the Eucharist, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Pray in Good Form

A worksheet, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide, to assist students in researching and presenting different prayer forms.


Prayer 101 An Introduction

An introduction to prayer from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


What Is Prayer

A worksheet, found in “The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth” Teacher Guide, that is based on students’ current understanding and experience with prayer.


The Cardinal Virtues

A handout on defining the Cardinal Virtues and describing how a person who exhibits the Cardinal Virtues acts.


The Ten Commandments

A worksheet focused on what the Ten Commandments teach us about living in right relationship with God and with our neighbors.


Interview Questions for Family Members

Several interview questions for family members on family life and the Fourth Commandment.


Honoring God

A worksheet on honoring God based on students’ knowledge of the first three Commandments.


What Makes Something Moral?

Two scenarios that involve people making moral choices. Students are asked to identify the object, intention, and circumstances surrounding the act in the scenario and indicate whether the choice is morally good or morally bad.


A Biblical and Symbolic Look at the Sacraments of Healing and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion

A worksheet that takes a biblical and symbolic look at the Sacraments of Healing and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion.


Just a Closer Walk with Thee

A worksheet where students are asked to read and reflect on the Gospel of Luke’s powerful image of how Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist through the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.


What Is a Symbol?

A worksheet on symbols, their abstract meanings, and how they are integral parts of Church liturgies.


Sacred Time: The Liturgical Calendar

A worksheet where students are asked to fill in information on the liturgical calendar.


Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ

A worksheet that looks at the seven Sacraments.


World Religions and the Catholic Church

An activity where students are asked to research several religious traditions, complete a comparison chart, and then reflect on their findings.


Marks of the Church

A chart that students are asked to fill in with at least two examples of ways the Church models the four marks of the Church, and at least two examples of ways they model the four marks of the Church.


Five Models of the Church

An activity where students are given a chart containing the meanings, strengths, and limitations of each of the five models of the Church and asked to answer related questions.


Three Scriptural Images of the Church

An activity where students are asked to respond to each of the items for each of the three scriptural images of the Church.


The Acts of the Apostles

A group activity where students are asked to read assigned sections of Acts of the Apostles, and discuss the presented questions.


Jesus Reveals the Kingdom of God

Scripture passages that go along with the group assignment that uses parables to see the Kingdom of God.


Seeing the Kingdom of God Through Parables

A group assignment on using parables to see the Kingdom of God.


The Goodness of Creation

A worksheet on the goodness of creation, using Scripture passages from the Book of Genesis.


The Incarnation

An activity where students are asked to look through Scripture to find references that illustrate Jesus’ humanity and divinity.


(Re)reading the Gospels

An activity where students delve deeper into Scripture.


New Testament References to Eternal Life

An activity that uses New Testament Scripture passages that reference eternal life, from Section 5 Part 4 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Jesus Teaches Us About Prayer

A list of scripture verses that can be used in conjunction with a homework assignment on Jesus’ teachings about prayer, from Section 5 Part 2 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Literary Features of Apocalyptic Writing

A group assignment on literary features in the Book of Revelation.


Peter and Paul Venn Diagram

A Venn Diagram on Peter and Paul.


Cities of the Roman Empire

A group assignment on the cities of the Roman Empire.


The Gospel of John and Anti-Semitism

A group activity on the Gospel of John and anti-Semitism.


Old Testament Themes and Images in John's Prologue

A worksheet on the Old Testament themes and images in the prologue of the Gospel of John.


The Gospel of John: Myths and Facts

A worksheet on the myths and facts of the Gospel of John.


Comparing and Contrasting the Passion and Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting the Passion and Resurrection narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


Comparing and Contrasting Infancy Narratives

A group worksheet on comparing and contrasting infancy narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke and Today

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke and in today’s culture.


The Reign of God in the Gospel of Luke

A group worksheet on how the Reign of God is presented in the Gospel of Luke.


Jesus, the Teacher

A group worksheet on Jesus, the teacher.


Synoptic Parallels Questions

A group worksheet where students examine parallels in the synoptic Gospels.


Chart of the Gospels

A chart where the Gospels are compared and contrasted.


Exegetical Methodology: Ideological Criticism

A group assignment on exegetical methodology: ideological criticism.


Ideological Analysis of Luke 10:25-37

An ideological analysis of Luke 10:25-37.


Sociohistorical Analysis of Luke 10:25-37

A sociohistorical analysis of Luke 10:25-37.


Sunday Lectionary Readings: God’s Ongoing Story of Love for Humanity

A group assignment on several sets of Sunday Lectionary readings.


The Use of Scripture in the Doctrine of the Church

A list of questions on the use of Scripture in the Doctrine of the Church.


Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum, 1965)

A worksheet that examines several chapters of "Dei Verbum" using group discussion.


Meet Me in the Middle

A worksheet where students are asked to make connections between different things, concepts, and terms.


Seven Letters in Revelation

A chart on the seven letters in the Book of Revelation.


Analysis of Revelation, Chapter 1

A number of questions that guide students in an analysis of chapter 1 of the Book of Revelation.


Symbols in the Book of Revelation

A reference sheet for the symbols that are used in the Book of Revelation.


Socratic Seminar Ticket

A number of questions that students need to answer before they are allowed to participate in the socratic seminar on early Christian communities.


Major Points in the Epistles

A group exercise on the major points in the Epistles, which addresses faith versus works, unity, Gentile Christians, the pre-eminence of Christ, and Christian living.


First Thessalonians

A worksheet where students delve deeper into First Thessalonians.


Epistle Facts

A worksheet where students delve deeper into the Epistles.


Letter Writing in New Testament Times

A worksheet where students focus on letter writing in New Testament times.


Characters in the Acts of the Apostles

A worksheet where students are asked to choose a character from the Book of Acts, and answer several questions on their respective account.


In the Footsteps of Paul

A worksheet on the actions of Paul, using certain passages from the Acts of the Apostles.


The Two Pentecosts

A chart used to draw parallels between the feasts of Shavuot and Christian Pentecost.



A chart for students to fill in about stakeholders in the development of the early Church.


Analysis of John's Prologue

An analysis of John 1:1-38.


Luke's Understanding of Jesus

A worksheet where students use scripture passages from the Gospel of Luke to discover Luke’s understanding of Jesus.


Probing the Parables

A worksheet where students discover information about the parables.


Analyzing Matthew's Prologue

A worksheet where students analyze the prologue of the Gospel of Matthew.


A Portrait of Jesus for Jews

A worksheet where students discover how Matthew made his Gospel distinctly Jewish.


Jigsaw: Gospel of Mark

A number of questions for the activity “Jigsaw: Gospel of Mark” from The Catholic Youth Bible Teacher Guide: New Testament.


Getting to Know Mark's Gospel

A worksheet that helps students get to know more about the Gospel of Mark.


Biblical Study

A worksheet with questions on the historical context, literary context, and cultural context of the Scriptures.


Influences on the Writing of Scripture

A worksheet where students reflect on different things that may have been influences on the writing of Scripture.


Scriptures on Scripture

A worksheet with Scripture references about God’s Word.


Messianic Psalms

A matching activity involving the Messianic psalms.


Song of Songs

A worksheet on the characteristics of Hebrew poetry that are found in the “Song of Songs.”


Psalms Stations

Questions for each Psalm station, from The Catholic Youth Bible Teacher Guide: Old Testament.


Introduction to the Psalms

A worksheet on the psalms using the Introduction to the Book of Psalms in “The Catholic Youth Bible.”


Introduction to Poetry

A worksheet where students match poetry terms to Scripture passages.


Wisdom throughout Salvation History

A worksheet on wisdom throughout salvation history, using Wisdom 10:1-21 to answer questions.


Ecclesiastes Stations

An activity where students are asked to visit three Ecclesiastes stations and fill in the corresponding categories.


Proverb Presentation

An assignment where students choose a proverb to interpret and present.


Identifying and Defining Wisdom

A worksheet on identifying and defining wisdom using Scripture passages.


Wisdom Literature

A worksheet with questions based on the “Introduction to the Wisdom and Poetry Books” in The Catholic Youth Bible.


Preassessment Statements on Wisdom

Several preassessment statements on wisdom for students to agree with, disagree with, or state they are unsure about.


Messianic Prophecies

A worksheet on Messianic prophecies in Scripture.


Prophecy Stations

An activity where students are to visit three stations and fill in the presented categories for each passage.



A worksheet on different prophets, their messages, the obstacles they faced, and people’s responses to them.


What Happened to the United Kingdom of Israel?

An activity where students are asked to visit four stations, read and reflect on the Scripture passage at each station, and then enter the Scripture citation and fill in the answers for the categories under each passage in the spaces …


Ruth and Naomi

A worksheet where students are asked to answer questions about Ruth and Naomi, using the Book of Ruth.


The Cycle of Judges, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Questions on the cycle of judges, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Set Apart Again

An activity where students are asked to visit three to four stations in the classroom, read the Scripture passages they find there, and then answer several short questions.


The Historical Books

An activity where students are asked to fill in a chart with information on each of the historical books of the Bible.


Brainstorm Map: Leadership, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A mind map for a brainstorming activity on leadership, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


A People Set Apart

An activity where students are asked to read their assigned Scripture passage, briefly summarize, determine the theme and focus of the passage, and present their finding to the class.


The Ten Commandments, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A worksheet where students delve deeper into the Ten Commandments, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Miracles, Plagues, and Signs, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A worksheet on miracles, plagues, and signs, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Israel in Egypt

A worksheet where students are asked to work in groups to read Scripture passages that illustrate the development of the Israelite community and identity.


Abraham's Family Tree

A worksheet where students work to fill in Abraham’s family tree, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Covenant, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A worksheet that uses certain Scripture passages to describe covenants, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Definition Lab: Vocation, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A worksheet that uses certain Scripture passages to define vocation, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Historical Genre Stations, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

An activity where students read certain Scripture passages and look for illustrations of community and identity, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Order of Creation, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A worksheet where students are to organize several Creation events into the proper order in which they occurred. Students are to look at both of the Creation stories in the Book of Genesis.


JEDP Identification Worksheet

A worksheet where students work to identify if a Scripture passage was written by a Yahwist, Elohist, Deuteronomist, or Priestly author.


Biblical Timeline Quest, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.

A Biblical Timeline Quest, using certain Scripture passages from the Old Testament, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary terms for Unit 1 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.

A sheet of vocabulary terms, and blank spaces for students to write in the definitions, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Mind Map

A mind map for a brainstorming activity on the Bible, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Ministries at Mass

A worksheet centered on the ministries at Mass.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Eucharist: Part II

A preassessment exercise on students’ knowledge of the Eucharist: Part II.


The Eucharist in the Scriptures

A worksheet on the numerous accounts of the Eucharist in the Scriptures.


Sabbath Reflection Grid

An organizational grid to help students reflect on how they spent their Sabbath.


Who Is the Holy Spirit

A worksheet that uses Scripture passages to help students discover who the Holy Spirit is.


The Liturgical Year

A research assignment on the Liturgical Year: unfolding the Paschal Mystery.


Exploring the Lectionary (B)

A worksheet on experiencing the Paschal Mystery (B).


Ordinary Discipleship and Matthew, Chapter 25

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It focuses on Matthew 25, highlighting the works of mercy Jesus' speaks of, asking students to reflect on the skills need for each type of ministry and discipleship.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can learn about the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and use their own words to describe what each gift is.


New Testament Images of Church

A worksheet where students are asked to read select Scripture passages and summarize what they say about New Testament images of Church.

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