6 results
Children Pray the Lord's Prayer
This video is an example of the video you can create with the children for an additional activity.

Family Prayer before First Eucharist
These prayers will help your family focus more deeply on the celebration of First Eucharist that will take place soon. Through these prayers, you, your child, and your family will ask for guidance as you continue to grow as disciples …

Friendship and Forgiveness Prayer Space
An activity, including a discussion and a craft, on forgiving friends and family members, based on The Catholic Children’s Bible featured story “Jesus Teaches Us to Forgive”, Matthew 18:21–35.

Treasures of Our Faith Bingo Card
A fun activity to help children recall important facts of our Catholic faith.

A Prayer Service in Intercession for Ordained Ministers
A prayer service for ordained ministers including multiple readers, speakers, and responses.
A Note on Kneeling
IT WASN'T UNTIL I COULD NO LONGER kneel that I began to savor the lovely simplicity of this ancient act, and guess at its provenance, and savor its humility, and notice it not only in Mass but in many other …