36 results

One Solitary Life
This short reflection calls to mind the profound impact Jesus Christ has had on humanity and the world.
Saint Marguerite d’Youville (1701-1771)
Saint Marguerite d'Youville was born in rural Quebec in 1701 into serious poverty, and dropped out of school to help her widowed mother and younger brothers and sisters. She married unhappily when she was 21, and when her husband died …
Surprised by the Joyful Mysteries: They Taught Me to Say Yes
For years I fingered my rosary at night when I couldn't sleep, repeating my childhood prayers without thinking much about their meaning. I wasn't even fully aware of the "mysteries" I was supposed to be meditating on; I just wanted …
Paul: Legacy of Love
[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:7) Paul preached that the central message of Jesus Christ was love. Without love, no amount of faith or religious piety has any meaning. Paul …
Paul: The Journey to Rome
If God is for us, who is against us? (Romans 8:31) In Paul's last trip to Jerusalem to say farewell before leaving to preach in Spain, he was arrested by the Romans. As a Roman citizen, Paul exercised his right …
Paul: Missionary
[Paul] had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles. (Acts of the Apostles 14:27) Known as the apostle to the Gentiles (non-Jews), Paul was a leader in taking the Gospel message beyond Israel. With his trusted companions--Barnabas, John Mark, …
Paul: Theologian
They were attempting to kill [Paul]. When the believers learned of it . . . they sent him off to Tarsus. (Acts of the Apostles 9:29–30) After his conversion, Paul began to preach, but when it became too dangerous, he …
Paul: Persecutor of Christians
Saul was ravaging the church by entering house after house; dragging off both men and women . . . To prison. (Acts of the Apostles 8:3) Convinced that following the teachings of Jesus was wrong, Paul pursued the early Christians …
Paul: Religious Zeal
I advanced in Judaism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors. (Galatians 1:14) A tent maker by trade, Paul's Jewish name was Saul. But because Paul …
National Bible Week: Dei Verbum
November 18, 2006 marked the forty-first anniversary of the approval of the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), a Second Vatican Council document. Dei Verbum was mainly responsible for the explosion of Bible reading and Bible study by Catholics. …
In Times of Crisis
Overview This prayer service provides an opportunity for prayer and communal support during times of crisis. It may be used when an unexpected death occurs, in the aftermath of a natural disaster (such as a hurricane, a fire, a tornado, …
Where is now thy God? Reflections on Psalm 42:7-10
Where do we find God today? How are we to understand such happenings? Some might respond by saying that everything happens for a reason. I don't buy that. Some might respond by saying that it is all part of God's …
National Bible Week: Daily Reading - A Gift to Me
A Gift to Me He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. (Mark 8:34) Throughout this Gospel, Mark shows …
The Feast of Saint Cecilia
The Feast of Saint Cecilia "All their neighbors aided them with silver vessels, with gold, with goods,with animals, and with valuable gifts." (Ezra 1:6) Very little is known of Saint Cecilia. It is thought that she was martyred for her …
Prayer: How Will You Know?
Reader 1: When do you decide how you will live? What goes into the thoughts that shape your dreams? Reader 2: For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, Reader 1: Do you know, at …
Making Discernment a Way of Life
Use these suggestions to integrate discernment into your life. These ideas challenge the common misperception that vocation discernment is a one-time event. Explore and be open to options. Think, "My way may not be the only way." Be aware that …
Sub Tuum Praesidium: The Most Ancient Marian Prayer
The oldest known prayer to Mary is the Sub Tuum Praesidium. It was discovered in Egypt on a fragment of papyrus. It is believed the prayer dates back to mid-late 200's A.D. The prayer follows: We fly to your patronage, …
Month of the Rosary: Queen of the Rosary Prayer Service
Leader +In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All Amen Opening Song Leader Join us, Queen of the Rosary, as we offer praise to our Father All Join us, Queen of the …
Lectio Divina: Praying with the Scriptures
The Scriptures is one of the greatest riches possessed by Christians. Often attributed to Saint Jerome, there is the saying that "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of God". However, Catholics are often less comfortable and deft with Scripture than Protestant …
To Youth: Be Peacemakers, Be Builders of a Better World
VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father arrived at Eurasia University in Astana at 6:30 p.m. today and, following a tour of the campus, held a meeting with young people in the university’s Great Hall. About 8,500 …
Papal Plea: Never Use Religion as a Reason for Conflict
VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2001 (VIS) - John Paul II traveled this morning from Astana’s apostolic nunciature to the Square of the Motherland, where at 10:30 a.m. he celebrated Mass with the ordinaries of Kazakhstan, guest bishops and priests working …
Saint John Paul II: Statement on the Tragedy, 12 September 2001
I cannot begin this audience without expressing my profound sorrow at the terrorist attacks which yesterday brought death and destruction to America, causing thousands of victims and injuring countless people. To the President of the United States and to all …
Worldwide Prayer
Overview This outdoor prayer exercise is based on the belief that prayer is effective and blessings can travel like ripples all the way around the world. The young people form four small groups as part of a wider circle that …
September 11: Prayer Service for Families Coping with the Tragedy
Gathering Come together as a family. Set aside time for reflection and discussion. Turn off the news for a few moments. Gather together in a circle. Join hands if you wish. Take a moment of silence. Someone may want to …
Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops
This is a day of national tragedy. Though we do not yet know its full extent, we mourn those who have lost their lives and pray for their eternal rest and for the consolation of their families. We pray for …
Be At Peace Among Yourselves
"Be at peace among yourselves." (1 Thessalonians 5:13) "None of us is alone in this world; each of us is a vital piece of the great mosaic of humanity as a whole." (Pope John Paul II, Israel-Palestine) Think About That …
September 11: In Memory and In Hope: A Prayer Gathering
Materials Needed newsprint masking tape markers reflective music candles Preparation Prior to the beginning of the prayer service, set up several areas for small groups of five to seven people to cluster around. Each area should have a piece newsprint …
September 11: In Memory and In Hope: A Liturgical Gathering
Materials Needed incense charcoal brazier or some type of container to hold burning incense candles Music Suggestions "Be Not Afraid," Bob Dufford, Gather Comprehensive (Chicago: GIA Publications, 1994), no. 608. "Grant Us Peace, Lord," Tony Alonso, Fresh As The Morning …
The attacks of September 11 were a horrible tragedy . . .
The attacks of September 11 were a horrible tragedy that hit the United States out of nowhere. My prayers and the prayers of people all over the world go out to not only the ones directly affected but to America …
Innocence was bliss . . .
Innocence was bliss But it's so different after this I know we're not untouchable But we'll prove to be unbeatable So put back on your smiles and say, "Tomorrow will be a wonderful day."
Moral Decision Making and Real-Life Applications
If you have used the Saint Mary's Press textbook Growing in Christian Morality, then you're familiar with the LISTEN process for making moral decisions. The process is introduced in the textbook and is used throughout the companion student casebook. LISTEN …
You Were Called
The shadows are falling, and they are lush. The curtains are closing, the audiences hush. Your life's dawning was so long ago. All experiences mesh with vast undertow. You were called, but the voice was faint. No one called you …
Excerpts from Listen for a Whisper: Prayers, Poems, and Reflections by Girls
God is with her. God works for her. God fills her. God chooses her. God accepts her. God praises her. God listens to her. God cries with her. God knows her. God loves her. We are her. Quotes taken from …
The Sacred Ground of the Mountains
I came to know the mountains of Washington long before I moved here a couple of years ago. I first fell in love with this area back in 1984 when I came to visit my sister and brother-in-law right after …
Emmaus Poem
A strange place to make a new beginning here on a dusty road not leading much of anywhere in a time when the ritual seasons have already turned and at dusk almost dark, in fact what an unsuitable place and …