
Guided Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament

An outline and script for a guided meditation before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Have you explored Go Seek Find: Discover God’s Treasures yet? This one-of-a-kind sacrament prep program will help children discover how preparing for the sacraments is …


Family Prayer before First Eucharist

These prayers will help your family focus more deeply on the celebration of First Eucharist that will take place soon. Through these prayers, you, your child, and your family will ask for guidance as you continue to grow as disciples …


Friendship and Forgiveness Prayer Space

An activity, including a discussion and a craft, on forgiving friends and family members, based on The Catholic Children’s Bible featured story “Jesus Teaches Us to Forgive”, Matthew 18:21–35.


Treasures of Our Faith Bingo Card

A fun activity to help children recall important facts of our Catholic faith.


First Reconciliation Meal Prayer

Make this simple prayer card for your family table. The prayer is especially appropriate as preparation for First Reconciliation.


Family Prayer before First Reconciliation

These prayers are intended to help your family focus more deeply on the celebration of First Reconciliation that will take place soon. You and your child will pray for guidance as you continue to grow as disciples and continue your …


Miriam's Shabbat

A Sabbath Blessing.


From Fasting to Feasting

A short prayer that calls us to feast on kindness and compassion towards others.



This prayer reflects on the true meaning of receiving and living the Eucharist.


I Pray

This prayer for a large group asks for our eyes to be opened to the injustices in the world and our souls to be strengthened by Christ’s presence.


In Praise of the Creator

This prayer uses Psalm 95 to praise God our creator.


Prayer Service: For Christian Unity

A short prayer service for Christian unity.


Prayer Service: Forgiveness

A prayer service centered on forgiveness.


Prayer Service: The Children of God

A prayer service.


The Scriptures and Concern for Justice

A list of justice-centered biblical passages that can be used for preparing class prayers and liturgies, as a resource for assignments, and for your own reflection and prayer.


Handout: Called to Pray Together

A prayer based off of the Lord’s Prayer with a leader, a reader, and various responses.


Handout: A Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours

A Liturgy of the Hours morning prayer with a leader, a reader, and various responses.


Handout: Sharing with God

A guided meditation and opportunity for prayer.


Handout: A Prayer for Forgiveness

A prayer about forgiveness.


Called to Pray Together

A reflection/prayer based on the Lord’s Prayer.


Saying Yes to God

A prayer/reflection on saying yes to God’s will for our lives.


Loving God and One Another

A prayer/reflection on the questions Jesus asks in Scripture.


Sent Forth by Gods Blessing

A prayer with two readers and a leader.


Blessed Are You

This prayer is quoted from Seasons of Your Heart: Prayers and Reflections by Marcina Wiederkehr.


Prayer for My Family

A prayer for family.


The Canticle of Brother Sun

The canticle of the brother sun by Saint Francis of Assisi.


Creedal Statements

A list of the statements of belief made in the creed.


Prayer of Saint Anselm

The prayer of St. Anselm.


Prayer Card

A prayer card with promises from the book of Isaiah.


Prayer Service

An in class prayer service.


Inside and Outside

Everyone knows what it feels like to be on the inside and the outside of a group of people. Fill in the statements below, and then write a prayer to Jesus asking for his help when you are an outsider …


Planning a Marian Prayer Service

This resource, taken from the New Testament Leader Guide for Breakthrough! can be used to help you plan a Marian prayer service for Advent, The Annunciation, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and other celebrations of …


A Prayer Service in Intercession for Ordained Ministers

A prayer service for ordained ministers including multiple readers, speakers, and responses.


Roman Missal Activities

This resource provides activities to help you to prepare young people for the implementation of the Roman Missal, third edition.


Podcasts on Prayer

A worksheet where students are asked to create a series of teen-friendly podcasts about prayer.


Forms and Expressions of Prayer

A listing of several forms and expressions of prayer.


Fellow Prophets, Pray for Us

A short prayer service asking the Lord to grant us the gifts of the prophets before us.


Teach Us to Pray

An activity to help students learn "The Lord's Prayer" from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Praying with Scripture The Magnificat

Praying with Scripture, using The Magnificat, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Teacher Guide.


The Lord's Prayer

An activity on the Lord’s Prayer, from section 5 Part 2 of Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.


Prayers of Praise

A homework assignment where students can use a template to create their own prayers of praise, from Section 5 Part 2 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Taize Prayer

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can work in groups to prepare various aspects of a Taize prayer service.


Prayers of Praise

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can fill in the spaces with personal prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God.


Prayers of Petition

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It gives students spaces to write their own intentions and petitions as a prayer activity.


Praying with and for the Suffering Body of Christ

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can research, present on, and pray for various countries in need.


Prayer to the Holy Spirit

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can offer their own personal prayer for themselves or those in their community to the Holy Spirit.


Preparing a Prayer Service

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers step by step details to consider when planning a prayer service.


The Litany of Loreto

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. The Litany of Loreto, which is a devotional prayer through the intercession of Mary.


The Nicene Creed and Commentary

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It includes the word to the Nicene Creed and a commentary on key phrases and lines.


Prayerful Echoes

Class activity/method of prayer, like antiphonal prayer, grow appreciation for and familiarity with scriptural passages or familiar prayers


Hourly Prayers for Ash Wednesday

          Opening Prayer We begin this class as we begin all things:   In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.     Scripture Reading     Working …


A Pauline Prayer Service

Leader. Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. With these words Saint Paul greeted the believers of his time, reminding them of the great gift they had been given in Jesus Christ. Almost two thousand …


Paul: A Unique Person

Background for the Teacher Saint Paul has fascinated Christians throughout history. The combination of his Jewish upbringing, his exposure to Greek culture, his fiery personality, and his openness to God's grace uniquely prepared him to spread the Gospel. This session …


Prayer Service for Families Coping with Traumatic Events

Gathering Come together as a family. Set aside time for reflection and discussion. Turn off the news for a few moments. Gather together in a circle. Join hands if you wish. Take a moment of silence. Someone may want to …


When Hope Is Needed

Overview This prayer service is intended to bring hope during times of despair, consolation in times of suffering, and light in times of darkness. It may be used during difficult personal, family, or communal times. It is appropriate for various …


A Prayer for His Holiness

Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, We lift up in prayer Pope Francis, The successor of Peter, The Bishop of Rome, Our Holy Father, The Vicar of Christ on Earth. He has been called to lead your Church. Strengthen …


Advent: Let God be God . . .

----- Being in the wilderness reminds me to let God be God. When I'm at home In the day to day I forget Sometimes I try to make God mine To make God do things the way I think they …


Peace Creed

Writing a Peace Creed (15 minutes) 1. Tell the young people that as much as we might want peace to become a reality in our world, being a peacemaker takes a lot of hard work. The first steps are to …


Prayer by a High School Senior

Dear God, As I finish my senior year in high school, watch over me. Be with me as I go out in the real world to find myself. Give me the strength I need to stick with my education and …


Disciple's Prayer

Scripture Reading: John 1:1-5 Presider: God of love, you provide us with light: from the moon and stars at night and the sun by day. By night and by day, your light brings life and makes things grow. It keeps the …


Family Relationships

Scripture Passage Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"-- this is the first commandment with a promise: "so that it may be well with you and you may live long on …


For Love Is Stronger than Death

(20 minutes) Before the session have the all participants (including the facilitator) bring to the session a personal symbol. This symbol should be an object from among the participant's personal belongings that acts as a reminder of a much loved …


Prayers for Reflecting on Christ's Passion

Before the Movie: Loving God, You sent your only Son to show us the way. As we recall and meditate on his crucifixion, help us to recognize the gift you place before us. On the cross Christ washed clean our …


Praying with John Baptist de la Salle

In reaction to Martin Luther's emphasis on personal reading of the Bible, the Council of Trent discouraged laypeople from meditating on the word of God. Catholics were told to listen to the preaching of their priests, who would explain the …


Gethsemane - Prayer Service

(15 minutes) Before the session have your students do the Reflection Exercise: My Least Answerable Questions. If you do not plan on reading the Scripture passage (Mark 14:32-42) yourself, use the break time to ask a young person to read …


Back to School: Prayer for the Start of the School Year

Loving God, Our creator, our savior, our companion, bless this journey of a new school year that we undertake today. Refresh our souls and renew our spirits as we embrace the beautiful ministry you have called us to. We welcome …


Month of the Rosary: Share the Rosary

For a class or group project make rosaries for a group of elementary students preparing to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. Rosaries can be made from beads found at craft stores or by tying knots …


My Heaven

As I lay awake And watch the time go by, I wonder as I shed another tear: If only there were no hatred, No violence, no war . . . And all that was left was Love and happiness . …


Hear the Cries of the Victims of Violence

Almighty God, Hear the cries of the victims of violence. Find a place of peace for those who are troubled and in harm's way. Let those whose violence has roots in addiction to harmful substances seek help before they hurt …


Save Me, O God

Save me, O God, . . . I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. (Psalm 69:1-2) God, so many pressures seem too difficult to deal with. From parents to school to just growing up, I …


Every Day Things Occur in This World That Shake My Faith

Every day things occur in this world that shake my faith and test my beliefs. I see things happening like famine and civil wars, and things that hit close to home like cancer and AIDS. I find myself constantly questioning …


Adonai Shalom

Adonai Shalom “Lord of Peace” Adonai Shalom Lord, let there be peace in my heart, so that it may be open to feel love, kindness, and goodness. Adonai Shalom Lord, let there be peace in my life, so that I …


Our Hands, God's Hands

In this prayer service, students consider the power of our own hands as the hands God uses, as well as the work of God's hands. 1. To prepare for this prayer experience, place some oil in a bowl. Cover a …


I Say to You, Love Your Enemies

I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends …


Love is not for the lovely alone

Love is not for the lovely alone; love is for those who need it; those who have heard the Master's call, yet, somehow, failed to heed it. They are the envious, they are the cruel, the vindictive, and the greedy; …


Help Me

Oh God, please help me with this anger. Every time it happens it is something new. It's an ocean unexplored that Cannot be tamed or touched by anyone. Please help me in rough times, for I know you will. I …


A Prayer Invoking Peace

(For use before a meeting or gathering of youth workers.) Song "Give Us Your Peace," by Michael Mahler, Give Your Gifts: The New Songs (Chicago: GIA Publications, 2001). Leader: As we begin this meeting, let us begin with peace. Please …


For the innocent, that they may gain their angel wings . . . .

For the innocent, that they may gain their angel wings. For the unbreakable souls, that they will always persevere. For the ones left behind, may they find comfort in God, and know those lost are always with them. Also that …


Holy Father, We sincerely pray . . .

Holy Father, We sincerely pray for all the innocent victims of the US tragedy. For those families whose loved ones have been lost, may they find consolation and happiness in you. Give them strength and fill them with your Holy …


Lord, help us not to blame . . .

Lord, help us not to blame those because of their misguided heritage. But to learn to lead them toward their own salvation. Let us not think of this as a tragedy, but as a chance to overcome and conquer fear. …


As we stand at judgment's door . . .

As we stand at judgment’s door, lead us down the path that is straight. Follow our dreams and ambitions. Help us to realize our fate. Here O Lord is where you are needed. Allow the good memories to live on. …


Lord and lover of this world . . .

Lord and lover of this world: Help us to remember that we are people of faith, hope, and love. We are people of faith, there is no need to fear; We are people of hope, there is no need to …


We pray for peace in our hearts . . .

We pray for peace in our hearts as we begin this new day. We remember all those who have died, their families and friends, in this tragedy beyond comprehension. Give us the courage and the strength to reach out to …


We all have crosses to bear . . . .

Inspired by Psalm 6 We all have crosses to bear. Some crosses are heavier than others, and like the psalmist, we ask God to deliver us from them. Lord, deliver me from fear, the fear that comes from within. Protect …


God, I would like to pray that joy can overcome sadness . . . .

God, I would like to pray that joy can overcome sadness. I would like to pray that comfort can eliminate fear. I would like to pray that love can overpower the anger and hatred residing in our hearts. I would …


May the Lord have mercy on all our souls . . .

May the Lord have mercy on all our souls and help us to find the strength to forgive the terrorists who have hurt us all deeply. May the Lord also forgive us, for we aren't perfect and never will be. …


Dear God... Prayer after 9-11

Dear God, I want to pray for all those people who were touched by the tragedy on September 11. I hear all the stories that are being told by the families of the victims. They are so sad. I am …


The tragic events that took place on September 11 . . .

The tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001, have shaken our world and turned people's lives upside down. No one understands how or why this has happened to us. Lord, I am scared for our country, our people, …


Dear Lord... Prayer of Gratitude

Dear Lord, Thank you for being with us this day as we continue to rebuild our lives. Please remind us that we always need you in our lives in order for us to love more openly, to forgive more freely, …


September 11: Dear God, Please comfort our nation . . .

Dear God, Please comfort our nation in this time of sorrow. Please be with the families who have lost a loved one, our leaders that they may make the right decisions, and all Americans that we may come together and …


September 11: This Is How I Want to Remember the Twin Towers.

My God; My God, So much hate displayed in this moment's act, It was hard for me to bear. But then you sent your Son, Jesus, to cry with me, How calming was the feeling. Dear Jesus, teach me to …



Life's seamless robe Rent with cavernous holes Of hate and fear; Torn by bombs That turn to rubble The warp and woof Of lives; Ripped by whispers that shred With caustic tears The threads that love once wove And leave …


September 11: Aftermath

Horror haunts my heart, And tears and fears crawl daily Through the streets that are my life. The fumes of fear seep slowly through my pores. I choke And cry And strangle On images of fire and of hate, Exploding, …


September 11: Bring Peace to the World and Honor Heroes

As we remember the attacks of September 11, 2001, we remember that our world is both troubled and filled with heroes. We offer the following suggestions to bring peace to the world and to honor heroes. Suggestions for the individual …


A Listening Session for Teens on the Mishandling of Sexual Abuse by Clergy

Materials Needed * a 3-by-5-inch index card for each young person * a pencil for each young person * prayer materials (Select one of the "Options for Ritual Actions" below.) * 3 readers for the closing prayer                                                                                                                 * handouts …


Do Not Judge

Luke 6:37 Jesus warned his followers: "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Merciful God, we find it easy to pass judgment on …


Feminine Images of God

Look up the following Scripture references and summarize each in the space provided. For each group of readings, come up with a category or theme. Isaiah 66:13 Isaiah 46:3 Isaiah 49:13-16 Hosea 11:1,3-4 Wisdom 16:25-26   Psalm 22:9-10 Isaiah 66:9 …


Our Father, Our Mother

Our Father, Our Mother, so wholly in heaven, so on-the-way, so be-coming in every him-her-you-me that ever on earth was, is, will-be, knead us every this-day into one bread.


Litany for the Ordinary

Mary, queen of the ordinary-- queen of spinning wheel and loom who wove from ordinary stuff the flawless fabric of God's humanness; queen whose pregnancy put Joseph's other plans aside and sent his saw singing into cradlewood; queen of water …



Focusing Scripture I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands. (Isaiah 49:15–16) Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me, "Now I have …


Praying the Psalms

Remember the television show from the late 80's called "Doogie Howser, M.D.?" At the end of every show, Doogie would sit down at his computer and write a 2 or 3 sentence "blurb" that perfectly summed up his day and …

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