Chapter B The Bible: The Gospel of John
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter B by giving an overview of the Gospel of John.
Chapter E The Bible: Women of the Old Testament
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter E by giving a summary of the stories of Rebecca, Ruth, Judith, and Esther.
Chapter D The Bible: The First Kings of Israel
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter D of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
Chapter C The Bible: Joshua and Judges
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter C by giving a summary of the stories of Joshua, Deborah, and Samson.
Chapter B The Bible: The Exodus
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter B by giving a summary of the story of Moses and the Exodus.
Chapter A The Bible:The Patriarchs
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter A of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
Chapter 8 The Bible: Covenants
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 8 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
Chapter 7 The Human Person
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 7 by exploring what it means to be human.
Chapter 6 Creation
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 6 by exploring creation and the existence of evil.
Chapter 5 The Bible: The Old Testament
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 5 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
Chapter 4 The Holy Trinity
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 4 by exploring the central mystery of the Catholic faith: the Trinity.
Chapter 3 God the Father
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 3 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
Chapter 2 The Bible: God’s Plan for Salvation
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 2 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
Chapter 1 Revelation, Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition
This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 1 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.
The Liturgy of the Word and the Lectionary
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of the Lectionary as it is used in the Liturgy of the Word.
Praying the Rosary
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of how to pray the rosary.
The Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of the Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul.
The Miracles of Jesus
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of Jesus’ miracles.
Introduction to the Gospels
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of the Gospels.
Reflecting on Wisdom Literature
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief overview of the Books of Wisdom.
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the prophets.
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the book of Kings.
Joshua and Judges
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the books of Joshua and Judges.
Moses and the Exodus
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the book of Exodus.
The Early Leaders of Israel
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief overview of the early patriarchs of Israel.
Introduction to the Book of Genesis
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing an introduction and overview of the book of Genesis.
Biblical Exegesis
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of how to interpret the Bible.
Learning to Navigate the Bible
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of the structure and organization of the Bible.
What Is the Bible?
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an overview of the Bible.
How the Bible Came to Be
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of how the Bible came to be what it is today.
Introduction to Salvation History
This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1 by providing an introduction to Salvation History.
God’s Presence in Nature
This supplemental PowerPoint summarizes Unit 1 by discussing how God reveals himself to us through nature.
Finding God and Being Found by God
This supplemental PowerPoint summarizes Unit 1 by discussing how God reveals himself to us.
Sacred Scripture and the Life of the Individual
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 17 by discussing the key role Sacred Scripture plays in the life of individuals.
Sacred Scripture and the Life of the Church
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16 by discussing the key role that Sacred Scripture plays in the life of the Church.
Acts and Letters
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 15 by giving a brief summary of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters in the New Testament.
Revelation in and through Jesus in the Gospel of John
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 14 by giving a brief summary of the Gospel of John.
Revelation in and through Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 13 by giving a brief summary of the Synoptic Gospels.
The Gospels
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12 by giving a brief summary of the Gospels.
Wisdom Literature
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 11 by giving a brief summary of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament.
The Prophetic Books
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 10 by giving a brief summary of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament.
The Historical Books
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 9 by giving a brief summary of the Historical Books of the Old Testament.
The Book of Exodus
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8 by giving a brief summary of the book of Exodus.
The Book of Genesis
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7 by giving a brief summary of the book of Genesis.
Overview of the Old and New Testaments
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 6 by giving a brief overview of the Old and New Testaments.
Interpreting Sacred Scripture
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 5 by exploring how the church teaches to interpret the Sacred Scripture.
Understanding Sacred Scripture
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4 by exploring how the Holy Spirit guided the writing and formation of Sacred Scripture.
Divine Revelation
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 3 by exploring how God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus Christ, Scripture, and Tradition.
Natural Revelation
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2 by exploring how God is revealed to us in the beauty and perfection of His creation.
The Desire to Know God
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by exploring our desire to know God and how best to do so.
Our Response to Jesus
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16, by discussing what our response to Jesus is as we pursue eternal life with Him.
We Respond through a Life of Discipleship
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 15, by discussing what we can do to become true disciples of Jesus.
We Respond to God through Prayer
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 14, by discussing what prayer is, how best to practice it, and who to look to as an example of a strong prayer life.
What Is Faith?
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 13, by discussing more deeply the meaning of faith and its connection to religion and belief.
Jesus Reveals Our Call to Holiness
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12, by discussing our call to holiness as told by Jesus’ parables and teachings.
We Are Children of God
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 11, by discussing God’s plan for each of us as His children.
Jesus Reveals Our Inherent Dignity
<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 10, by discussing the inherent dignity of all life as shown to us by Jesus.</p>
Jesus Reveals a Vision of Authentic Humanity
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 9, by discussing Jesus’ example of what it means to live as a perfect human being.
Jesus and the Church
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8, by discussing Jesus’ presence in Church history and today.
The Two Natures of Jesus: Human and Divine
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7, by discussing the society and life of Jesus and how it these related to the nature of his humanity and divinity.
The Incarnation
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 6, by discussing the Incarnation, which brought about the full connection of humanity and divinity.
Discovering God in Creation
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through creation, prayer, and the saints.
Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through Scripture and Tradition.
The God-Human Relationship
<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 3, by discussing the relationship between God and humans.</p>
The Development of Trinitarian Doctrine
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2, by discussing the development of Trinitarian Doctrine in the early church.
God Is One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by discussing the mystery of the Trinity.
What Is Faith?
This PowerPoint reflects on faith and how it ties in with religion and beliefs.
Being Human
This PowerPoint reflects on what it means to be human and uses Jesus as the model of how to live well.
The Parables of Jesus
This PowerPoint presents images of some of Jesus’ parables and asks students to reflect on and recall each one.
The Greatest Commandment
This PowerPoint looks at the Greatest Commandment and how it summarizes all of Jesus’ teachings.
This PowerPoint discusses and gives examples of ways that humans discover God.
God’s Existence
This PowerPoint presents common questions and doubts about the existence of God before showing the way to sources that provide guidance.
Finding God, Being Found by God
This PowerPoint explores the ways we look for God and the numerous places God reveals himself to us.
Mystery of the Trinity: God Is Three-in-One
This PowerPoint identifies the three persons of the Trinity.
The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology
This PowerPoint covers the development of Trinitarian Theology during the early church.
The Trinity: Unpacking the Nicene Creed
This PowerPoint reflects on the statements of faith in the Trinity found in the Nicene Creed.
Introducing the Trinity: Central Mystery of Faith
This PowerPoint provides an introduction to the mystery of the Trinity in the Catholic faith.
Religion in the Modern World
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 15 by giving an overview of religion in the modern world.
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 13 by giving an overview of Christianity.
Ancestors of the West
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 11 by giving an overview of the Ancestors of the West.
Zen Buddhism
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 9 by giving an overview of Zen Buddhism.
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 7 by giving an overview of Confucianism.
Indigenous Religious Traditions
This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 2 by giving a brief look at several indigenous religions.
Studying the World's Religions
This PowerPoint gives a brief introduction to the basics of studying the World's Religions.
Chapter 38
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 38, The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Glory.
Chapter 37
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 37, Praying Together.
Chapter 36
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 36, Praying with Scripture.
Chapter 35
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 35, Personal Prayer.
Chapter 34
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 34, The Forms of Prayer.
Chapter 33
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 33, Introduction to Prayer.
Chapter 32
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 32, The Moral Life.
Chapter 31
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 31, Respecting Truth.
Chapter 30
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 30, Respecting Material Goods.
Chapter 29
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 29, Respecting Sexuality.
Chapter 28: In-Depth
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 28, Life Issues: War.
Chapter 27
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 27, Honoring Family.
Chapter 26
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 26, Honoring God.
Chapter 25
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 25, Sources of Moral Truth.
Chapter 24
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 24, Social Justice.
Chapter 23
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 23, Introduction to Christian Morality.
Chapter 22
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 22, Sacraments at the Service of Communion.
Chapter 21
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 21, Sacraments of Healing.
Chapter 20
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 20, The Eucharist.
Chapter 19
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 19, Confirmation.
Chapter 18
A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 18, Baptism.
Chapter 17
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 17, Introduction to the Sacraments.
Chapter 16
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 16, Introduction to the Liturgy.
Chapter 15
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 15, The Last Things.
Chapter 14
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 14, The Organization of the Catholic Church.
Chapter 13
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 13, The Mission of the Catholic Church.
Chapter 12
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 12, The Holy Spirit.
Chapter 11
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 11, Jesus’ Resurrection.
Chapter 10
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 10, Jesus’ Death.
Chapter 9
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 9, Jesus’ Message and Mission.
Chapter 8
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 8, Jesus Christ: True God and True Man.
Chapter 7
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 7, The Promise of a Messiah.
Chapter 6
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 6, The Human Person.
Chapter 5
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 5, God Our Father.
Chapter 4
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 4, Faith.
Chapter 3
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 3, The Bible’s Big Picture.
Chapter 2
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 2, Knowing God: Reason and Revelation.
Chapter 1
A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 1, Being Catholic: The “Cliff Notes” View.
Vatican Council II
A PowerPoint presentation from Church History, Unit 8 on the Vatican II Council.
Catholics Come to America
A PowerPoint presentation from Church History, Unit 7 on Catholics Come to America.
The French Revolution
A PowerPoint presentation on The French Revolution from Church History, Unit 6.
Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council
A PowerPoint presentation on Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council from Church History, Unit 5.
The Dominican Missionaries in the Spanish Colonial Period
A PowerPoint about The Dominican Missionaries in the Spanish Colonial Period from Church History, Unit 5.
The Popes of the Renaissance
A PowerPoint on The Popes of the Renaissance from Church History, Unit 4.
Martin Luther and His Complaint against the Church
A PowerPoint on Martin Luther and His Complaint against the Church from Church History, Unit 4.
Medieval Teachings on the Eucharist
A PowerPoint on medieval teachings on the Eucharist from Church History, Unit 3.
Church Councils and Doctrinal Development
A PowerPoint for Church History, Unit 2 Church Councils and Doctrinal Development.
Early Christian Worship in the West and East
A PowerPoint from Church History, Unit 1, Early Christian Worship in the West and East.
Vocal Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation
A PowerPoint that defines and discusses vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplation as ways of discerning God’s will.
The Formation of a Priest
A PowerPoint about a priest’s formation through their family, discernment, the vocations director, minor seminary, and theology studies.
The Three Degrees of Holy Orders: Deacons, Priests, and Bishops
<p>A PowerPoint about the roles of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops within the Catholic Church.</p>
Marriage Preparation
A PowerPoint about the process that Catholics go through when they are preparing to get married.
Marriage: A Call to Fruitfulness
A PowerPoint about marriage, children, natural family planning, in vitro fertilization, and abortion.

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 4
Options of final task performances for students to choose from to demonstrate their knowledge about the Sacrament of marriage.
Marriage: Contract or Covenant?
PowerPoint that contrasts the meaning of contract and covenant, and describes how marriage should more so resemble a covenant.
Lay Ecclesial Ministries
An informational presentation to share high school students on lay ecclesial ministries.
The Fourth Commandment and the Decalogue
A PowerPoint presentation on the Fourth Commandment and the Decalogue.
The Book of Revelation: Message to a Persecuted Community
A PowerPoint presentation on how the message of the Book of Revelation pertains to a persecuted Christian community.
Overview of Late First-Century New Testament Writings
A PowerPoint giving an overview of late first-century New Testament writings.
The Format of a First-Century Letter
A PowerPoint presentation on the format of a first-century letter.
The Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul
A PowerPoint presentation on the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.
Introducing the Acts of the Apostles
A PowerPoint presentation introducing the Acts of the Apostles.
The Structure of John's Gospel
A PowerPoint presentation on the structure of the Gospel of John.
The Gospel of John: Myths and Facts
A PowerPoint presentation on the myths and facts of the Gospel of John.
Luke's Christology and the Reign of God
A PowerPoint presentation on Luke’s Christology and the reign of God.
The Development of the New Testament
A PowerPoint presentation on the development of the New Testament.
Exegesis and Sociohistorical Analysis
A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and sociohistorical analysis.
Exegesis and Literary Analysis
A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and literary analysis.
Exegesis and Ideological Analysis
A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and ideological analysis.
Liturgy of the Hours
A PowerPoint presentation on the Liturgy of the Hours, from “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”
Levels of Authority in Church Teaching
A PowerPoint presentation on the levels of authority in Church teaching.
The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace: Part 1
A PowerPoint presentation on the Sacrament of pardon and peace.
What's in a Name? The Dynamism of the Eucharist
A PowerPoint presentation on the dynamism of the Eucharist.
Respecting Human Life and Dignity
A PowerPoint presentation on respecting human life and dignity.
Rain Forest Destruction
A PowerPoint presentation on the destruction of the rain forest.
Creating a Just Society
A PowerPoint presentation on creating a just society including an awareness of sin, the structures of sin, the circle of social action, and media literacy.
The Social Doctrine of the Church: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Doctrine of the Church: The USCCB
The Social Doctrine of the Church: Papal Social Teachings
A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Doctrine of the Church: Papal Social Teachings.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
A PowerPoint presentation on the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Water Symbols
A PowerPoint presentation on water symbols that are used in the Sacraments.
Social Teaching in the New Testament
A PowerPoint presentation on Social Teaching in the New Testament.
Social Teaching in the Old Testament
A PowerPoint presentation on Social Teaching in the Old Testament.
The Social Dimension of the Paschal Mystery
A PowerPoint presentation on the social dimension of the Paschal Mystery.
The Social Justice Principles Found in the Creation Accounts
A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Justice principles that are found in the Creation accounts.
The Seven Catholic Sacraments
A PowerPoint presentation on the Seven Catholic Sacraments.
The Structure of the Liturgy
A PowerPoint presentation on the structure of the Liturgy.
Commitment to the First Commandment
A PowerPoint presentation on commitment to the First Commandment.