
Images of Jesus

The chart below contains several phrases that the textbook uses to describe Jesus. Take a few minutes to study these phrases, and place a check mark to the left of the one or two that most closely match your own …


Greek and Roman Gods Today

Next to the name of each god or goddess in the chart below, jot down any person, place, object, time, program, or product with which you associate the name. You may also note titles of songs or TV programs or …


Koans: Food for Intuition

Read the following Zen koans two or three times. Choose one and answer or explain it.


The Riddler

Working alone or with classmates, identify what is being described in each of the following riddles.


Who Is the Sage?

In each pair of situations below, one of the people described resembles the ideal of the Taoist sage, the person who lives in accord with Tao and practices the virtue wu-wei. Read each pair of situations and circle the letter …


Chinese Calligraphy

Calligraphy is one of the cultural arts that was pursued in the process of becoming a chun-tzu. Try your hand at reproducing the Chinese characters below, drawing your versions in the space provided to the right of the characters. The …


Developments after the Second Vatican Council

A list of developments made after the Second Vatican Council that can be cut out.


Vocabulary for Unit 8

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 8 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include Body of Christ, catechists, Catholic Action, collegiality, concordat, exegesis, fascism, Gregorian chant, Marks of the Church, Marxist, new evangelization, pastoral, and …


List of Key Terms and People

A list of key terms and people that can be cut out.


The Church in the Third Millennium

An excerpt from The Catholic Church: A Brief Popular History, by Cynthia Stewart that discusses background on the Church in the Third Millennium.


Social Justice Organizations

A list of social justice organizations that can be cut out.


Vocabulary for Unit 7

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 7 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include capitalism, communism, deterrence, social doctrine, social encyclical, socialism, and subsidiarity.


Vocabulary for Unit 6

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 6 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. Defined words include deism, dogma, empiricism, ex cathedra, fideism, pantheism, rationalism, and Reign of Terror.


Strengthening the Papacy: Vatican I

A book excerpt from The Catholic Church: A Brief Popular History by Cynthia Stewart about strengthening the papacy during Vatican I.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 5 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The words that are defined are Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, conquistadors, and enculturation.


Vocabulary for Unit 4

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 4 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The defined words include Apocrypha, College of Cardinals, deuterocanonical, grace, humanism, justification, merit, predestination, and theocracy.


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 of Church History: Apostolic Times to Today. The words defined are chancel, conciliar movement, Divine Office, friars, Great Western Schism, indulgence, Medieval Inquisition, mendicants, mystic, nave, scholasticism, and Spanish Inquisition.


Belief and Violence: The Crusades

A reading about the Crusades.


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 1 including apologist, Apostle, Apostolic Succession, bishop, charism, Christian, college of bishops, covenant, deacon, Deposit of Faith, Edict of Milan, emperor, Eucharist, Church Fathers, Magisterium, martyrdom, Messiah, New Covenant, persecution, presbyter, priest, providence …


Chapter 39 Activities

Activities for Chapter 39 The Lord’s Prayer: Human Need including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 38 Activities

Activities for Chapter 38 The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Glory including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 37 Activities

Activities for Chapter 37 Praying Together including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 36 Activities

Activities for Chapter 36 Praying with Scripture including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 35 Activities

Activities for Chapter 35 Personal Prayer including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 34 Activities

Activities for Chapter 34 The Forms of Prayer including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 33 Activities

Activities for Chapter 33 Introduction to Prayer including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 32 Activities

Activities for Chapter 32 The Moral Life including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 31 Activities

Activities for Chapter 31 Respecting Truth including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 30 Activities

Activities for Chapter 30 Respecting Material Goods including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 29 Activities

Activities for Chapter 29 Respecting Sexuality including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 28 Activities

Activities for Chapter 28 Respecting Life including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 27 Activities

Activities for Chapter 27 Honoring Family including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 26 Activities

Activities for Chapter 26 Honoring God including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 25 Activities

Activities for Chapter 25 Sources of Moral Truth including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 24 Activities

Activities for Chapter 24 Social Justice including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 23 Activities

Activities for Chapter 23 Introduction to Christian Morality including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 22 Activities

Activities for Chapter 22 Sacraments at the Service of Communion including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 21 Activities

Activities for Chapter 21 Sacraments of Healing including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 20 Activities

Activities for Chapter 20 The Eucharist, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 19 Activities

Activities for Chapter 19 Confirmation, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 18 Activities

Activities for Chapter 18 Baptism, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 17 Activities

Activities for Chapter 17 Introduction to the Sacraments, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 16 Activities

Activities for Chapter 16 Introduction to the Liturgy, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 15 Activities

Activities for Chapter 15 The Last Things, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 14 Activities

Activities for Chapter 14 The Organization of the Catholic Church, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 13 Activities

Activities for Chapter 13 The Mission of the Catholic Church, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 12 Activities

Activities for Chapter 12 The Holy Spirit, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 11 Activities

Activities for Chapter 11 Jesus’ Resurrection, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 10 Activities

Activities for Chapter 10 Jesus’ Death, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 9 Activities

Activities for Chapter 9 Jesus’ Message and Mission, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 8 Activities

Activities for Chapter 8 Jesus Christ: True God and True Man, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 7 Activities

Activities for Chapter 7 The Promise of a Messiah, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 5 Activities

Activities for Chapter 5 God Our Father, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 4 Activities

Activities for Chapter 4 Faith, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 3 Activities

Activities for Chapter 3 The Bible’s Big Picture, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 2 Activities

Activities for Chapter 2 Knowing God: Reason and Revelation, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Chapter 1 Activities

Activities for Chapter 1: Being Catholic, including a core activity, core activity extension, and additional activities.


Handout: A People a Body a Temple

Scripture verses about the Church as the people of God, the body of Christ, and temple of the Spirit.


Handout: Gifts of the Spirit

Scripture verses where the gifts of the spirit are mentioned.


Handout: Images of the Holy Spirit in Scripture

Scripture verses where the Holy Spirit appears in in different forms.


Handout: Statements from the Apostles Creed

Statements from the Apostles Creed, which can be cut out.


Body Meditation

A guided meditation about body image.


Key Concepts Underlying Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic social justice teachings are based on some key concepts. By applying these concepts to different social issues, the Church makes judgments about the correct direction to follow. In this lesson we look briefly at the following four key concepts, …


Commitment Card

Knowing that God is calling me into a vocation of service, I commit to . . . • spending one minute each day in silence, to listen to God’s voice calling to me • remaining open to whatever vocation God …


Building the Table of the Lord

Descriptions of the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life, thanksgiving, memorial sacrifice, and the presence of Christ.


Fourteen Effects of Baptism

A list of the fourteen effects of Baptism.


The Holy Trinity

Descriptions of each person of the trinity.


Images of the Holy Spirit in Scripture

Scripture verses that talk about the Holy Spirit.


Phillip's Story

The story of Phillip, an eight-year-old boy with down syndrome.


A Week That Shook the World

The events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion.


Beliefs Practices and Attitudes

The beliefs, practices, and attitudes of the Catholic faith.


Jesus’ Teachings about How to Live

Bible verses that are able to be cut out.


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 3 that defines the terms bishop, Body of Christ, Catholic Church, charism, Communion of Saints, consecrated life, diocese, doctrine, Final Judgment, fruits of the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, laity, Marks …


Some Prophecies of Hope

Scripture verses that are able to be cut out.


Vocabulary for Unit 2

A list of vocabulary words for Unit 2 including Annunciation, Blessed Trinity, church, Creation, creed, disciple, ecumenism, evangelist, faith, Gospel, Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Messiah, ministry, Original Sin, parable, Paschal Mystery, salvation, stewardship, and Theotokos.


Aquinas’s Five Proofs for the Existence of God

The Summa Theologica is a famous work written by Saint Thomas Aquinas between AD 1265 and 1274. It is divided into three main parts and presents reasoning for almost all core Christian beliefs. The Summa Theologica is well known for …


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A list of vocabulary words for unit one, defines the terms Bible, biblical inspiration, canon, covenant, Deposit of Faith, Divine Revelation, Ecumenical Council, Gospel, inerrancy, Israelites, Law, Magisterium, natural revelation, New Testament, Old Testament, Parousia, reason, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, …


"The Fingerprints of God" Reflection Questions

A set of reflection questions on the song, “The Fingerprints of God” by Steven Curtis Chapman.


Ignatian Discernment of Spirits

An article that breaks down the differences between good and evil spirits.


Vocabulary for Unit 8

A list of vocabulary words for unit 8 on discerning God’s will.


Being versus Doing

A scripture passage from the Gospel of Luke about Martha and Mary is read along with a commentary, and is followed by large group discussion questions.


Vocabulary for Unit 7

A vocabulary list for unit 7 defining terms associated with consecrated life.


What Do Sisters Do?

An article that discusses the roles and responsibilities of religious sisters.


“To Brother”: A Personal Story

An article written by Br. Armand Alcazar FSC, who discusses his view of his vocation as a verb, “to brother”, or “brothering” in teaching and community life.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A vocabulary list with terms mostly associated with ordained ministry within the Catholic Church.


Final Performance Task Options for Unit 5

This assessment presents the final performance task options for unit 5 focusing on the priesthood. The options include interviewing a priest, or “adopting” a missionary priest project.


Vocabulary for Unit 3

A list of vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 3 of 'Vocations: Answering God's Call' from the Living in Christ series.


Vocabulary for Unit 2

Several vocabulary terms, and their definitions, for Unit 2.


A Preassessment of My Knowledge of the Meaning of Christian Vocation

A number of preassessment questions on the meaning of a Christian vocation.


Researching the Role of the Magisterium

Several strips of paper that may come in handy when researching the role of the Magisterium.


Where Does the Church Say…?

A chart outlining different types of Church documents, the author and audience of each particular document, and what’s in each document.


Partner Mix-and-Match

An activity where students work with a partner to complete Scripture passages.


Resurrection Passages

Several Resurrection passages from Scripture.


Passion Passages

Scripture passages from all four Gospels on the Passion of Jesus Christ.


Including Scripture in Your Prayer Life

A number of ways that students can incorporate Scripture in their prayer lives over a seven day time-span.


Scripture Passages on Morality

A collection of Scripture passages focused on morality.


Praying with Scripture The Magnificat

Praying with Scripture, using The Magnificat, from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Teacher Guide.


Praying with Scripture A Guided Meditation

A guided meditation on praying with scripture from "The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Meditation on a Goal or Concern

A meditation on a goal or concern from "The Catholic Connections Handbook for Youth" Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 5

A list of vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 5 of The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition.


Vocabulary for Unit 4

A list of vocabulary terms and definitions from Unit 4 of The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition.


Learning about Learning

A student review of the process of learning unit material.


Catholic Social Teaching Themes

A list of Catholic Social Teaching themes that can be used in conjunction with a homework assignment, from Section 5 Part 3 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


The Lord's Prayer

An activity on the Lord’s Prayer, from section 5 Part 2 of Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.


Prayers of Praise

A homework assignment where students can use a template to create their own prayers of praise, from Section 5 Part 2 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Applying Jesus' Teachings from the Sermon on the Mount

A listing of Scripture verses to use with the homework assignment on applying Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, from Section 4 Part 4 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Telling a Story of Baptism

A homework assignment on telling a story of Baptism, from Section 4 Part 3 of “Jesus Christ: God’s Love Made Visible.”


Priests and Levites

A book excerpt on priests and Levites.


Vocabulary for Unit 8 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 8 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Vocabulary for Unit 7 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 7 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Vocabulary for Unit 6 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 6 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Vocabulary for Unit 5 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 5 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Vocabulary for Unit 4 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 4 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Preassessment Learning Experience on the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

A preassessment activity where students decipher between events in the Gospel of Matthew and events in the Gospel of Luke.


Sustained Silent Reading Log Instructions

Instructions for students’ sustained silent reading logs.


Vocabulary for Unit 3 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 3 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


New Testament Timeline

A cut and arrange timeline activity for the New Testament.


Sustained Silent Reading

An article on how to use sustained silent reading as an effective tool in the classroom.


Vocabulary for Unit 2 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 2 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


The Gettysburg Address

A copy of the Gettysburg Address.


Preassessment Pair Activity

A preassessment activity where students work in pairs to match definitions and vocabulary words.


How to Teach Biblical Research

An article on how to teach students to conduct biblical research.


Sunday Gospel Readings

A listing of several Gospel readings for different Sundays throughout the year.


Old Testament History: Major Time Periods

A list of major time periods in Old Testament history.


Old and New Testament Passages

A chart showing the similarities between Scripture passages in the Old Testament and Scripture passages in the New Testament.


Vocabulary for Unit 1 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ”

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 1 of “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Writing Workshop

How to conduct a writing workshop in the classroom.


Paired Verbal Fluency

How to conduct a paired verbal fluency exercise in the classroom.


Informal Assessments

A reading on methods of informal assessment.


Learning Stations on Revelation

Learning stations for the Book of Revelation.


Vocabulary for Unit 8 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 8 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 7 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 7 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 6 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 6 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 5 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 5 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Journaling on Discipleship

Several question prompts on discipleship that students can use when journaling.


Vocabulary for Unit 4 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 4 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 3 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 3 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 2 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 2 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 1 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 1 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” New Testament Teacher Guide.


Learning about Learning

A review of students’ understanding of unit material. Students rate their knowledge of the material on a scale and provide written feedback about their learning experience.


Rubric for an Oral Presentation

An evaluation rubric for an oral presentation.


Vocabulary for Unit 8 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 8 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 7 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 7 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 6 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 6 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 5 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 5 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 4 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 4 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Moses Stations

An activity where students are asked to visit each “Moses Station” based on an Old Testament Scripture passage. Students are then asked to give a brief summary of the passage, list the individuals involved, make a connection to a Scriptural …


Vocabulary for Unit 3 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

Vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 3 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


JEDP Reading for Perspective, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

An activity dealing with different perspectives of the same event, from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 2 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide

A sheet of vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 2 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Vocabulary for Unit 1 of “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.

A sheet of vocabulary terms and definitions from “The Catholic Youth Bible” Old Testament Teacher Guide.


Learning about Learning

A review of students’ understanding of unit material and their learning experiences. This review consists of several questions and encourages additional written feedback from students.


Rubric for an Oral Presentation

A suggested grading rubric for an oral presentation.


Vocabulary for Unit 8 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”

A list of several vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 8 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”


Scriptural Background for the Sacraments of Healing

Several Scripture passages that act as Scriptural background for the Sacraments of healing.


Vocabulary for Unit 7 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”

A list of vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 7 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”


The Eucharist A Sacrificial Offering and Transformational Event

Nine questions pertaining to the Eucharist that can be cut apart and used as study aids.


All Are One in Christ Jesus

Several Scripture passages that show that all are one in Christ Jesus.


Vocabulary for Unit 6

Several vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 6 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”


Vocabulary for Unit 5 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”

A list of vocabulary terms and definitions for Unit 5 of “The Sacraments: Encounters with Christ.”


Writing a Script for a Guided Imagery Meditation

A handout that describes how to write a script for guided imagery meditation, and why students enjoy participating in this type of meditation.


Case Studies: Attitudes of the Heart

Several different scenarios are listed where negative feelings are displayed, and the question “how can you change the attitude of your heart?” is posed.


Principles of Catholic Social Teaching for Business Ethics

An article on the principles of Catholic social teaching for business ethics.


Teaching Individuals with Differing Abilities

A reading on teaching and talking to students about differing abilities, along with several reinforcing activity ideas.


Vocabulary for Unit 6 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A list of vocabulary terms for Unit 6 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Expert Groups

A reading on how expert groups are a valuable classroom instructional strategy that helps to build student confidence, class collaboration, and expertise in chosen topics.


Create a Club

A helpful guide for creating a club, either in school or in the community.


Planet Partner Survey

A self-assessment survey on how well students are stewards of creation.


Using Graphic Organizers

A reading on how to use graphic organizers as learning tools to deepen understanding.


Creating a Quick Assessment

A reading on creating a quick assessment with Clickers.


Audits: Point of Inquiry

This document explains the educational benefits of an audit, instructions on how to assign an audit, and an example of an audit handout.


Preassessment exercise for Unit 2 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”

A preassessment exercise for Unit 2 of “Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society.”


Student Evaluation of the Socratic Seminar

A student evaluation form for the Socratic seminar.


Red Card Green Card Process

The red card, green card process enables you to take a quick agree-or-disagree opinion poll to initiate discussion on a particular unit topic.


Calling Society to Justice Web Quest

A Web Quest dealing with calling society to justice, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to Gods Love."


Viewing and Discussion Guide for The Mission

A viewing and discussion guide for the film "The Mission", from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Context of Roland Joffes Film The Mission

The context of Roland Joffes film, "The Mission," from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


WebQuest Searching for Signs of Social Sin

A WebQuest on searching for signs of social sin, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Ignatius of Loyola and the Gift of Freedom

A reading on Saint Ignatius of Loyola and the Gift of Freedom, from "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Vocabulary for Unit 1

A vocabulary list for Unit 1 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Rubric for Final Performace Tasks for Unit 1

A rubric for Final Performance Tasks for Unit 1 of "Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love."


Ordinary Discipleship and Matthew, Chapter 25

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. It focuses on Matthew 25, highlighting the works of mercy Jesus' speaks of, asking students to reflect on the skills need for each type of ministry and discipleship.


Agree/Disagree Preassessment Exercise: The Church

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students may 'agree' or 'disagree' with various statements about the Church as a way to preassess the class.


The Fishbowl Method

This article is part of the Living in Christ Series. Teachers may use it as a guide for a Fishbowl discussion technique.


Signs of the Domestic Church

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can identify various items that might be found in the "Domestic Church" - that is, the Christian home and family.


Who, What, When, Where, How, - in the Local Diocese

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to familiarize themselves various places and people in their diocese and archdiocese.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

This worksheet is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can learn about the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and use their own words to describe what each gift is.


An Examination of Conscience

This resource is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers great reflection questions for going through an examination of conscience, dividing the questions into those referring to love of God, and those referring to love of neighbor. This …


The Top Ten Things

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students are asked to write down 10 things they know about the Catholic Church.


What the Incarnation Is and Is Not - PowerPoint

This PowerPoint is part of the Living in Christ Series. It offers a number of statements about common ideas or misconceptions about the Incarnation. Students can answer 'true' or 'false', following which, the teacher or catechist can explain the correct answer.


Sharing in the Ministry of Jesus: Priest, Prophet, and King

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Groups of students can answer questions about Jesus as Priest, Prophet or King and reflect on models and characteristics of these distinct but related ministries.


Taize Prayer

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can work in groups to prepare various aspects of a Taize prayer service.


The Interview

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can use it to prepare for their assignment to interview a brother or sister in the monastic life.


Prayers of Praise

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can fill in the spaces with personal prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God.


Prayers of Petition

This handout is part of the Living in Christ Series. It gives students spaces to write their own intentions and petitions as a prayer activity.


Praying with and for the Suffering Body of Christ

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can research, present on, and pray for various countries in need.


Music and Liturgy

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can reflect on various songs and pieces of music in the liturgy to come to a greater understanding.


Partner Mix and Match

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students must match various scripture passages whose beginning and end are on separate sheets.


Reflections on Suffering

This activity is part of the Living in Christ Series. Students can reflect on their experiences of and response to suffering through this series of though-provoking questions.

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